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Well, this evening we're having pizza (frozen) from the grocery store. Don't remember the brand off hand. I had my injection in my left ear today (one more to go, and then a follow-up three weeks later) and then we went to Kroger. Since it took so long at the doctors office and the grocery run, we decided it would be best just to "eat light." LOL Smells good, though...Brick oven, 3 meat and extra cheese pizza! We've still got to give all 3 dogs a with flea shampoo before 8 PM. 1:45 AM comes pretty quick when one stays up too late! ? Gonna have a small bowl of vanilla ice cream for dessert. 

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That sounds so good, LuAnne! I think Vivian and I will have steak on Wednesday night with a side salad, baked potato, and a home made roll. ? Tonight, however, Vivian made sure that I had the second store bought, frozen pizza ready for this evening. All I have to do is heat it and make a side salad! Seems like we're wanting more salads this year since it's so hot. Yesterday we had some severe storms, but they quickly subsided and the heat and humidity became absolutely unbearable. We found a great deal on pork butts at Kroger yesterday and had them cut up so we had four good sized pieces of meat. Each portion will last us several days, and we got all of that for under $25. We thank the Lord that he led us across this deal. We don't eat much pork, but we surely do like it for BBQ! YUM!

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Oh, that does sound tasty, Tony! Our steaks were very good. I am not a big fan, so I only ate a portion of mine. Hubs will finish it up. He also did some brats (again, I don't care for them), so he'll likely eat one of those when he gets home or maybe even for supper.  

Speaking of which, he just got home. ?

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8 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

 He also did some brats (again, I don't care for them), so he'll likely eat one of those when he gets home or maybe even for supper.  

Speaking of which, he just got home. ?

Speaking of brats. I like them too. If he likes plain brats, he should try the Johnsonville bacon and cheddar Brats. After eating these, I no longer even like the plain ones.

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4 hours ago, Jim_Alaska said:

Speaking of brats. I like them too. If he likes plain brats, he should try the Johnsonville bacon and cheddar Brats. After eating these, I no longer even like the plain ones.

Oh, I love brats! I worked as a temp in a Johnsonville plant for three weeks. We got free brats several times, and different varieties as well. The plain brats are okay, but I love the variety that is available now days! Bacon and cheddar brats rock! ?

Tonight, Vivian said she just wanted sandwiches and chips because of the heat advisory we're under here. Nothing hot sounds good to her, nor to me. So, I guess it'll be a ham, turkey, and bologna sandwich for each of us with some onion and sour cream chips. We're supposed to be in the 100s today with storms that will make it nearly unbearable in humidity. UGH! Thank the Lord for air conditioning! 

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On 7/19/2022 at 10:30 PM, Jim_Alaska said:

Speaking of brats. I like them too. If he likes plain brats, he should try the Johnsonville bacon and cheddar Brats. After eating these, I no longer even like the plain ones.

He's had those and likes them. And the jalapeno ones. And the chili/cheese. Heh - he's likes them all, as does our son.

So we're beginning a visitation group on Wednesday afternoons before church. We'll be bringing supper so that the folks who come are able to eat a bit after the visiting an before service.

Tonight was Spanish rice. Hubs can't have the rice though (his A1C is too high, doctors orders no rice, pasta, corn, etc), so I made his a bit different - meat, zuchinni, green beans, onions, and radishes all cooked in salsa. He really liked it.

(so, since his A1C is too high, we'll be going back to keto/paleo eating until further notice...)

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54 minutes ago, 1Timothy115 said:

My wife fixed me fried green tomatoes, yum yum.

Sounds pretty good! We haven't had those in a year or so. Might have some this weekend! ?

For us, my wife asked me to make chicken strips and french fries with a side salad. We might eat some farm fresh corn-on-the-cob as well. I made some last night and there are still two ears left. 

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Well, it's finally Friday evening! Tonight we'll be having a small chuck roast with potatoes, carrots, green pepper, celery, onion, garlic, and mushrooms from the slow-cooker! I'm getting ready to put it on as soon as I get the veggies sliced, peeled, etc. I plan on making some homemade biscuits and having honey butter with them. This roast should go two days, and tomorrow we'll just add a can of green beans or peas to it. I also plan on having some corn on the cob this evening. Being raised in Illinois, and having worked in the cornfields detassling the corn every year for Summer Brothers Seed Company, I'm partial to corn. Tonight we'll have a chocolate shake for dessert. It's going to be 98 degrees here, with a heat index of over 110, so, that will help to cool us down! Bailey, Hailey and Pepper will have their usual ice pop. 

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I fixed chicken last night - shook it in some arrowroot and tapioca flour with salt and pepper, and then pan fried it. SO good! I added some of the pork "spanish rice" I made to some black beans for hubs. He finished the cauliflower gratin as well. I had pasta with a little alfredo sauce.

Tonight I'll be fixing Randy his keto pizza (cauliflower crust - he really likes it). Tomorrow will be spare ribs for lunch. Will make a bit of gravy for rice (riced cauliflower for Randy, lucky guy lol), green beans, carrots, and Mom made bread today (Randy will probably have one of his low carb tortilla shells).

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Last night I fixed chicken again. This time I marinated it in mayo and baked it. Randy loves it that way because it's so moist. Wednesday night we had spaghetti at church (we are bringing food to have dinner after visitation - we have two groups going out now, praise the Lord!). Randy can't have the pasta, so I rendered up some spaghtti squash. He likes that with sauce and meat.

However, last night I made some cream of mushroom sauce from scratch...it tastes great, but he didn't like it with the spaghetti squash. So I guess we'll just use the spaghetti sauce for the squash. lol

Tonight will be burritos with the meat mixture Randy likes so much. 

He has been enjoying "Rebel" brand ice cream. No sugar or carbs, but he really likes the flavors. And we got some keto cereal. The first box he didn't like, but another brand came in today. He tasted the peanut butter and liked it. 

I'm glad he's seriously working on making a go of eating less sugar/carbs. He seems to be a little more energetic, too, which is good.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Tonight I'm making a Mexican casserole! I love to do this at least once every couple of months in the summer, and then nearly every third week in the fall and winter. It helps stretch the budget, and these days that's a necessity in this household, and in many others, I'm sure. It should last three days, so Friday I can make chicken for supper. ? I'm happy about that! 

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  • 3 weeks later...
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This evening we're having the last day of baked chicken thighs, fresh corn on the cob, green beans, biscuits, and possibly a slice of tomato! We'd have had it last night, but, two days ago both of our vehicles needed to be put in the shop, the Explorer because of the air going out and blowing hot, and the F150 having the need of a new alternator. It was strange sitting for four hours in the local Gateway Tire and Service shop just to find out that they would have to keep the Explorer for the rest of the day, then yesterday as well. The truck was done Tuesday morning. Thankfully it was done and Vivian took it to work yesterday. God always has a plan...so, thankful that this plan allowed for this meal to be pushed back a day so that I won't have to cook tonight! ?

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