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Everything posted by SureWord

  1. "Party" carries negative connotations. "Celebrate" or even "fellowship" is a better word. When I hear "party" I think of immorality, fornication, "one-nighters", drugs and alcohol.
  2. Dont forget that BlackRock, Inc the world's largest investment company is the major investor in Pfizer and after the plandemic broke out they became the largest investor in China.
  3. Let them force their way into to your house and demand you take care of them. It's no different. These strangers can follow the law and wait in line like everyone else.
  4. No COPD, thank God. My mother has that. At least with asthma you get a break. My mom struggles with COPD 24/7.
  5. Cyprus is a tax haven and a popular place for the rich. Many Democrats like Pelosi probably has offshore accounts there where they can hide their money made from insider trading and the plundering of millions from spending bills. So the banks on Cyprus may be concerned about US elections.
  6. Yeah, no doubt I suffered more because of my Type II diabetes and my obesity. My sugar went sky high. I also have asthma but it never bothered me and apparently people with asthma haven't been much effected by Covid.
  7. Actually, what I have is "groundglass opacity" on the peripheral of my lungs. It apparently can either go away in three months or become scar tissue or turn into cancer. Hopefully I can find out soon what I'm to do. I'm supposed to go back to work on Tuesday but honestly I don't think I can. Anything beyond walking and really light carrying has me sucking wind and my heart pounding like a locomotive. Sounds like you and I are in the same boat. I sure hope you feel better soon.
  8. Update: I was having problems getting winded doing any exertion. My lungs are clear. The doctor said they sounded fantastic but sent me for a CT scan and it turns out I have scarring in my lungs from the Fauci virus. Apparently, it doesn't block the airflow but my heart has to pump harder to get it flowing. Not sure what the next step will be.
  9. No doubt this is BB. Only he would post something like this.
  10. I think you are asking the wrong guy, BB.
  11. What? Since when can we not talk about other things? The Covid thread is miles long.
  12. Redress of Grievances. Groups have entered the Capital building before to protest even when Congress was in session and never were charged. The problem was when they started rioting, damaging property and entering the various offices. Illegal trespassing and disorderly conduct with a speedy trial not one year in solitary without charges. Those who attacked police definitely should be charged. Although, there is evidence some protestors were defending themselves from a rogue band of cops who were brutalizing innocent protestors. They are using these people as tools to prevent the GOP from sweeping the midterms and Trump running again. Apparently, also so the Feds can seize elections. The Dems know their goose is cooked if they can't cheat. The Republicans are just weak and cowardly.
  13. I've been seeing reports of a new virus or perhaps another mutation of Covid that it happening in China. Apparently, whole cities are being locked down again most notably X'ian and I've seen videos of men in biohazard suits spraying the streets with some kind of liquid and then blasting it with flame throwers. This new virus apparently causes people to bleed from the eyes, ears, nose etc. which is a hemorrhagic fever like Ebola or Hantavirus. The "good" news, if any, is these type of viruses don't spread to far because they infect and kill the host quickly. Unless, of course, it's another Fauci made virus.
  14. The reason many Baptists are dropping the term fundamental is because they are replacing it with the phrase "bible believing" or "KJV bible believing" to emphasis they believe every word is pure and without error and not that only a few fundamental doctrines were preserved. Then others are dropping it because they are moving towards being non-denomination.
  15. It will be a blowout during the midterms. This is why the Commicrats and the weak Republicons are pushing the insurrection narrative. They are hoping it will scare people away from supporting conservatism. The Uniparty's only hope is Dominion machines, felons, illegals and graveyards.
  16. Biden was instigating civil war. He was comparing Trump supporters to those who want to overthrow democracy. He was talking like Hitler. Bouncing Bill, you need to wake up and smell the coffee for once.
  17. Giving 10% is a good place to start but I do not believe it's a commandment to the church. If you want to get strict about it the Jews actually gave more than 10% and they only gave three times a year. Nobody seems to be demanding Christians follow that. Give what you can from 1% to 100% but give it with a cheerful heart.
  18. Fundamentals= The foundational doctrines of the church in all matters of faith and practice. Usually they run from about 5 to 20 of them. Many Baptist churches are dropping the term because even the Pope professes to believe in at least five of them. Some because they don't like the negative connotations of the word.
  19. I disagree. They had a right to enter that building. It's been done before. They did not have a right to destroy property or attack police. Although, there is evidence the police were cornering and assaulting peaceful protestors.
  20. There's a new variant out now called IHU but they are not sure how dangerous it will be.
  21. The vaccine is causing it to mutate again. Also failure to treat sick people as early as possible. The virus gains strength and mutates. The world renowned virologist in the original post in this thread explains this. Of course, he was once a Nobel Laureate now he's a "conspiracy theorist" and has been de-platformed. The more they hand out boosters the more the vaccine will continue. You never hand out vaccines during pandemics. https://christianresearchnetwork.org/2021/05/21/nobel-prize-winner-warns-vaccines-facilitate-development-of-deadlier-covid-variants-urges-public-to-reject-jabs/
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