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Getting discouraged with KJ publishers

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I am at my wits end here.
I can not tell you how many King James Bibles I have, and the reason I have so many...errors.
I keep finding errors, with typos or word replacements.
When I find one error, I push my Bible to the side, and begin my quest for another publisher. I have tried Holman, Hendricks, Scofield, Cambridge, Zondervan and Tyndale publishers, and always find some little quirk.
I am beginning to abondan the idea of authenticity, am seriously thinking of switching to an ESV and starting all over again.
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Thanks yall. I think I just finally had it with publishers, and went on a rant. There are certain publishers I strictly avoid from the get go, and then there are those I have dealt with.
I dont have a prOBlem with understanding the KJB, but just cant find myself to trust a publisher, if I have found an error in their publishing. Is that being OCD?
I am not going to another per-version.
I am checking out LCBP's website now.
Has anyone had any experience with the Rock of Ages Study Bible by Oxford?
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  • 2 months later...
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I have been doing some checking on the 1599 Geneva vs the KJV. I think Im growing fond of the 1599 Geneva with the modern spellings.
I looked up some word changes between both and found these:

Gen. 1:28
fill the earth (Geneva)
replenish the earth (KJV)

Exod. 3:22
shall ask of her neighbour (Geneva)
shall borrow of her neighbour (KJV)

Exod. 5:8
the number of brick (Geneva)
the tale of the bricks (KJV)

Exod. 15:3
The Lord is a man of war, his name is Jehovah (Geneva)
The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name (KJV)

Exod. 23:17c
the Lord Jehovah (Geneva)
the Lord GOD (KJV)

Exod. 29:40a
tenth part (Geneva)
tenth deal (KJV)

Mark 4:12b]
lest at any time they should turn (Geneva)
lest at any time they should be converted (KJV)

Mark 16:18a
they shall take away serpents (Geneva)
they shall take up serpents (KJV)

Luke 17:6
mulberry tree (Geneva)
sycamine tree (KJV)

Luke 23:32
evildoers (Geneva)
malefactors (KJV)

John 2:3a
And when the wine failed (Geneva)
and when they wanted wine (KJV)

John 3:36b
and he that OBeyeth not the Son (Geneva)
and he that believeth not the Son (KJV)

John 14:2
In my Father's house are many dwelling places (Geneva)
In my Father's house are many mansions (KJV)

Acts 1:20c
Let another take his charge (Geneva)
his bishoprick let another take (KJV)

Acts 14:23
ordained them elders by election in every church (Geneva)
ordained them elders in every church (KJV)

Acts 17:4
joined in company with Paul and Silas (Geneva)
consorted with Paul and Silas (KJV)

Rom. 8:16a
same Spirit (Geneva)
Spirit itself (KJV)

Phil. 1:10
ye may be pure (Geneva)
ye may be sincere (KJV)

Heb. 10:23
profession of our hope (Geneva)
profession of our faith (KJV)

2 Pet. 1:1c
righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ (Geneva)
righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ (KJV)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I have been doing some checking on the 1599 Geneva vs the KJV. I think Im growing fond of the 1599 Geneva with the modern spellings.
I looked up some word changes between both and found these:

Gen. 1:28
fill the earth (Geneva)
replenish the earth (KJV)

Exod. 3:22
shall ask of her neighbour (Geneva)
shall borrow of her neighbour (KJV)

Exod. 5:8
the number of brick (Geneva)
the tale of the bricks (KJV)

Exod. 15:3
The Lord is a man of war, his name is Jehovah (Geneva)
The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name (KJV)

Exod. 23:17c
the Lord Jehovah (Geneva)
the Lord GOD (KJV)

Exod. 29:40a
tenth part (Geneva)
tenth deal (KJV)

Mark 4:12b]
lest at any time they should turn (Geneva)
lest at any time they should be converted (KJV)

Mark 16:18a
they shall take away serpents (Geneva)
they shall take up serpents (KJV)

Luke 17:6
mulberry tree (Geneva)
sycamine tree (KJV)

Luke 23:32
evildoers (Geneva)
malefactors (KJV)

John 2:3a
And when the wine failed (Geneva)
and when they wanted wine (KJV)

John 3:36b
and he that OBeyeth not the Son (Geneva)
and he that believeth not the Son (KJV)

John 14:2
In my Father's house are many dwelling places (Geneva)
In my Father's house are many mansions (KJV)

Acts 1:20c
Let another take his charge (Geneva)
his bishoprick let another take (KJV)

Acts 14:23
ordained them elders by election in every church (Geneva)
ordained them elders in every church (KJV)

Acts 17:4
joined in company with Paul and Silas (Geneva)
consorted with Paul and Silas (KJV)

Rom. 8:16a
same Spirit (Geneva)
Spirit itself (KJV)

Phil. 1:10
ye may be pure (Geneva)
ye may be sincere (KJV)

Heb. 10:23
profession of our hope (Geneva)
profession of our faith (KJV)

2 Pet. 1:1c
righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ (Geneva)
righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ (KJV)

What the story between Geneva when it was first translated (like who interpreted the bible, why, how) vs. When KJV was first translated? Edited by Psalms18_28
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What the story between Geneva when it was first translated (like who interpreted the bible, why, how) vs. When KJV was first translated?

