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You seem quite happy to ignore the proof I offered. You see, it seems to me that some folk are simply offended that a black man became President. Since the beginning of his time in office they have attempted to smear him in various ways and they are extremely happy to ignore information that doesn't confirm their world view. But let me just make one further comment. As there is no religious test for the holding of public office in the US why would it be a problem to have a Muslim in Power in any case?

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This has nothing to do with racism. I personally don't care what the color of a person in office is as long as they 1) meet the requirements of the office (which Obama does not if he was not born on American soil) and 2) will lead the country in a godly manner (which his policies certainly are not doing).
If you're looking for racism, have you heard his ex-pastor talk? I watched a speech (sermon?) of his on TV once in which he essentially said that black kids can't learn the same way as white kids because their slave ancestors told stories instead of writing things down - so their brains work differently. :icon_confused: He was being racist against his own people. And Obama is half white anyways. (Why does everyone seem to ignore that fact?)

The problem with having a Muslim in office is not that they are not permitted to hold the office, but in the danger that persons holding their worldview may pose to the future freedom, religious and otherwise, of your country. Take a look at the current Muslim-led countries of this world - what about that Iranian pastor who is on death row RIGHT NOW for daring to have converted to Christianity & teaching others so. Take a look at what is happening in France, England, and Holland with the Muslim majority 'no-go' zones where the laws of the country are disregarded, Sharia law is in effect, and non-Muslims must conform or face physical danger. Is that what you want to see for your children & grandchildren? These are not isolated anomalies. They are the natural result of the Islamic worldview. Avoiding Muslim leadership & rule is simple self-preservation of liberty.

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You seem quite happy to ignore the proof I offered. You see, it seems to me that some folk are simply offended that a black man became President.

You got me. Seeing how a half black president offends me, I am voting for a full black man (Herman Cain) in the primaries. I'm hoping you realize how silly that comment above makes you look.

BTW: Look at the A (Gasp) black man is crushing all the white candidates. By looking at the facts here, it is not about the color of a skin, but rather the beliefs of the man.
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You got me. Seeing how a half black president offends me, I am voting for a full black man (Herman Cain) in the primaries. I'm hoping you realize how silly that comment above makes you look.

BTW: Look at the A (Gasp) black man is crushing all the white candidates. By looking at the facts here, it is not about the color of a skin, but rather the beliefs of the man.

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You got me. Seeing how a half black president offends me, I am voting for a full black man (Herman Cain) in the primaries. I'm hoping you realize how silly that comment above makes you look.

BTW: Look at the A (Gasp) black man is crushing all the white candidates. By looking at the facts here, it is not about the color of a skin, but rather the beliefs of the man.

So true, but even supports of Mr. Obama will try to bring in the race card for they know well that in the past it has worked quite well.
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When and where did the President mock the Bible?

You want proof? Go to youtube and in the search pane type in "obama mocks bible" and watch and listen yourself.

Obama was born a Mahammaden but is a third generation red-diaper baby. President Obama is a communist first, then considers himself a Mahammaden. He does not believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is therefore not a Christian despite his claims.

One cannot be a socialist and a Christian saved by grace through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
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You want proof? Go to youtube and in the search pane type in "obama mocks bible" and watch and listen yourself.

Obama was born a Mahammaden but is a third generation red-diaper baby. President Obama is a communist first, then considers himself a Mahammaden. He does not believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is therefore not a Christian despite his claims.

One cannot be a socialist and a Christian saved by grace through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

In NZ we call the above kind of post heiferdust.
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