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May I get some encouragement?

Lisa Anne

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I find a lot of encouragement on this board and in seeing that I would like to express a few anxieties I have about Thanksgiving. OBviously recently my husband and I joined the IFB church. Our lives have changed dramatically in what we do, how we act, how I dress and such. We still know how to enjoy ourselves and aren't crazy uptight by any means. We just have a better understanding of how we should live and where we stand morally. In that, next week we will be going to my aunt's house in Nashville for Thanksgiving. I will be picking my brother up and taking him along. My dad will be there, my grandfather, and a few other family member's on my Uncle's side. Most of them are Catholic, devout. My dad is not so much religious is any way. I know years ago while married to my mom he claimed to have been saved and was even baptized but the fruit doesn't show and hasn't for yeaaaars. Nonetheless, I learned from my mom a couple weeks ago that my dad thought my husband and I had joined a cult. He apparently sent my brother a text message asking him (brother lives with my mom) so my mom told my brother that my Dad needs to understand we have decided to live our life for Christ and have in no way joined a cult.

I feel like I'll be walking in to a firestorm but I'd like to believe my family wouldn't pick on me or bring anything up that could be offensive towards my beliefs. I don't know though so I just ask that everyone remember me and keep me in your prayers as I enter in to a situation I have yet to experience. May the Lord give me peace of mind and help me to overcome these anxieties that shouldn't be bothering me!

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I suggest you bring plenty of Chick tracts. This one is one of my favorites to minister to the Cathlics: http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0054/0054_01.asp
It is a bit of a bad taste that it placates to the Jews, but a powerful tract nonetheless!

Also this material may be useful: http://www.reformation.org/holocaus.html
I suggest printing out a few copies and binding them to make handouts.

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I suggest you bring plenty of Chick tracts. This one is one of my favorites to minister to the Cathlics: http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0054/0054_01.asp
It is a bit of a bad taste that it placates to the Jews, but a powerful tract nonetheless!

Also this material may be useful: http://www.reformation.org/holocaus.html
I suggest printing out a few copies and binding them to make handouts.

I'm not going to turn my Thanksgiving visit in to a bash the Catholics event even though I strongly disagree with their beliefs. My prayer is to go and have a peaceful gathering with my family. Thanks for the suggestion though I suppose :unsure:
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I'm not going to turn my Thanksgiving visit in to a bash the Catholics event even though I strongly disagree with their beliefs. My prayer is to go and have a peaceful gathering with my family. Thanks for the suggestion though I suppose :unsure:

I believe your right. It would make them defensive right off the bat and you would get no where. The best thing to do is have a good attitude. and be open to answer any questions they have. You can easily tell them what the bible says without bringing up their religion. IF they are to be offended let the bible do it. God bless. :)
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I believe your right. It would make them defensive right off the bat and you would get no where. The best thing to do is have a good attitude. and be open to answer any questions they have. You can easily tell them what the bible says without bringing up their religion. IF they are to be offended let the bible do it. God bless. :)

Thank you
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I find a lot of encouragement on this board and in seeing that I would like to express a few anxieties I have about Thanksgiving. OBviously recently my husband and I joined the IFB church. Our lives have changed dramatically in what we do, how we act, how I dress and such. We still know how to enjoy ourselves and aren't crazy uptight by any means. We just have a better understanding of how we should live and where we stand morally. In that, next week we will be going to my aunt's house in Nashville for Thanksgiving. I will be picking my brother up and taking him along. My dad will be there, my grandfather, and a few other family member's on my Uncle's side. Most of them are Catholic, devout. My dad is not so much religious is any way. I know years ago while married to my mom he claimed to have been saved and was even baptized but the fruit doesn't show and hasn't for yeaaaars. Nonetheless, I learned from my mom a couple weeks ago that my dad thought my husband and I had joined a cult. He apparently sent my brother a text message asking him (brother lives with my mom) so my mom told my brother that my Dad needs to understand we have decided to live our life for Christ and have in no way joined a cult.

I feel like I'll be walking in to a firestorm but I'd like to believe my family wouldn't pick on me or bring anything up that could be offensive towards my beliefs. I don't know though so I just ask that everyone remember me and keep me in your prayers as I enter in to a situation I have yet to experience. May the Lord give me peace of mind and help me to overcome these anxieties that shouldn't be bothering me!

Lisa Anne & your husband...pray God will make your walk a witness. Know and remember Christ is there beside you. If asked by anyone, remember:
1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
Since you're young in Christ, prepare your personal testamonies; that is, how has knowing Christ as Lord and Savior changed you. Sometimes the strongest witness to others is the evidence of Christ working in us. Watch your tongues, once said, it will at least be twice remembered.
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I'm not going to turn my Thanksgiving visit in to a bash the Catholics event even though I strongly disagree with their beliefs. My prayer is to go and have a peaceful gathering with my family. Thanks for the suggestion though I suppose :unsure:


There is nothing wrong with having a little Bible study and a few good Biblical lessons during any family gatherings. You, and more so your husband, can use this opportunity to find out about their priests. Experienced priests can be very dangerous, but the more simple type can be used a conversion tool--to convert the Catholics to Christianity! If their priests are of the later variety, simply bring up various Bible verses and subtly suggest they ask their priests as to why the Papist church ignores or contradicts them. Then, when they see that their priests don't really have good answers, guess to whom they'll be coming with all their questions--you and your husband! Edited by ThomasCooper
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Something to mindful of:

“Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”


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I've had similar issue come up. I grew up Baptist and have always attended a Baptist church. This summer, I joint an Anglican church. For awhile, my family went nuts over it and I got a good dose of criticism about how they weren't teaching "truth," etc. etc. (how would they know? They hadn't stepped foot in the church and judged without knowing.) We treated them respectfully and let them know we were not rejecting the faith we were raised in, but were following what God wanted us to do. It is no longer a prOBlem, and they know know we didn't join a crazy church, and they have even visited the chrurch with us when in town.

Treat them respect, and let them know you wish to be treated the same way. Always show the love of Christ with your actions

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how would they know? They hadn't stepped foot in the church and judged without knowing.

It is no secret that the Anglican "church" is satanic. There is no need to step a foot into one of their dens. Frankly, I doubt your "church" even uses the Christian Bible!
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