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Avoid the appearance of evil.

Flee temptation.

Don't be a stumbling block.

Set aside that which could harm weaker brothers/sisters.

All biblical precepts which apply to cell phones in church.

What of the temptation of wanting to read about Ahab during the sermon on David. Should we not flee from all temptations, or is it just the ones you do not like? Those in the New Testament times did not carry a Bible with them. Perhaps we would be more dedicated if we had to carry ours in our hearts as they did. And then we would not have those temptations to read other places during the sermon.
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Why must people equate spirituality to opinion? I think it's silly to bring a phone with Bible app to church for use ~ but if it happens, it happens. To declare that someone who does is hiding his/her Christianity or flouting "authority" is being extrabiblical.

A pastor has the right to ask people to shut off phones, or at least put them on vib (but to order me [generic me] not to bring one to church at all is outside the realm of his authority). Maintaining an orderly service falls within his parameters...even if scripture doesn't delineate that (in much the same way a teacher maintains order in the classroom...and scripture doesn't delineate that, either). To assume, however, that someone who chooses to have a Bible app on their phone, or carry a kindle is hating "rules" and authority is reading into a situation that which is not necessarily so. And that would be called leaping to conclusions, normally.

Our youth pastor discourages our teens from having cell phones because of the messes so many teenagers have gotten themselves into with them. But that decision is actually up to the parents....but if the parents have no problem with the teens handing over their phones for the duration of a service, it works. I would think, in the example you gave, rancher, that if there were a problem going on where immediate access were needed, exceptions could (and likely would) be made.

I believe you are 100% correct!! I personally like my paper copy much better than I would a phone app. My phone has the capabilities to do such, but the biggest "app" I use is the calculator, if you can stretch the word app that far. But I feel it is becoming judgemental to say those who do carry such are ungodly, or wrong.
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It seems much of what I've posted has either been ignored or skipped over, as what's already been addressed keeps coming back up as if it wasn't addressed, so I suppose there is little point in trying to put it forth again.

Anyway, I've seen churches where cell phone use isn't restricted (it's not a pretty sight) and I'm so very thankful our church established cell phone rules early and we have a congregation that understands the importance of the rules and abides by them.

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I don't believe I have ever been in a church in recent years that did not have at least one or more Bibles laying around somewhere within the church for the purpose if someone forgets there Bible, and or in case visitors are present that do not have a Bible. I've been in many that had Bibles in every pew, just as plentiful as song books.

Its a sad day when a church does not have Bibles for those who may need one.

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I don't believe I have ever been in a church in recent years that did not have at least one or more Bibles laying around somewhere within the church for the purpose if someone forgets there Bible, and or in case visitors are present that do not have a Bible. I've been in many that had Bibles in every pew, just as plentiful as song books.

Its a sad day when a church does not have Bibles for those who may need one.

:amen: Even the churches I've visited which use screens a lot had Bibles in the pews. Our church still has Bibles in the pews for vistors and anyone else. There are also Bibles in our pastors office he will gladly give to anyone who wants one.
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It seems much of what I've posted has either been ignored or skipped over, as what's already been addressed keeps coming back up as if it wasn't addressed, so I suppose there is little point in trying to put it forth again.

Anyway, I've seen churches where cell phone use isn't restricted (it's not a pretty sight) and I'm so very thankful our church established cell phone rules early and we have a congregation that understands the importance of the rules and abides by them.

I'm glad it works for your church, John...really, I am. Our church is different. There are no "cell phone rules" in place, yet people remain engaged in the worship/teaching service. They aren't going crazy on their cell phones, but understand the proper usage of them. I have never seen a child or teen with a cell phone out in a service--not even once--but it's not because of any rules we have. The atmosphere in our church is one of serious Bible study (sermons which often last an hour or more) and gladsome, reverent, sincere worship, and those who attend are simply encouraged to give themselves over to these things, mind, body, and soul. The teens don't sit together as a group, but rather sit with their families. Visiting kids sit with the families who invited them. We don't have a cell phone problem...but I can certainly understand how things could be different in another church, and how other churches might see fit to implement requests regarding cell phones (for example, churches with a large bus ministry or a large number of undiscipled youth). There's nothing wrong with that kind of request. There's also nothing wrong with not placing formal restrictions on cell phones. If you were to visit our church, you would not be able to say that "it's not a pretty sight."

Just a quick encouragement not to paint with too broad a brush. What works for my church may well not work for yours...and what seems necessary in your church may not be necessary in all other churches.
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