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The Ebonics Bible

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All I can say is...... :?

Ebonics is "black english"

"The voice of Black America, has been variously labeled Black English, Black Dialect, Black Idiom, African American Vernacular English or recently Ebonics
Black Dialect is an Africanized form of English reflecting Black Americans linguistic-cultural ties to their African Heritage.

While the English dialect chosen as the standard in this country is no more highly structured, well formed, or grammatical than any of the other dialect.

Important to note that all languages change over time and Black English is no different.

Must caution against making an assumption that all Blacks use all these patterns all the time (or even use any)" Joycelyn Landrum-Brown, Ph.D.

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Quote by myself in other thread, earlier tonight......."Posted: Today at 8:43 pm Post subject:


How awful the scriptures would sound with our modern english and oh forbid that someone should decide to produce a slang language bible to appeal to the gangstas......


..... :? well...what dya know :? Nothing is too far fetched .... :cool: :roll:

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Here is the 10 commandments from the Ebonics Bible:

1) I am the Almighty, your God, who brought you outta Egypt when things were tough." And then He told them: "Don't put anyone else before Me.
2) Don't make any carved objects or things that look like what is in heaven or below. And don't bow down to these things like they are anything heavy. Not ever!
3) You shouldn't diss the Almighty's name, using it in cuss words or rapping with one another. It ain't cool and payback's a monster.
4)"Remember the day of the Almighty which is the seventh day. After you've worked six days, give the seventh to the Almighty." (Remember that the Almighty made the heavens and the earth in six days. He rested on the seventh day and blessed it as right-on.)
5) "You shouldn't be takin' nothin' from your homeboys.
6) "Give honor to your mom and dad, and you'll live a long time.
7) "Don't waste nobody.
8) "Don't mess around with someone else's ol' man or ol' lady.
9) "Don't go 'round telling lies on your homebuddies.
10) "Don't want what you can't have, or what your homebuddy has. It ain't cool."

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Did you get that from an article or something? Or do you actually have one of these Bibles? I read an article on this Bible several years ago but have never seen one in a Christian bookstore.

Hey maybe some of us could get together and work on a new Bible...maybe like a southern one or a New England one. Or how about toddler language???? (You know, if Genesis 1:1 said "In 'ginning God cated Heaven ah Eartt" the kids would have higher self esteem because they could say it perfectly!!!) May as well get in on this money making racket while we can....

NOT!!!!! Sick...... :frog How dare people do that stuff and call it "God's Word"!!!!

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Last night when I did a search on what exactly "Ebonics" is I came across this.....

The Lord's Prayer in Ebonics.....

Big Daddy`s Rap

Yo, Bid Daddy upstairs
You be chillin
So be yo hood
You be sayin` it, I be doin` it
In this here hood and yo`s
Gimme some eats
And cut me some slack, Blood
Sos I be doin` it to dem dat diss me
Don`t be pushing me into no jive
And keep dem Crips away
`Cause you always be da Man


I also found a website where a Technical Slang Version is in the process of being wrote..... interesting :(


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that I was born and raised in the deep south for 40 years and the population where I was consisted of about half white,half black.Now you can get mad if you want to but I can say from 40 years of life there that most of the uneducated black people there DO speak this way,more or less. This is part of their culture,just as my speech is with a southern accent. From what I read tho,the terminology brings God way down to man's level and is disrespectful and certainly would not be able to help a black person to really see the holiness of God cause it AIN'T there. IMHO

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that I had no problem understanding the KJV as it is AFTER I got saved. I did not need nor do I need now a version written in a"southern" theme, neither do blacks need this abomination . This is sickening and a stench in the nostils of our holy God. No I'm not excited just :mad: and :barfy: Surely we are in the last days. Even so,come,Lord Jesus.

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This type of language isn't suitable anywhere, but it is necessary to expose it and to show other Christians what is wrong with modern Bible versions. I believe each new one coming out is a little worse than those before them.

Besides, this isn't the first Bible with swear words! Go look up the following verses in the Good News Bible and Living bible:

Acts 8:20 in the Good News Bible - But Peter answered him, "May you and your money go to hell..."

1 Samuel 20:30 in the New Living Translation - Saul boiled with rage at Jonathan. "You stupid son of a whore!..." Look it up in the Living Bible; it uses the term for a female dog!

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