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Doesn't ever professing Muslim that believes the Koran is their holy book that teaches them how to follow their god have the potential to be what is called a good Muslim by the Muslim community? And what our politicians call radical Muslims, terrorist.

Would you mind rephrasing this? I do not understand what you've written or the point you're trying to make.

Is there a link to President Reagans clear testimony? I've not been able to find this.

Check out the book, God and Ronald Reagan by Dr. Paul Kengor. I believe President Reagan talked about his testimony in his autobiography too. Despite his ecumenism, Reagan is home with the Lord today.
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In Dubya's own words? Could you quote them, John? I've read more than one book he's written where he talks about his salvation...in his own word. I'm not saying that he is saved - as Jerry8 said, Jesus will judge. But he gives a clear statement. As to his appointing the most homosexuals in office than other POTUS, I'm going to ask for stats on that, too. And not just Chuck Baldwin's assertion, either. Dubya did, unfortunately, become the first GOP POTUS to appoint a homosexual. He carried over one that Clinton had appointed as well (I know Clinton appointed more than that...). The dubious title of most pro-homosexual POTUS goes to BO, though - he has appointed more than any other POTUS...and he's only in year 3.

Ronald Reagan gave a clear profession of faith...and if he wasn't saved, it's awful odd that he would lead his son Michael to the Lord, and impress on Michael his love for the Lord to the point where Michael still talks about it today. No, neither of them are(were) IFB - but neither was my grandpa, who was actually a charismatic preacher. By the end of his life, though, I'm sure he was saved (details too long to go into, but he was).

Reagan, remember, lived the life of an actor. And that will affect anyone. There are Christians in Hollywood now (why they don't leave, I don't know...but Lot didn't want to leave, either - the world can get a stranglehold on anyone!), even if they aren't IFB (I know one personally - grew up with her, in fact). He married a woman who has never claimed to be saved, and who was a great influence on the two children they had together. And those two children became pretty poorly adjusted adults (Michael has really raked his brother over the coals, not caring what people might think). Sad.

The problem is they (RR and Dubya) were not discipled by biblicists, and so there was (is) much they do not know nor do they follow. But, really, citing anger as proof that someone doesn't follow the Bible would eliminate a vast number of IFB preachers I could name whom I know (or knew) personally...

Am I trying to say they were always right? Nope. Neither are (were) their wives. Unfortunately, they likely have fallen into the same trap that many even in the IFB movement have: wives not truly submitting, husbands not truly leading.

Both RR and Dubya have been charged with statements that "they didn't do" this or that while POTUS...even when it isn't within the realm of the POTUS to do the things they were accused of not doing (Dubya was excoriated for not being more anti-abortion...and yet he appointed Scalia and Roberts to the bench...both of whom would vote Roe v Wade down if it came back before the court). Something so many do not realize is that the POTUS' hands are tied in many ways. And that is as it should be. Their appointments need to be looked at closely, and constituents need to really let their congressmen know that they do or don't like the appointments in order for Congress to vote up or down on them (of course, with the practice of czar appointing that Dubya did, and BO has continued [as have other POTUS'], it is difficult to get congressional action on picks).

But there is no doubt in my mind that BO is not saved.

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The problem is they (RR and Dubya) were not discipled by biblicists, and so there was (is) much they do not know nor do they follow.

But there is no doubt in my mind that BO is not saved.

Excellent post Mrs. DePriest. I would add that President Reagan's mother Nell was zealous for the Lord. Maybe a little too zealous as she would sometimes teach Sunday School and preach in the pulpit when the preacher was sick or absent! One cannot watch President Reagan on television or read his numerous letters and not know that he was a devoted Christian man.

President Bush on the other hand had a more secular and worldly upbringing. His autobiography is on my reading pile but I suspect that his biblical teachings were much more shallow and liberal coming from those harlot churches.

President Obama is not saved, not yet anyway, as he's a universalist among other things.
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Would you mind rephrasing this? I do not understand what you've written or the point you're trying to make.

Check out the book, God and Ronald Reagan by Dr. Paul Kengor. I believe President Reagan talked about his testimony in his autobiography too. Despite his ecumenism, Reagan is home with the Lord today.

Would you mind rephrasing this? I do not understand what you've written or the point you're trying to make.

Check out the book, God and Ronald Reagan by Dr. Paul Kengor. I believe President Reagan talked about his testimony in his autobiography too. Despite his ecumenism, Reagan is home with the Lord today.

