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13.jpg October 27, 2011


Joe Darger and his three wives, Alina, Vicki and Valeri, are not seeking the right to marry, like same-sex couples in states throughout the country. The Utah foursome simply wants their polygamous marriage to be decriminalized.

Darger and his wives said they are "independent fundamentalist Mormons" and that polygamy is accepted practice in their faith. As such, said husband Joe, polygamy "goes back five generations" in his family lineage.

Joe Darger is legally wed to Alina. By also taking Vicki and Valeri as his wives, unlawfully, he is subject to arrest on a felony count.

If their four-way marriage does not invite enough scrutiny, there is also the matter of their family size. Altogether, the Dargers have 24 children, which they financially support, said husband Joe, by an unspecified family business.

In the mainstream Mormon faith practiced by such prominent adherents as Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman, polygamy is punished by excommunication from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Unfortunately for mainstream Mormons, their faith is often confused with that of independent fundamentalist Mormons, like the Dargers, who do indeed engage in modern day polygamy.

That confusion could grow even more pronounced with an increasing number of states no longer restricting marriage to one man and one woman.

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Our society has been plagued with divorce and remarriage for some time........

Matthew 24:37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Even God's people tend to follow the world's practices. and we're in the "last days.......as in the days of Noah" so it wouldn't surprise me at all.

Genesis6: 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

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I'm not sure how all that relates or how it proves were are in the last days.

It does seem clear, especially since American law is now so heavily precedence based, that once any redefinition of marriage is a granted legal status it will be only a matter of time before virtually all forms of "marriage" will be acceptable and then legal.

Polygamy, child/adult, human/animal, etc., will all be deemed acceptable and legal at some point.

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I have to admit. Did Jesus himself even forsee how bad things would get on earth?I'm talking about when he was on earth. It seems to be that not everything was revealed to him (ex. when he would return). In Matthew 24:37 was he including gay marriage when he was talking about marriage in that verse? I doubt it. Now they are working on somehow mixing the eggs of two women so they can bypass the male altogether so lesbians and feminists (which basically has infected just about every last woman in America and Europe including Christian women) can have children. Of course, when this is done only female babies will result from the procedure. Western civilization is definitely trying to turn everything upside down and get rid of the traditional family, get rid of the father and husband, put the kids in charge and even try to get rid of the male altogether. Science is now teaching that the male is a mutation that will die off eventually. If you think of all this weirdness going on now a lot of it stems directly from the teaching of evolution.

I expect that eventually the POTUS will be a black lesbian woman who is a Muslim that speaks Spanish who is considering having a transgender operation. And if you disagree or object to this on any grounds you will be ostracized as a hatemongering, bigoted, homophobic, mysonginistic, racist, uneducated, evil individual who is more wicked than Hitler himself and should have his family taken away from him. And maybe Christians will agree with this.

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Biblically speaking, homosexuality is worse than polygamy. The Bible speaks of homosexuality being an "abomination" but polygamy was common (albeit not smiled upon) throughout the Bible, particularly the Old Testament.

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Biblically speaking, homosexuality is worse than polygamy. The Bible speaks of homosexuality being an "abomination" but polygamy was common (albeit not smiled upon) throughout the Bible, particularly the Old Testament.

That's true. The point being that once the abomination of sodomy has become accepted as legal and normal, virtually all forms of perversion will become accepted as they have in other similar situations, such as Greece, Rome, etc.

The majority of pedophiles are sodomites. How long before homosexuals turn their "marriage" victory into bringing about the acceptance of man/boy "love" and then marriage? The stage is already set with groups working towards this end, with a growing number of psychologists promoting the "good" that can come from conscenting adult/child relations.

There have been attempts to legalize marriage between humans and animals too.

In any event, yes homosexuality is an abomination but once that's accepted, eventually it becomes a virtual free for all of sexual perversion in the land.
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TV reality shows like "Sister Wives" will help normalize polygany (the actual term for having more than one wife - polygamy meaning multiple spouses. It's kind of the umbrella word. Polyamory is multiple, mutually consenting partners, and polyandry is multiple husbands.). And I think wilch is spot-on here:

And if you disagree or object to this on any grounds you will be ostracized as a hatemongering, bigoted, homophobic, mysonginistic, racist, uneducated, evil individual who is more wicked than Hitler himself and should have his family taken away from him. And maybe Christians will agree with this.

I think if same-sex "marriage" (I put it in quotes, because we can call it that if we want, but that's not truly marriage) will open many flood gates. The one that I think will be directly a result is pedophilia. With our society being inured to divorce and remarriage (serial polygamy), polyganous marriages will seem more normal than same-sex. Christians have by and large accepted divorce and remarriage and so will be more prone to accept polygany than they are same-sex. But, if the legitimization of polygany doesn't come first, I believe it will come shortly thereafter. After all, we are going backward in many ways in our "civilization."
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There are already a number of churches which accept homosexuality as normal; Episcopal, Methodist, etc. If they are willing to accept that which is clearly unbiblical, how much more will they embrace those things like multiple wives? How long before these "mainstream" Christian churches accept this across the board and the Mormon church receives another special message from somewhere telling them it's time to have multiple wives again? Many within Islam already agree with this and are ready to practice such in America too.

The sexual perversions most Americans once called sin and disgusting will become the norm. Just how separated and protective will we have to become in order to protect our children and grandchildren under such conditions!?

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There are already a number of churches which accept homosexuality as normal; Episcopal, Methodist, etc. If they are willing to accept that which is clearly unbiblical, how much more will they embrace those things like multiple wives? How long before these "mainstream" Christian churches accept this across the board and the Mormon church receives another special message from somewhere telling them it's time to have multiple wives again? Many within Islam already agree with this and are ready to practice such in America too.

The sexual perversions most Americans once called sin and disgusting will become the norm. Just how separated and protective will we have to become in order to protect our children and grandchildren under such conditions!?

These are the evidences that we're living in the end-times, these are the days of the Laodicean church.

Sending children to Government (public) schools is a form of child abuse. All of the "kids" and "family" channels on cable television promote sodomy and other immoral behaviors and promote the secular humanist mindset at one level or another. Secular music, even CCM music is even more destructive then the garbage on television.
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These are the evidences that we're living in the end-times, these are the days of the Laodicean church.

Sending children to Government (public) schools is a form of child abuse. All of the "kids" and "family" channels on cable television promote sodomy and other immoral behaviors and promote the secular humanist mindset at one level or another. Secular music, even CCM music is even more destructive then the garbage on television.

By you ain't just whistlin' Dixie! Recently I had the misfortune to spend some time near a TV and decided to see what's on the channels for children and youth today. WOW!!! I was literally shocked at what they had on ABC Family, Teen Nick, the other Nick channels, the Cartoon Network, some country music video channel, and a couple other channels I surfed across I don't recall the names of.

On the children and family channels there was all sorts of immodest dress, talk of pre-teens dating and doing "dating things", shows with open and accepted homosexuals of both sexes, program after program featuring uncool, stupid parents, or the occasional parent or guardian who is "good" because they act like the kids and let the kids to what they want. Horrible language, sexual jokes, disrespect for parents and all in authority. The commercials were just as bad!

The couple of country music videos I saw might as well have been a regular rock or rap video. There were scantilly clad women dancing in that sexual hip-hop/rap style with rock and roll guitar. I'm really not sure how those videos were country, but I couldn't watch them, I flipped channels, surfed back over again only to see more of the same sort so never went back.

To think so many folks around here think we are mean for not having a lot of channels in our house and for limiting exactly what is allowed to be watched, when and how much.

We got a similar reaction when we began homeschooling way back when.
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