I'm not a Biblical scholar, but from what I understand, both are from the textus receptus. The 1599 Geneva is the first Bible to add chapter and verse numbers. The other thing I found is that Calvin had a hand in the Geneva, adding study notes and verse references that King James didn't like, because it painted him in a bad light.
That's just my understanding
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I'm not a Biblical scholar, but from what I understand, both are from the textus receptus. The 1599 Geneva is the first Bible to add chapter and verse numbers. The other thing I found is that Calvin had a hand in the Geneva, adding study notes and verse references that King James didn't like, because it painted him in a bad light.
That's just my understanding

How would verse references paint someone in a bad light? And yeah, if Calvin was adding study notes to paint someone (who isn't in the Bible) in a bad light...that seems irrelevant to study notes of a Bible. Makes me think the Geneva version (at least with Calvin's study notes) could be corrupted to some extent. But, I'll admit never heard of this or studied it so just my knee jerk reaction.
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How would verse references paint someone in a bad light? And yeah, if Calvin was adding study notes to paint someone (who isn't in the Bible) in a bad light...that seems irrelevant to study notes of a Bible. Makes me think the Geneva version (at least with Calvin's study notes) could be corrupted to some extent. But, I'll admit never heard of this or studied it so just my knee jerk reaction.

Painting some in a bad light, as in marginal notes that may patriculalry point out a sepcific sin, that may be a certain king may be involved in.

Here is a link to a background on the 1599 Geneva. Take it for what its worth, but its easier to post the link, than to copy paste everything.
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King James really hated the notes in the Geneva. They were anti-King James (notes spoke against corrupt kings), anti-Church of England (notes were sometimes Puritans and Calvinists in nature).

The Geneva Bible isn't a bad translation. In fact, it can often read a little more 'modern' than the KJV. If you can find a recently printed edition, it would be a good translation to have, I think.

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King James really hated the notes in the Geneva. They were anti-King James (notes spoke against corrupt kings), anti-Church of England (notes were sometimes Puritans and Calvinists in nature).

The Geneva Bible isn't a bad translation. In fact, it can often read a little more 'modern' than the KJV. If you can find a recently printed edition, it would be a good translation to have, I think.

That link I posted has the Book of Romans reprint free to download, with original notes and marginal references
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The Geneva Bible may not be bad to you, yet the KJ is much better, why use an inferior Bible?

Seems that site posted is one that loves Calvinism and it seems to say that the Geneva Bible promotes Calvinism which is false teaching. Sounds like its a good thing not to touch.

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The Geneva Bible may not be bad to you, yet the KJ is much better, why use an inferior Bible?

Seems that site posted is one that loves Calvinism and it seems to say that the Geneva Bible promotes Calvinism which is false teaching. Sounds like its a good thing not to touch.

Now Im really confused.
The Geneva pre-dates the KJB, and the KJB has word changes from its predecessor, the original english Bible, the Geneva. "Breeches" or "aprons".
Modern translations, have changes from the KJB, which has changes from the Geneva.
Are we picking the KJB as the litmus for what an english translation should be compared to?
How is an english translation used by the reformers inferior to an english translation that came out 12 years later?
Yes Calvin had his hand in the Geneva translation, but didnt King James authorize the KJB because he didnt like the Geneva or Calvin?
Which is the "superior" english translation, considering both translations came from the same texts?
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Now Im really confused.
The Geneva pre-dates the KJB, and the KJB has word changes from its predecessor, the original english Bible, the Geneva. "Breeches" or "aprons".
Modern translations, have changes from the KJB, which has changes from the Geneva.
Are we picking the KJB as the litmus for what an english translation should be compared to?
How is an english translation used by the reformers inferior to an english translation that came out 12 years later?
Yes Calvin had his hand in the Geneva translation, but didnt King James authorize the KJB because he didnt like the Geneva or Calvin?
Which is the "superior" english translation, considering both translations came from the same texts?

With my post number 12,000, I will say the KJ is the best & only perfect Bible.

Did you not know this, OnLineBaptist, is a KJ Bible forum, and nothing but the Holy Scriptures from the KJ Bible are to be posted in this forum?
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I have a feeling my opinion would be unwelcome here, but I used to be a KJVO, now I'm a KJVP, but I do want to get my hands on a Geneva Bible. One of the biggest reasons I came to reject the KJVO position is because the RST is the best Russian translation, but it has some rather significant differences from the KJV in meaning of verses. Most of the time, the KJV has a better translation of those verses, but sometimes the RST has a better translation. I would think it's rather unfair if God would give English speaking people a 100% pure translation, while giving Russians one that's only 80% pure. Therefore, I reject the KJVO position, but I don't condemn or disrespect anyone who holds such a position. I used to hold it at one point, so I understand at least to some extent those who do, but I do not hold it myself anymore.

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I have a feeling my opinion would be unwelcome here, but I used to be a KJVO, now I'm a KJVP, but I do want to get my hands on a Geneva Bible. One of the biggest reasons I came to reject the KJVO position is because the RST is the best Russian translation, but it has some rather significant differences from the KJV in meaning of verses. Most of the time, the KJV has a better translation of those verses, but sometimes the RST has a better translation. I would think it's rather unfair if God would give English speaking people a 100% pure translation, while giving Russians one that's only 80% pure. Therefore, I reject the KJVO position, but I don't condemn or disrespect anyone who holds such a position. I used to hold it at one point, so I understand at least to some extent those who do, but I do not hold it myself anymore.

I'll help you with that.

Download E-sword, and you'll have a copy of the Geneva Bible.
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