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August 11, 2011 NewsWithViews.com

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

I think it is time to stop pulling our punches. Because we have been bull-whipped with political correctness, most people are afraid to state what is obvious.

” I will no longer be bullied by fear of ridicule into denying what is plainly obvious to anyone with the courage to look with un-biased eyes.

I don’t care how much the media covers for him, or how much his communist cabal yells “racist” every time someone questions one of his policies, or how many years he spent hiding in

Jeremiah Wright’s “church,

Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim.

I don’t care what names they call me. I don’t care what evidence they try to present to the contrary, I refuse to deny the evidence before my eyes. If presented with the honest evidence even the Casey Anthony jury would not be fooled by this imposter in the White House.

There is more evidence that Obama is a Muslim than there is evidence that Casey killed little Caylee.

Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. Why would he deny it?

Consider this:

In the religion of Islam the bloodline is passed through the father. Any child who is fathered by a Muslim is born a Muslim. By his own admission, Barack Obama’s father was a Muslim. It makes no difference what country he was born in. According to Islamic Law, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. passed his Muslim faith on to his son, Barack Hussein Obama Jr.

His mother’s faith or upbringing does not abrogate the birth right of her son. In Islam, if a Muslim man rapes a Christian woman the child is considered Muslim. That is one of the techniques of Jihad. It helps increase the Muslim population. Read your history.

. Because his records are sealed we cannot determine if Lolo adopted little Barry, but we do know that Barry was enrolled in school in Indonesia as a Muslim. . Barry’s religion is listed as “Islam.”

Barack Obama’s mother, by his own admission, later married Muslim

Lolo SoetoroHere are the records

Remember, a child is born Muslim. Islam does not permit “freedom of religion.”

But President Obama says he became a “Christian” when he felt the call at the “church” of Jeremiah Wright. According to Obama, at some point, he converted to Christianity.

against him. A fatwah is a “legal document” issued by a Muslim leader calling for, among other things, the death of a violator of Islamic Law.

In Islam, it is a death penalty for a Muslim to convert to Christianity. Anyone who leaves the Muslim faith will soon have a


and his book The Satanic Verses? A fatwah was ordered against him by Ayatollah Khomeini. Fatwah’s are common in Islam. It is the Islamic way of dealing with those who dishonor Islam.

Do you remember

Salmon Rushdie

Leaving Islam is a great dishonor.

Have you heard of any fatwah’s against the President of the United States? Wouldn’t you think that somewhere in the Islamic world some radical Islamisist would order a fatwah against the President for leaving Islam? Could there possibly be a more visible former-Muslim that Barack Obama? Certainly a fatwah against Obama would bring glory to Allah and give some Muslim-celebrant a free pass to paradise.



Yet, no fatwah? Not from any of the 300 million or so “radical” followers of the “religion of peace?” They hate America. Why do they love Obama?

Being a Muslim and president is no crime. But do you think that Obama could have been elected president if he had run on “

his Muslim faith?

. In fact, it is legal to pretend to convert to Christianity as long as you do not “convert in your heart.” In other words, if you have to “convert” to advance the cause of Allah no one will issue a fatwah against you because they understand that you have not “turned in your heart.”

.” So did Gadhafi. . They share a common hatred of the American way of life…especially white America. They share the religion of “.” Birds of a feather flock together.

Barack Obama has not “turned in his heart” and the Muslim world knows it. Farrakhan call him “

our brotherJeremiah Wright and Farrakhan are good buddiesblack liberation theology

. Do you think he doesn’t know what he was doing?

Open your eyes.

. Can you name even one appointment that the President has made that would be considered an evangelical Christian? Even one? Where are his appointees from the Moral Majority?

Obama has flooded his administration with

appointees who are Muslims

. We are too stupid to understand that the Muslim Brotherhood are nothing more than Jihadists that wear suit and ties rather than head coverings. They are the Chamber of Commerce of radical Islam. Have you ever heard Obama speak with reverence in regards to the Bible? When he does makes reference to the . Yet over and over he speaks of the “Holy Koran.”

Do you know of any true Christian who would call the Koran “holy?”

Don’t call me names. It won’t impact the Truth. What are you going to believe? Your own eyes, or what the media, the president, and his henchmen tell you?

Shake your head, your eyes are stuck.

. He travels the nation trying to awaken America to the Islamic threat. Take the time to on his website. It is long but informative.

The last two weeks I have spent some time with

Egyptian Christian Usama Dakdokwatch this free video

Did you know that 87% of the world’s Muslims are cannot even read the Koran? It is written in Arabic and most Muslims cannot read Arabic. Many in the 57 Muslim countries are illiterate. They rely on the “Clerics” to tell them what the Koran teaches.

Most English translations of the Koran have been done by these Clerics. They have white-washed what the Koran actually teaches. Can you read Arabic? Can you prove that the Koran actually says what the Clerics have told us it does? Should we trust them?

