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Sunbathing and swimming weather


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Well, it really has been sunbathing and swimming weather lately; my wife and I keep using the pool. Make the most of it while it all lasts, I guess. Funny how in some parts of North America the summer seems to last three or four months and the winter eight or nine months.... While the sun is with us, anyway, use it!

But the cycle of the seasons goes round, itself a tribute to God's Creatorial faithfulness.

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As the song goes - "In July the sun is hot - is it shining? No it's not."

I've just got up & put the central heating on.

But as far as my wife is concerned, it's always swimming weather in the nearby indoor pool.

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As the song goes - "In July the sun is hot - is it shining? No it's not."

I've just got up & put the central heating on.

But as far as my wife is concerned, it's always swimming weather in the nearby indoor pool.


So you guys have an indoor pool? ours is an outdoor pool in our yard.

Funnily enough, my wife seems to feel the heat, while I feel the cold, often. Like, we want to get warm while they want to put on their tankinis.
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It's in the nearby village leisure complex.

Outdoor pools would not get much use in England.


Oh okay.

Anyway, here there is a very hot summer for 3 or 4 months, then it freezes over for longer than you guys have it.

Sounds like your wife is a year round swimmer; we can only swim for a fraction of the year, though. (There's always the year round tanning shops, but anyway...)
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This is the time of year I struggle with the most...why?

I but just have to look around...I confess, I struggle as a believer as to the amount of the body that is uncovered not only in a bathing-suit...even a whole piece suit, but with the trend of the clothing that can be purchased and worn by believers and unbelievers alike....I am a prude for sure and I am tossed with "every wind of doctrine here" so to speak...I gave up the suit until I had to have water therapy for back issues...and still I felt guilty...

We do not have a pool, but it sure would be nice as well as medicinal for me...

O well, with the heart thoughts I have now, I just deal with the heat without the pleasure of swimming...

what to do , what to do...

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This is the time of year I struggle with the most...why?

I but just have to look around...I confess, I struggle as a believer as to the amount of the body that is uncovered not only in a bathing-suit...even a whole piece suit, but with the trend of the clothing that can be purchased and worn by believers and unbelievers alike....I am a prude for sure and I am tossed with "every wind of doctrine here" so to speak...I gave up the suit until I had to have water therapy for back issues...and still I felt guilty...

We do not have a pool, but it sure would be nice as well as medicinal for me...

O well, with the heart thoughts I have now, I just deal with the heat without the pleasure of swimming...

what to do , what to do...


You can get some very nice modest suits online - or sew your own rather easily (I'm no expert sewer, and I was surprised how easy swimsuit fabric is to work with!). I made one with a pattern from simply-modest.com, adjusted to be even longer. It turned out great! It's essentially a dress -- I could wear it downtown and not look immodest.

And it's not prudish to be modest! ;)
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Exactly, salyan! It is never prudish to be modest, even if people accuse you of it. It's actually better to err on being too clothed than on not enough!!

Our church has an indoor pool, so we can use it year-round. It's open in the mornings for laps - set times for ladies, and set times for men. I go at least twice a week (three times if I can get a lady to go with me...we can't go in alone, which is just common sense safety!). My "suit" is actually a pair of culottes made especially for the pool, with drawstrings at the bottom to keep it from coming above the knee. I have a blouse that is used only for the pool, as well. I've gotten some strange looks, but that's okay. :icon_mrgreen: Even in a woman/girl only situation, I don't believe my thighs should be uncovered.

I missed doing my laps (I actually walk/jog more in the pool than swim, because my shoulders tend to have problems when I swim too much) while in WA, and am looking forward to getting back in the pool.

Both my hubby and I would like to eventually have our own pool, but I don't know if that will ever happen.

I have never been one that is interested in tanning. And, now that my dad has been diagnosed with a melanoma in the brain, I'm really glad of it!

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Your church has an indoor pool!?! I am so coming to visit your church! :lol:
Even being dressed modestly myself, I'm not comfortable in public pools, and I miss swimming so much on the hot days.

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Your church has an indoor pool!?! I am so coming to visit your church! :lol:
Even being dressed modestly myself, I'm not comfortable in public pools, and I miss swimming so much on the hot days.

Come on down!! :icon_mrgreen: The ladies' lap time in the a.m. is Mon., Wed., Thurs., from 6 a.m.-9 a.m. It's earlier on Tues. and Thurs., so I don't go.... :lol:

It's really neat to be able to get in the pool even when there's ice outside! :thumb:
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Perhaps it's just a biblical thing - related to the command for women to be modest. :saint2:


Oh I agree, too, in general terms. What I struggle with is that one person should try to legislate for another in absolute terms on a matter such as this. But maybe people would say they are not doing so. (You see, seeing as they are been girls in bikinis using our back yard pool, I neither 'agree' with them, but neither have we 'interfered', if you see what I mean. We're not in an independent baptist church, although I would agree with you guys in many ways. Maybe, as others have been suggesting, I should keep my mouth shut. :) Blessings.
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Oh I agree, too, in general terms. What I struggle with is that one person should try to legislate for another in absolute terms on a matter such as this. But maybe people would say they are not doing so. (You see, seeing as they are been girls in bikinis using our back yard pool, I neither 'agree' with them, but neither have we 'interfered', if you see what I mean. We're not in an independent baptist church, although I would agree with you guys in many ways. Maybe, as others have been suggesting, I should keep my mouth shut. :) Blessings.

Problem is, farouk, no-one has tried to legislate anything in absolute terms...I stated what I do - but I am the only one I know of who does that, and I would never expect anyone else to just follow that (except, of course, if I had a daughter under my roof).

As to girls in bikinis in your back yard pool: if you are there, I don't believe that's right. The Bible is quite clear on modesty on women, and bikinis are anything but. Being a role model and teaching what the Bible teaches isn't interfering...it's being the example that God tells us we are to be to others. No-one's suggested you keep your mouth shut - just cautioned that you don't come off as simply stirring up strife.
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It's hard to let neighbors and church friends use the pool, but then before they come say, You can't use it unless your swimsuit is designed this way or that way. Some people might have the subtlety and tact to be able to pull it off, but I guess I'm kind of simple. I don't think it's really controversial to observe that it's not particularly realistic. Blessings.

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