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The Flag of the U.S.A.


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Meaning of Flag-Folding Program

The flag-folding ceremony represents the same religious principles on which our great country was originally founded.

The portion of the flag denoting honor is the canton of blue containing the stars representing states our veterans served in uniform. The canton field of blue dresses from left to right and is inverted only when draped as a pall on the casket of a veteran who has served our country honorably in uniform.

In the U.S. Armed Forces, at the ceremony of retreat, the flag is lowered, folded in a triangle fold and kept under watch throughout the night as a tribute to our nation’s honored dead. The next morning it is brought out and, at the ceremony of reveille, run aloft as a symbol of our belief in the resurrection of the body.

Symbols for the Folds of the Flag

The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life.

The second fold is a symbol of our belief in eternal life.

The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks, and who gave a portion of his or her life for the defense of our country to attain peace throughout the world.

The fourth fold represents our weaker nature; as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace, as well as in times of war, for His divine guidance.

The fifth fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, “Our country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right, but it is still our country, right or wrong.”

The sixth fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The seventh fold is a tribute to our armed forces, for it is through the armed forces that we protect our country and our flag against all enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our republic.

The eighth fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day, and to honor our mother, for whom it flies on Mother’s Day.

The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood, for it has been through their faith, love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great have been molded.

The 10th fold is a tribute to father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since he or she was first born.

The 11th fold, in the eyes of Hebrew citizens, represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies, in their eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The 12th fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in their eyes, God the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost.

When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, “In God We Trust.”

After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it has the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under Gen. George Washington and the sailors and Marines who served under Capt. John Paul Jones and were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the U.S. Armed Forces, preserving for us the rights, privileges and freedoms we enjoy today.

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I've got as question about flying the flag.

If your flying the American flag, and also a Christin flag, or a Baptist flag, which one should be on top?

the Christian flag, of course. But it really depends on who you ask as to what answer you will get.
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Would flying the Christian flag above the American flag be legal? I thought there was a law in this country that no flag could be flow on the same level, nor over the American flag.

I told you what I prefer, not what is legal--that's why I said "It depends on who you ask". I do not put America above my Lord, if that is what you are getting at.

Why do you persist though in slamming America? I have to quit this discussion before they execute you as a traitor!
Sure, we are all sinners, but America is no worse (in fact, better) than nearly any other country, until the Lord intercedes.
(By the way, look at the flag folding "rules" numbers 2,4, and 11th points.--this country was founded on Christian principles, and that is what made her great.
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I told you what I prefer, not what is legal--that's why I said "It depends on who you ask". I do not put America above my Lord, if that is what you are getting at.

Why do you persist though in slamming America? I have to quit this discussion before they execute you as a traitor!
Sure, we are all sinners, but America is no worse (in fact, better) than nearly any other country, until the Lord intercedes.
(By the way, look at the flag folding "rules" numbers 2,4, and 11th points.--this country was founded on Christian principles, and that is what made her great.

How is asking a flag flying question "slamming America"? I'm not sure as to how the rules apply with regards to non-governmental flags. The law does state that no flag of another government is to be flown above or higher than the American flag. Even so, in many areas of America one will see Mexican flags flying all around with not an American flag in sight. I even saw such a couple years ago as I was passing through Iowa. Evidently that town had meat packing plants and most all the workers were Mexican (many illegal from what I was told) and when the Mexicans flooded that town they basically brought Mexico with them.

The flag folding rules have little to do with the good or bad of America or how Christian the country itself was or is. Those who came up with the rules obviously held to some Christian principles.

America was founded upon a mix of Christian principles, Enlightenment philosophy, humanism, etc. The majority of early Americans held to one "form" or another of Christianity so Christian principles and teachings permeated most of society. That said, not all were true Christians, which helps explain why America was heading the wrong direction from early on. Also, many within the government have not been true Christians, or even Christians at all, yet even they knew how to play the crowds with "Christian talk" to get elected.

America has had non-Christian presidents, a false religionist Catholic president, and now a president who at best is a closet Muslim.

Remember, many of the prophets were attacked, imprisoned, even killed because they pointed out how Israel had moved away from God, was no longer a godly nation, had many ungodly leaders, was wrongly influenced by false religionists and human philosophies, and in the eyes of God was no better than any other nation. The prophets declared plainly that unless they repented and turned to following God the nation would continue to decline and eventually suffer great calamity.

