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That’s Not Fair


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Did I hear someone complaining, that’s not fair?

How would you like for God to deal with you in a fair manner?

Ps 103:10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

Remember, if God dealt with you fairly both mercy & grace would be thrown out.

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Did I hear someone complaining, that’s not fair?

How would you like for God to deal with you in a fair manner?

Ps 103:10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

Remember, if God dealt with you fairly both mercy & grace would be thrown out.

There was a poem entitled It’s not fair.

I wish I could remember it.
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In my studying this afternoon this was one of the main verses!

If we look at it the other way, it's "not fair" that God has blessed us so richly! We certainly don't deserve all the good things in our lives but we aren't going to say God isn't fair for blessing us with them!

As we are reminded several times in the New Testament, we are to be content with what we have. If we say we deserve a bigger house, a newer car, more money in our bank account, then we are actually saying that God has blessed us with just isn't good enough and He's not being true to His Word to meet our needs!

Wow! We don't really want to be saying that now do we? The fact is, whatever God blesses us with, no matter how little or how abundant, it's far more than we deserve.

Praise God for His mercy and grace, and all the blessings that flow from them!

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I'm glad that God has not been fair with me. I feel like the most blessed man in the world because He's been merciful and gracious to me instead of being fair.


What we deserve is hell. Edited by Invicta
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Mt 19:30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

Isn't it a hard pill to sallow, when your 1st in line, yet someone gets in front of you?


My sermon this Sunday will be, "That's Not Fair," & I'm trying to recall a verse, yet perhaps my memory is playing with me.

Is there a verse in the New Testament were Peter wants a special position? Maybe that is a poor way to describe the verse, yet at the moment that is the thought that comes to mind.

I may be thinking of the transfiguration, I read those verses & they don't seem to fit the verse in my poor memory.

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Mt 19:30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

Isn't it a hard pill to sallow, when your 1st in line, yet someone gets in front of you?


My sermon this Sunday will be, "That's Not Fair," & I'm trying to recall a verse, yet perhaps my memory is playing with me.

Is there a verse in the New Testament were Peter wants a special position? Maybe that is a poor way to describe the verse, yet at the moment that is the thought that comes to mind.

I may be thinking of the transfiguration, I read those verses & they don't seem to fit the verse in my poor memory.

The Sons of Thunder, James and John, wanted to be seated at Jesus' right and left hands.
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Mt 19:30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

Isn't it a hard pill to sallow, when your 1st in line, yet someone gets in front of you?


My sermon this Sunday will be, "That's Not Fair," & I'm trying to recall a verse, yet perhaps my memory is playing with me.

Is there a verse in the New Testament were Peter wants a special position? Maybe that is a poor way to describe the verse, yet at the moment that is the thought that comes to mind.

I may be thinking of the transfiguration, I read those verses & they don't seem to fit the verse in my poor memory.

Maybe use Matthew 20 where Jesus told the parable of the workers sent to the vineyard. Those who only worked an hour were paid the same wage as those who had worked the whole day. They definitely didn't think it was fair.

Just an idea.
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The Sons of Thunder, James and John, wanted to be seated at Jesus' right and left hands.

Thanks you John, I believe your referring to Mark 10:37. And I believe that's the verse I had in my mind.

Thanks you John, I believe that was what I was thinking of, in Mark 10:37.

Maybe use Matthew 20 where Jesus told the parable of the workers sent to the vineyard. Those who only worked an hour were paid the same wage as those who had worked the whole day. They definitely didn't think it was fair.

Just an idea.

Amen PreacherE, those verses fit in quite well.

This is the 1st time I have replied to multiple post, I think its turning out right!
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I just finished reading Leviticus and no matter how many times I read it I still thank God for such mercy He has upon us. When you read about the things that He sees as an abomination and cause for instant death that are normal in the world today one cannot help, but think just that God's wrath will be severe and how blessed that we who are saved are.

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