Let me phrase it this way, would not even what none Muslims calls a 'good Muslim," if that 'good Muslim believes the Koran is their holy book, and they follow the teachings of the Koran, don't they have the potential to be a radical Muslim?
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Let me phrase it this way, would not even what none Muslims calls a 'good Muslim," if that 'good Muslim believes the Koran is their holy book, and they follow the teachings of the Koran, don't they have the potential to be a radical Muslim?

A "good muslim" to Mohammadens is one who lives by the Koran, treats his wife and daughters worse than a dog and dreams of and may one day plan his martyrdom. I like secular Mohammadens who pay lip service to the Koran and Mohammaden religion but adopt western values and comsume themselves with sports, fine dining, fancy cars, donuts and other material riches.

The Mohammaden cult is not unlike Communism. It seeks to conquer the world and kill all those who do not submit to its will. It is a world wide political movement under disguise as a religion of peace when history has shown it is anything but. It's known around the world as the "Religion of the Sword".

Statism in ANY form is immoral and EVIL!!! Edited by swathdiver
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You know this is really reason why I avoided this boards for months because your misinformed views on Obama and his family, I hate to tell you this but Obama was married into a Christian church, he married a Christian lady, his daughters are baptised and he was sworn in the senate years ago with the family Bible, plus he was sworn in office as president with Lincolns Bible. If you really think George W Bush wasn't friendly to muslims you better look that up as you read this because your decieving yourselves. I am very angry that this muslim talk is still going on and its been debunked several times.
This behavior also results in that I am no longer supporting anything IFB or King James Only because the way you put things, I am changing my beliefs around and I want to say I was going to start posting here however, I think I am going to quit, Your too closed minded about things that is actually happening and ignoring the real issues. Obama being a muslim and him not being born here is less of our worries when we have people dying without food, without a job, without a home to live in and other things. Why can't you all leave Obama alone and worry about more important issues?

I really hate the Christian media for deceiving Christians of thinking Obama is a Muslim and not born here and we are told not to bear false witness upon anyone and not lie about anything about someone.
Take care and I am through posting here just because this is still an issue here

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I hate to tell you this but Obama was married into a Christian church, he married a Christian lady, his daughters are baptised...

Itching ears?

Sadly, you are completely wrong. Obama was born a muslim according to the Muhammaden religion. Second, Obama is not a Christian. He does not believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, he believes that there are many paths to heaven and has stated as such several times. He was never a member of a Christian Church. Trinity United is a church of universalists. Sure they say they love Jesus but they preach a different gospel. Jeremiah Wright was a muslim too, but like Obama he's a Marxist-Leninist first. Don't you know that President Obama is a 3rd generation Red Diaper Baby? Wise up, you've been deceived.

Let's say you're right on all counts about President Obama shall we? Now as a born-again Christian, how do you and Obama reconcile your faith in Jesus Christ with Infanticide? How does a child of God think it's OK to kill those least able to defend themselves, the unborn child in her mother's womb? Barack Hussein Obama is the only American politician in our nation's history with a 100% voting record in favor of Infanticide. He voted 3 times in favor of refusing medical care to a child who survived an abortion. Because of that heinous act, children were left to die in darkened janitor's closets when the means to save them were in the next room. These children were left to die because of one man's vote, Barack Hussein Obama. I cannot imagine in my wretched mind a more heinous form of murder. Shame on you lady. Edited by swathdiver
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You know this is really reason why I avoided this boards for months because your misinformed views on Obama and his family, I hate to tell you this but Obama was married into a Christian church, he married a Christian lady, his daughters are baptised and he was sworn in the senate years ago with the family Bible, plus he was sworn in office as president with Lincolns Bible. If you really think George W Bush wasn't friendly to muslims you better look that up as you read this because your decieving yourselves. I am very angry that this muslim talk is still going on and its been debunked several times.
This behavior also results in that I am no longer supporting anything IFB or King James Only because the way you put things, I am changing my beliefs around and I want to say I was going to start posting here however, I think I am going to quit, Your too closed minded about things that is actually happening and ignoring the real issues. Obama being a muslim and him not being born here is less of our worries when we have people dying without food, without a job, without a home to live in and other things. Why can't you all leave Obama alone and worry about more important issues?