We do a great disservice to the cause of Christ and to America when we lift her up as being something she is not, when we stand proud upon the past, when we fail to shine light upon the darkness and call for America to repent and follow Christ.
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How is asking a flag flying question "slamming America"? I'm not sure as to how the rules apply with regards to non-governmental flags. The law does state that no flag of another government is to be flown above or higher than the American flag. Even so, in many areas of America one will see Mexican flags flying all around with not an American flag in sight. I even saw such a couple years ago as I was passing through Iowa. Evidently that town had meat packing plants and most all the workers were Mexican (many illegal from what I was told) and when the Mexicans flooded that town they basically brought Mexico with them.

The flag folding rules have little to do with the good or bad of America or how Christian the country itself was or is. Those who came up with the rules obviously held to some Christian principles.

America was founded upon a mix of Christian principles, Enlightenment philosophy, humanism, etc. The majority of early Americans held to one "form" or another of Christianity so Christian principles and teachings permeated most of society. That said, not all were true Christians, which helps explain why America was heading the wrong direction from early on. Also, many within the government have not been true Christians, or even Christians at all, yet even they knew how to play the crowds with "Christian talk" to get elected.

America has had non-Christian presidents, a false religionist Catholic president, and now a president who at best is a closet Muslim.

Remember, many of the prophets were attacked, imprisoned, even killed because they pointed out how Israel had moved away from God, was no longer a godly nation, had many ungodly leaders, was wrongly influenced by false religionists and human philosophies, and in the eyes of God was no better than any other nation. The prophets declared plainly that unless they repented and turned to following God the nation would continue to decline and eventually suffer great calamity.

We do a great disservice to the cause of Christ and to America when we lift her up as being something she is not, when we stand proud upon the past, when we fail to shine light upon the darkness and call for America to repent and follow Christ.

i was referring to a previous post when I mentioned "slamming America", Just the same, this is the country that God put us in, and we should accept that. I would not over-exalt Americqa, but neither wil i condemn her. As I said in theaforementioned previous post, try going to another country and enjoy their "freedom" for awhile (with the exception of England, perhaps). We need to appreciate what we have, and quit thumbing our noses at the status quo all the time; after all, they are mostly lost men anyway (Just as any other government). I see that the hippy movement is still alive today!
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Our church flies them side by side. We are Christians and we are Americans. We are not elevating America above God when we fly them side by side (though some may think so), but we are proclaiming that we are citizens of this country now, and citizens of Heaven to come.

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i was referring to a previous post when I mentioned "slamming America", Just the same, this is the country that God put us in, and we should accept that. I would not over-exalt Americqa, but neither wil i condemn her. As I said in theaforementioned previous post, try going to another country and enjoy their "freedom" for awhile (with the exception of England, perhaps). We need to appreciate what we have, and quit thumbing our noses at the status quo all the time; after all, they are mostly lost men anyway (Just as any other government). I see that the hippy movement is still alive today!

And yes, flying the Christina flag on the same level as the American Flag would be putting God equal to this country, not above where He should be elevated. I thought about putting up the American flag at the entrance to my drive way. Them I decided to put up both the American and the Christian flag and bought 2 flag poles. Before having done this I thought, I can't put the Christian flag on the same level as the American flag, nor below it.

I've still got the flag poles that I bought a few months back, yet have not put them up, I have nearly decided on putting up only a Christian & or the Baptist flag.

As for slamming this country, all I did was state truths, God's truths. Our country is not near as nice as most claim, its run by men that fall short of the glory of God just like every human does which we are told about within the pages of the Bible. And its wallowed in many sins against the Lord our God throughout its history. And in the latter days its just as bad as ever, with even our leader turning against Israel.

Now you know why I asked this question that I was serious about. Sorry it offends you and you feel an attack against me is proper instead of a ready answer, I thought maybe you would know the answer.

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It is opinion and opinion only that flying the Christian flag and the US flag side by side is making God equal with America. Jerry8, if you feel that flying them next to each other is that, then by all means don't do that. But for pity's sake, don't condmen others who don't follow your prescribed thoughts - where NO scripture, nor even any scriptural principle states it as "truth."

God places us in the nations he chooses us to be in - and we are there until we go to Heaven. We are Americans by birth, and Christians by re-birth.