. Have you ever read the Koran? How do you know what it teaches?

Usama Dakdok has spent 4 years translating the Koran into English. Arabic is his native language. His word-for-word translation of the Koran shows us what it really says. It reveals what is being taught behind closed doors in the Mosques.

You can order it here

The Muslim world knows Obama is a Muslim. We are too politically correct to even question it.


Obama is not stupid. I wish he were. He is doing exactly what he has planned to do. He wants to weaken America so that we will no longer be the world’s super power.

Islam means “submission.” Submit or die.

There is plenty of evidence that Obama is friendly toward Islam and Islamic nations. Do you see any evidence of his Christianity?

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America may not be at war with Islam…but Islam is at war with America. Denying the obvious will not make it go away. Our silence is deadly. Would you feel comfortable if Obama confessed his Islamic faith to the nation?

Open your eyes. Quit worrying what people think. Watch the video and educate yourself. Your grandkids are counting on you.

There is a Muslim in the White House. It is not a crime…just the truth. Christians put him there.

It is time to start saying so. There is a Muslim in the White House.

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I still think he is in above his head.

He's WAY over his head. The guy has never had a real job or any real experience to even be considered for such a position.

It was sad, to me, seeing him go to the airfield to be there when those fallen soldiers came home. Not that he went, that's a presidents job, but that he went in and is supposed to have prayed over each coffin. Who was he praying to?
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Real, as far as we can tell.

There will likely be arguments about this, but I do believe it goes back a ways. Before I read the last presidents book, and other things, I thought perhaps he was a real Christian but misguided. However, after reading those things, it looks less likely that he was.

Also, in those same readings, it seems likely his dad wasn't/isn't a real Christian either. By their fruit, it seems likely that Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were/are not.

It's hard to tell for sure about Reagan because there are so many conflicting statements regarding this, but he may have been.

Their fruits would say they were not but someone may know something else about Johnson, Nixon and Ford.

Kennedy was a Catholic, a worldy non-practicing one by his own admission.

Most presidents have claimed to be Christian but most Christian in name only and not of the born again, or biblical, sort.

Andrew Jackson wasn't a Christian while in office but is reported to have been born again afterwards.

Lincoln and Grant were not.

There is much debate about the first few, or even several presidents, as to whether they were Christian in name only or if any of them actually knew Jesus.

It's really hard to study this out because Christians have attempted to paint most of the presidents as Christians whether they were or not. In modern times there has been the attempt to prove that none of them were actual Christians.

Again, most called themselves Christians but from what I've studied most of them were not biblical Christians.
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I do not know if Mr. Reagan was a Christians or not, I don't know him nor any of our presidents well enough to say they were are were not saved. But its a fact. Mr. Reagan stated many times that Jesus is the answer to every problem America faces.

Has anyone since him made such a statment?

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I agree with just about everything that I read. However I would say that he is a Communist first, then a Muhammaden. President Obama is a 3rd generation Red Diaper Baby, a communist. A commie who's spent his whole life surrounded by commies, socialists and anti-semites of one stripe or another. Either way, the man serves Satan and hates God.

A good Muhammadan is opposed to the Constitution and therefore disqualified from public office and military service in the United States. Not unlike Communism, Muhammadism's goal is to take over the earth and kill all those who do not submit to their rule.

Edited by swathdiver
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I agree with just about everything that I read. However I would say that he is a Communist first, then a Muhammaden. President Obama is a 3rd generation Red Diaper Baby, a communist. A commie who's spent his whole life surrounded by commies, socialists and anti-semites of one stripe or another. Either way, the man serves Satan and hates God.

A good Muhammadan is opposed to the Constitution and therefore disqualified from public office and military service in the United States. Not unlike Communism, Muhammadism's goal is to take over the earth and kill all those who do not submit to their rule.

Doesn't ever professing Muslim that believes the Koran is their holy book that teaches them how to follow their god have the potential to be what is called a good Muslim by the Muslim community? And what our politicians call radical Muslims, terrorist.
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RReagan had a very clear profession of salvation, and, in fact, led his son Michael to the Lord. The greatest legacy that RR gave to Michael, according to Michael, was leading him to the Lord, RR's love for the Lord.

Dubya has a clear profession of salvation as well. I do believe he is saved, although I don't believe he was discipled properly. Billy Graham had a lot of influence on the family (Dubya was saved before this), and told them things that were not biblical.

POTUS 41 is not saved. He, in fact, told Dubya that, if Dubya meant by being a Christian that he followed Jesus, then 41 wasn't.

I don't believe that BO is a muslim. I do believe he is a muslim sympathizer, and is using them for his own ends. BO is a follower of black liberation theology. There are similarities between the two, but they are not the same.

