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Conservatism versus hyper-conservatism?


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I know your being tongue in cheek on this, but in all seriousness robes on guys doesn't bother me in the least. Not a conviction I have, but it would not bother me if someone else felt like they should. Further, if Christian men dressing in robes somehow meant a lot more Christian women would dress like ladies I wouldn't object to wearing robes.

As for my personal opinion I find Christian women wearing pants to be highly unladylike. Now is it a fact of life today? Yes, no doubt about it. Am I going to separate from someone who disagrees? Unlikely if that is the only issue. Even so I do find it offensive. I think it is one of those things that ought not be done by a Christian lady. Why? because I think the average Christian woman in any type of pants is going to automatically tempt the guys? Not really even though I don't think it is possible for pants to be as modest as a long loose dress. After all I see women wearing far less and far worse every day as does just about anyone who goes anywhere in public. As a result of our culture many or perhaps most guys tend to be fairly desensitized to immodesty until it starts getting extreme. Thus women who want attention and a reaction are always trying to push the culturally accepted limits even further. Now with that said even though I like most guys tend to be fairly desensitized to immodesty ,at least up to a certain point, I still recognize it for what is and appreciate it when I see a lady dressed and behaving in a manner that brings to mind 1st Timothy 2:9-10. Even many lost unsaved men that are certainly not gentlemen notice(in a good non-lustful way) and respect this kind of lady when they see one. I will tell you that from what I have seen that the kind of lady that gets that sort of respect from men who are not normally gentlemen doesn't exactly tend to be the type that has any desire to wear short hair, heavy makeup, low cut clothing, pants etc. Nor do they tend to wear or do anything else that is not undoubtedly both modest and ladylike. That is the type of lady I think all Christian women should try to be but the type only a fairly small portion actually are.

Though these are my views on the subject practically speaking I don't consider it my problem as I am not a lady, not married, and hold no type of church office. At any rate If someone is convicted of this it is usually due to the leading of the Lord rather than the result of a lengthy discussion of the matter. People with opposing views on this subject can stand nose to nose and go back and forth for weeks at a time and never see eye to eye. :musicboohoo:

Your 100% right on that account. Once while preaching I mentioned the local Eagles Club, their drinking, dancing, & such. After which one man said to me, after you mentioned drinking, dancing, the Eagles Club, I did not listen to another word you said. There's not one thing wrong with the Eagle's Club, dancing, drinking, listing to country western music, nor dancing with someone else's wife, or even a single woman. When preaching, if you preach against such stuff all you will do is drive away many good Christians. You need to learn what is right & wrong before you step behind another pulpit.

To be honest, I believe many, not saying all, that think on such worldly lines have never been saved, do not have the Holy Spirit abiding within them to convict them that such things spoken against under this topic is sin against the Father. And the only thing that will change them is getting saved, & having the Holy Spirit come to adobe within them.
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Your 100% right on that account. Once while preaching I mentioned the local Eagles Club, their drinking, dancing, & such. After which one man said to me, after you mentioned drinking, dancing, the Eagles Club, I did not listen to another word you said. There's not one thing wrong with the Eagle's Club, dancing, drinking, listing to country western music, nor dancing with someone else's wife, or even a single woman. When preaching, if you preach against such stuff all you will do is drive away many good Christians. You need to learn what is right & wrong before you step behind another pulpit.

To be honest, I believe many, not saying all, that think on such worldly lines have never been saved, do not have the Holy Spirit abiding within them to convict them that such things spoken against under this topic is sin against the Father. And the only thing that will change them is getting saved, & having the Holy Spirit come to adobe within them.

I do believe many are just as you say, unsaved professing Christians still entangled in the world. Their lives don't show the Holy Ghost working and they continue to live in this way year after year with no apparent growth and they continue in the ways of the world.

Unfortunately, when this gets brought up there are many who say no one should ever question whether one is saved or not. Scripture says otherwise. We are to look at the fruit not only in our lives, but also in the lives of those who claim to be Christians. Scripture also warns each of us to examine ourselves to make sure we are indeed saved. We also know from Scripture many will be decieved and many will stand before Christ hearing Him say He never knew them before He casts them away.

It's a very dangerous game to play with the world, rejecting the Word on such matters. It's also dangerous for us, I do believe, if we have concerns about someone but we fail to say anything.
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I do believe many are just as you say, unsaved professing Christians still entangled in the world. Their lives don't show the Holy Ghost working and they continue to live in this way year after year with no apparent growth and they continue in the ways of the world.

Unfortunately, when this gets brought up there are many who say no one should ever question whether one is saved or not. Scripture says otherwise. We are to look at the fruit not only in our lives, but also in the lives of those who claim to be Christians. Scripture also warns each of us to examine ourselves to make sure we are indeed saved. We also know from Scripture many will be decieved and many will stand before Christ hearing Him say He never knew them before He casts them away.

It's a very dangerous game to play with the world, rejecting the Word on such matters. It's also dangerous for us, I do believe, if we have concerns about someone but we fail to say anything.

Exactly!! As I have heard more than once, there are alot of good people and alot of "christians" who thought they were saved who are/or will wake up in a Godless hell.

One cannot serve two masters.....either you follow God or you don't....it's that simple. One who "professes" but has no change, still continues to play in the world, and/or there is no good fruit being produced is not following God.
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