I really hate the Christian media for deceiving Christians of thinking Obama is a Muslim and not born here and we are told not to bear false witness upon anyone and not lie about anything about someone.
Take care and I am through posting here just because this is still an issue here

For the first several years of his life Obama was raised as a Muslim. Obama has never renounced this. Obama was a part of a very unbiblical church which accepted Muslims and Muslim beliefs. Obama's views and actions mirror Islam much more than Christianity. It should be remembered that just because one may say they are a Chrisitan or attend a "Christian" church, doesn't mean they are truly a born again Christian...and if they are not that means they are yet a lost sinner no matter what they call themselves.

Obama, like all leaders, should be considered by the light of Scripture. Obama shows absolutely no signs, no fruits of salvation. The policies and agendas he promotes are unbiblical as well.

With regards to the poor and hungry, God commanded Christians to help them to the best of their ability; not to expect the government to do so. We, individual Christians and our local churches, are to help those in need in accord with what God grants us to be of help.

Where Obama is concerned you seem to be very blinded and led astray as your statements are very unbiblical and not in line with one seeking to follow Christ.
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Let me see, President Obama's father was effectively an atheist at the time of his marriage to Ann Durham, his Step-father Lolo Soetero was not a practising Muslim at all. President Obama drinks alcohol, attends church, he has made it quite clear he considers himself a Christian. No Muslim may drink alcohol, no Muslim may walk into a church with the intention of worship (some Muslim groups won't even let you enter a church, full stop.) He attended both Catholic & Muslim primary schools in Indonesia, both schools offered a few hours a week in religious education.

Concerning Obama's schooling in Indonesia, CNN sent a reporter TO Indonesia to find out about the Muslim school he attended. This is part of his report:

. . . CNN dispatched Senior International Correspondent John Vause to Jakarta to investigate. He visited the Basuki school, which Obama attended from 1969 to 1971.
"This is a public school. We don't focus on religion," Hardi Priyono, deputy headmaster of the Basuki school, told Vause. "In our daily lives, we try to respect religion, but we don't give preferential treatment."

Vause reported he saw boys and girls dressed in neat school uniforms playing outside the school, while teachers were dressed in Western-style clothes.

"I came here to Barack Obama's elementary school in Jakarta looking for what some are calling an Islamic madrassa ... like the ones that teach hate and violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan," Vause said on the "Situation Room" Monday. "I've been to those madrassas in Pakistan ... this school is nothing like that."

Vause also interviewed one of Obama's Basuki classmates, Bandug Winadijanto, who claims that not a lot has changed at the school since the two men were pupils. Insight reported that Obama's political opponents believed the school promoted Wahhabism, a fundamentalist form of Islam, "and are seeking to prove it."

"It's not (an) Islamic school. It's general," Winadijanto said. "There is a lot of Christians, Buddhists, also Confucian. ... So that's a mixed school."


As far as it being legal to 'lie to advance the cause of Islam', the "Rite of Taqiyyah" (dissimulation) is:

A: A shi'ite doctrine which is largely repudiated by Sunni Islam (Indonesia is a secular, majority-Sunni state.)
B: Is only to be done in order to save your life.

"...Taqiyya (alternate spellings taqiya, taqiyah, tuqyah; meaning religious dissimulation[1] is a practice emphasized in Shi'a Islam whereby adherents may conceal their beliefs when they are under threat, persecution, or compulsion.[2] This means a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny his faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are under those risks.[3]
Taqiyya was developed to protect Shi'ites whom were usually in minority and under pressure. In Shia' view taqiyya is lawful in situations where there is overwhelming danger of loss of life or property and where no danger to religion would occur thereby.[1]
The majority Sunni Muslims rarely found it necessary to hide their beliefs. However, there are examples of practicing Taqiyya among Sunnis where it was necessary.[4] In the Sunni view, denying your faith under duress is "only at most permitted and not under all circumstances obligatory".[5..."

Source: Wikipedia

When and where did the President mock the Bible?

Oh, and no fatwa would be issued against the President for "leaving Islam" because he was never a Muslim to begin with.
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Perhaps you should check for the statements made by various Muslim leaders regarding Obama. They consider Obama's dad to have been Muslim and therefore Obama was born a Muslim.

The "church" Obama attended for over two decades was, and still is, Muslim sympathetic and joins hands with the radical Nation of Islam.

Public records indicate Obama's clear bias in favor of Islam and his disdain of traditional, and especially biblical Christianity.

Whether he considers himself a Muslim or not, his leanings favor Islam over Christianity. Research his writings and speechec and you will find where Obama has mocked and spoke against biblical Christianity (and those who actually follow the Bible).

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