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What has happened to "Great" Britain


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When it comes right down to it, biblically speaking, all forms of human government fall short and are therefore evil. Even the best we can come up with soon finds itself corrupted, governed and influenced by evil.

Only when Christ rules the earth will we see a truly righteous and just government. That government will be run by a King, a King with total authority, and that King will rule with a rod of iron.

The best thing posted in this thread.
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The best thing posted in this thread.

Yes - we all look for our Lord's glorious return & perfect peace in the NH&NE.

Meanwhile we have to live in the world, & 14Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
15Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; (Heb. 12)
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Mr. Covenanter, the first thing one learns about Communists is that they lie. They lie about EVERYTHING because the ends justify the means. They lie because in order to maintain belief in a rotten and evil ideology born of Satan they have to not only deceive you but themselves as well to maintain the illusion that Communism works.

Mr. Covenanter why are you here peddling Communism??? Don't you know it runs contrary to nature? Don't you know it's an evil born of Satan? Don't you know it has nearly conquered the world and decimated America from within?
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When it comes right down to it, biblically speaking, all forms of human government fall short and are therefore evil.

Is that how the reigns of God-fearing kings were described in the OT?

America's Constitution was the first and last to come from both the OT and NTs. It was made only for a religious and moral people. There is no morality without repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Unfortunately the USA has had far too many infidel Presidents beginning with Jefferson and despite that and the sins of her citizens God shed His grace on her for many years.
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So far as I am away, there was no Communist Party organisation of the recent riots - they appeared to comprise opportunistic thugs & looters.

Don't you know it [communism] runs contrary to nature? Don't you know it's an evil born of Satan? Don't you know it has nearly conquered the world and decimated America from within?

No, I don't, perhaps you can explain from Scripture. I have NEVER voted communist, nor socialist, & not conservative for 30 years. I'm not represented in Parliament.

What is a communist? Paul answered:

Mr. ROBESON: What is the Communist Party? What do you mean by that?
Mr. SCHERER: I ask that you direct the witness to answer the question.
Mr. ROBESON: What do you mean by the Communist Party? As far as I know it is a legal party like the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Do you mean a party of people who have sacrificed for my people, and for all Americans and workers, that they can live in dignity? Do you mean that party?

Paul was a man for the common people - he never forgot his roots in slavery, nor the oppressed Negro population he spoke up for, & gave up his lucrative career for. The totalitarian regimes were/are not true communists. They are NOT concerned for the common people - only to use them as a means of generating wealth for the elite - like capitalists.

You Americans & we British have destroyed our economies & the livelihoods of the common people by buying the products of slave-labour pseudo-communist countries. We had a slave-labour economy until our unions sought a living wage & safe working conditions - & then the multinationals simply moved production to poor countries.
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Is that how the reigns of God-fearing kings were described in the OT?

America's Constitution was the first and last to come from both the OT and NTs. It was made only for a religious and moral people. There is no morality without repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Unfortunately the USA has had far too many infidel Presidents beginning with Jefferson and despite that and the sins of her citizens God shed His grace on her for many years.


Let's not forget the American Constitution was written by men, not God, and those men specifically chose to leave God out of it.

Some did realize and state that only a moral people could rightly be governed by the Constitution but they took no steps to ensure the people would be moral. Like all nations, America has from the beginning been filled with the immoral, worldly moral and others. One can look at a true history of America and see how quickly the Constitution began being usurped and ignored. One can also see the moral decline in America from early on. As things tend, this excellerated over the years to where we are today.

Some seem to think America was some sort of holy nation from it's inception until into the 20th century but the fact is America was never a holy nation and corruption began almost immediately.
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So far as I am away, there was no Communist Party organisation of the recent riots - they appeared to comprise opportunistic thugs & looters.

You saw what you were meant to see. You have to spend a few minutes on your own seeking the truth. There were thugs; the "useful idiots" and "fellow travellers" who unwittingly advance the communist cause.

Don't you know it [communism] runs contrary to nature? Don't you know it's an evil born of Satan? Don't you know it has nearly conquered the world and decimated America from within?

No, I don't, perhaps you can explain from Scripture.

There are numerous references, Romans 1 comes to mind. However, since you are blind to Robeson's true identity or a liar I'm not sure it would make a difference. Should I bother with this fellow folks?

Let's not forget the American Constitution was written by men, not God, and those men specifically chose to leave God out of it.

They left his name out but clearly referenced God in both the Declaration and Constitution. Was it to tame the British and infidels in power in America?

Some did realize and state that only a moral people could rightly be governed by the Constitution but they took no steps to ensure the people would be moral.

They did outside of the Constitution. Rush, Jefferson and even Franklin among others promoted the Christian religion to the heathen Indians and Christian Education through public school. You're right and I agree with you that we've been on a downward spiral ever since. God's been in control though and I'm grateful for that!
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Don't you know it [communism] runs contrary to nature? Don't you know it's an evil born of Satan? Don't you know it has nearly conquered the world and decimated America from within?

You have got your eye on the wrong enemy. Your true enemy is Catholicism, which runs most of your country. (And ours, I expect.) Edited by Invicta
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Mr. Covenanter, the first thing one learns about Communists is that they lie. They lie about EVERYTHING because the ends justify the means. They lie because in order to maintain belief in a rotten and evil ideology born of Satan they have to not only deceive you but themselves as well to maintain the illusion that Communism works.

Mr. Covenanter why are you here peddling Communism??? Don't you know it runs contrary to nature? Don't you know it's an evil born of Satan? Don't you know it has nearly conquered the world and decimated America from within?

There is many of those kind of people in Washington running this country.
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There is many of those kind of people in Washington running this country.

Are you suggesting that Republicans & Democrats are liars, as well as Communists, & we cannot believe their manifesto promises? The great British Pm - Tony Blair - was nicknamed "Tony Bliar."
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Are you suggesting that Republicans & Democrats are liars, as well as Communists, & we cannot believe their manifesto promises? The great British Pm - Tony Blair - was nicknamed "Tony Bliar."

Statists like all American Democrats and big government Republicans are liars; usually serial liars like Bill Clinton for example.

Statism is the umbrella term for monarchies, socialists, communists, theocracies, etc. So yes, folks like the Fabian Socialist Tony Blair thinks the State, not God, is the highest form of power and that the ruling elites can best make the decisions for the societies they rule over. They are all serial liars for the aformentioned reasons.
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Statists like all American Democrats and big government Republicans are liars; usually serial liars like Bill Clinton for example.

Statism is the umbrella term for monarchies, socialists, communists, theocracies, etc. So yes, folks like the Fabian Socialist Tony Blair thinks the State, not God, is the highest form of power and that the ruling elites can best make the decisions for the societies they rule over. They are all serial liars for the aformentioned reasons.

I think that applies to all politicians of all parties. They all think they know best, and rarely do.
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