We do not personally own a Christian flag. We do have an American flag. If we were to purchase one (I made one when Josh was little, so that we could say the pledge each day), we would likely fly it in a different place than the American flag - like one at each door of the house. Maybe that would work for you, Jerry8? Put each pole in a different part of your yard, away from each other?

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i was referring to a previous post when I mentioned "slamming America", Just the same, this is the country that God put us in, and we should accept that. I would not over-exalt Americqa, but neither wil i condemn her. As I said in theaforementioned previous post, try going to another country and enjoy their "freedom" for awhile (with the exception of England, perhaps). We need to appreciate what we have, and quit thumbing our noses at the status quo all the time; after all, they are mostly lost men anyway (Just as any other government). I see that the hippy movement is still alive today!

Okay, I'm not familiar with that post.

Indeed, God placed us here and I'm thankful for that. I've expressed such thanks to God many times. "Freedom" is defined differently by different people and at different times. What we call freedom, the Founders would call tyranny and slavery. What is called freedom in America today is called by some "license to sin", by others it's viewed as something to look into, by yet others another thing.

In many countries we would think of as being "less free" than America, the people there are content and satisfied.

When Jeremiah, and other prophets, pointed out the wickedness of Israel or their kings they were often attacked as being against their country, against their king, when the fact was, they were for God and for their country. Exhorting a nation, a people, and kings to turn to God and follow Christ, where there is true freedom and blessing, is the highest way one can show love of country, people and kings.

Shining the light of truth, exposing darkness and wickedness is something Christians are commanded to do and Scripture nowhere refers to such as "thumbing our noses" at anything.

Indeed the hippy movement is very much alive today, it is the hippy generation and their offspring, following their ungodly, humanist philosophies that have been running this country for many years now and continue to do so today.
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Our church flies them side by side. We are Christians and we are Americans. We are not elevating America above God when we fly them side by side (though some may think so), but we are proclaiming that we are citizens of this country now, and citizens of Heaven to come.

Typically, that is proper protocol.
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It is opinion and opinion only that flying the Christian flag and the US flag side by side is making God equal with America. Jerry8, if you feel that flying them next to each other is that, then by all means don't do that. But for pity's sake, don't condmen others who don't follow your prescribed thoughts - where NO scripture, nor even any scriptural principle states it as "truth."

God places us in the nations he chooses us to be in - and we are there until we go to Heaven. We are Americans by birth, and Christians by re-birth.

We do not personally own a Christian flag. We do have an American flag. If we were to purchase one (I made one when Josh was little, so that we could say the pledge each day), we would likely fly it in a different place than the American flag - like one at each door of the house. Maybe that would work for you, Jerry8? Put each pole in a different part of your yard, away from each other?

We have to remember the Christian flag isn't the flag of a nation, and even among Christians, what we call the Christian flag isn't accepted by all Christians.

"If" the Christian flag were a national flag then flying it at the same height as the American flag (or any national flag) would be viewed as placing them on equal status. That rule doesn't generally apply with regards to non-national flags flying with national flags. The rules regarding such are more nebulus.

During much of this countries history it was rare to see the American flag flying anywhere outside a military or other federal government installation within any of the States. State flags flew over the State capitals and was the primary flag one would see anywhere in a State.

When the POW/MIA flag first came forth there was much controversy over it flying with and among the American flag and State flags. Since that time, due to overwhelming popularity, that particular non-national flag has been designated under flag laws in this country.

If I were to fly both the Christian and American flags, I would fly them separately. If I had to choose to fly only one, I would fly the Christian flag. That said, I'm not overly fond of the Christian flag. If I had to fly only one flag, I would choose a flag that was flown during The War, which has a solid color with a bold cross in the middle. (I can't recall which State and the unit from that State which had the flag or I would post it and link to a picture; I'm thinking Missouri but it's been along while since I studied any of this)
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I believe that all flags are of heathen origin, therefore would not wave any of them. Neither would I be happy in any church wwhich displays a flag.

Edited by Invicta
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I believe that all flags are of heathen origin, therefore would not wave any of them. Neither would I be happy in any church wwhich displays a flag.

It interesting to consider that at one time it was thought inappropriate by Christians to have flags in the church.

For Americans, it's interesting to consider that when the "pledge of allegiance" was first written and made public, Christians and conservatives alike rejected it.

I don't know if all flags have heathen origin, but they do have human origin.
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