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RReagan had a very clear profession of salvation, and, in fact, led his son Michael to the Lord. The greatest legacy that RR gave to Michael, according to Michael, was leading him to the Lord, RR's love for the Lord.

Dubya has a clear profession of salvation as well. I do believe he is saved, although I don't believe he was discipled properly. Billy Graham had a lot of influence on the family (Dubya was saved before this), and told them things that were not biblical.

POTUS 41 is not saved. He, in fact, told Dubya that, if Dubya meant by being a Christian that he followed Jesus, then 41 wasn't.

I don't believe that BO is a muslim. I do believe he is a muslim sympathizer, and is using them for his own ends. BO is a follower of black liberation theology. There are similarities between the two, but they are not the same.

By Dubya's own words he made a false profession of faith at one point, then after talking with Billy Graham made another profession of faith. However, in reading of how his faith and life has proceeded from then, it seems more likely that such was more a matter of head faith than heart faith, though one can't know for sure. Dubya was heavily influenced by Tony Evans and another preacher I don't recall the name of off-hand. These were the most invited Christians to the WH by Dubya in his first term.

Is there a link to President Reagans clear testimony? I've not been able to find this.
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I heard what his son stated, in fact I recall hearing him speak about that time in his life 2 different times. Perhaps they're both saved, perhaps they are not, Jesus will judge that, its not for us to judge.

Strange, neither one of these two's wife's seem to respect God & His ways, nor their husbands.

Mr. Reagan, before he cooled off his wife & one son was being very vocal going against the stand Mr. Reagan had taken against stem cell research.

And Mr. Bush's wife, & even daughters came out standing up for same sex marriages. Maybe that is why he made hardly in effort towards that cause.

Surely if those 2 women had any respect for their husband they would have kept their mouths shut on theses subjects.

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I heard what his son stated, in fact I recall hearing him speak about that time in his life 2 different times. Perhaps they're both saved, perhaps they are not, Jesus will judge that, its not for us to judge.

Strange, neither one of these two's wife's seem to respect God & His ways, nor their husbands.

Mr. Reagan, before he cooled off his wife & one son was being very vocal going against the stand Mr. Reagan had taken against stem cell research.

And Mr. Bush's wife, & even daughters came out standing up for same sex marriages. Maybe that is why he made hardly in effort towards that cause.

Surely if those 2 women had any respect for their husband they would have kept their mouths shut on theses subjects.

To a great extent the Bush wives run much of the religious aspect of the families. This is evident from what the Bush men have said. The younger Bush grew up Episcopal and Presby but when he married a Methodist woman she told him they were going to attend the Methodist church so he did. The elder Bush doesn't seem to have had much concern about religion other than in how it could help or hurt his election campaigns. Bush the younger detailed some of the ways his dad had to be coached and taught to sound like an actual Christian. However, since he didn't really know the stuff and it certainly wasn't in his heart, he never came off more than superficially Christian; which sad to say was enough to get many Christian voters to support him.

It's sad that Reagan has some children who have done their best to shame him, tarnish his name and to work against what he stood for. One daughter that appeared in Playboy and the son he gave his own name to who loves to pander to liberals as he denounces his dad and all he stood for. I don't know the religious views of Nancy, Ronald Reagan's wife, but she never seemed to hold to the same views as her husband.

Both the Bush women are far more liberal than conservative and Bush the younger was and is very much a mommas boy (he says so) and it's clear how much of that rubbed off on him. While Bush the younger held a lot of prayer meetings while in the White House, he rarely actually followed the Word. Bush the younger, even while in the White House, was known to easily lose his temper, to cuss and tell off color jokes. He appointed more open homosexuals in his administration than anyone else. He went out of his way to appoint many liberal Christians in his administration.

Much of the credit to Bush getting elected as governor of Texas and then as president, he and others give to James Robison, who started out as a fundamentalist evangelist but now runs a very ecumenical ministry and TV show. Along with Robison, many Christians leaders such as Kenneth Copeland that sort have been among Bush's biggest supporters. Tony Evans and T.D. Jakes were among Bush's favorites.
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Yes, & Mr. Perry is getting the liberal Christian machine behind him, seemingly trying to ride the same horse into the White House that Mr. Bush 2 did. And Mr. Bush 2's Vice President's, wife & daughter seemed to hold to the many of the same views as Mr. Reagan's wife & one son & Mr. Bush's wife & twins.

Yes, many politicians talk the talk, never walking the REAL walk, yet the Worldly Christian political machine will support them with & even many that claim to be Fundamental Conservative Christians, backing them with their vote & even helping them get votes.

As I've stated many times, the Republican party is Worldly Conservative, not Christian Conservative, there's a world of difference in Christian Conservative & Worldly Conservative, just as there is a major difference between Liberal Christians & true Fundamental Conservative Christians. Of course many Christians there be that do no know the difference.

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