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I had leftover Shepherd's Pie from my daughter's fridge.  Kay had a Mozzarella and Red Pepper Parcel from Aldi.

Tomorrow for lunch my daughter is doing hosptallity for church. I supplied salmon which I bought last time we went to France,  It was raised in Scotland and believe it or not it was considerably cheaper in France than here in UK and food in France has VAT added, but here it doesn't. 

I am doing the vegetables and allowing for 14 servings.

Edited by Invicta
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On 10/12/2019 at 4:17 PM, Invicta said:

It sounds complicated.




It actually wasn't. Just put the veggies in the pan, place the fish on it, sprinkle on the coconut aminos and let the over do the work. Frozen riced cauliflower, heated in the microwave and mixed in with the veggies once cooked. It was less work than frying it. =D


Tonight we had chicken and veggies. 

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We rarely have frozen vegetables except peas and broad beans.  My mother in law seemed to be allergic to them.  We discovered this when shje came to us, whenever we used frozen peas, she went absolutely white and faint.  We found the same when we gave her frozen green beans,  We went to a wedding and the same thing happened to her and we asked the caterers if there was any frozen veg in the meal and thae said, "The Brussels Sprouts."    She was OK with home frozen vegtables.  We got out of the habit of bying frozen veg then,

I asked my Aunt who worked in the Goverment Scientist, where they test all sorts of food, if there were any aditives they put in green veg, but she said "No.  If they did they would have to declare it on the packaging.  However when I went on a food hygene course, the instructor said they add a small amount of green dye.   She didn't always get things correct though.  She said "All French soft cheese is unpastuerised."  Which is not true .  The vast mahjority of it is pastuerised.  

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Yes, there are many times things are added to the store-bought frozen veggies. I don't like them, myself, other than broccoli. This cauliflower supposedly doesn't have any additives. I had gotten some cauliflower "tots" for Randy to eat like tater tots, but found that there is sugar in them. So he isn't supposed to eat them, which is sad because he really liked them. I do give him a few once in a while, though, so they don't go to waste. But once the bag is gone, that's it. I saw a recipe that shows how to make your own tots from several different veggies...I just don't know if the amount of work put into it is worth it.

Ricing fresh cauliflower wouldn't be difficult - I could put it in a food processor. But it's pretty convenient to have the frozen. He said it really is a good sub for rice.

Today is a "cheat" day, so he had some Taco Bell for lunch. 

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Fixing pan-fried cod tonight. I'll dredge it in egg, coconut and cassava flours. It fries up to be crispy and is tasty and flaky. Also veggies. The paleo bread Randy eats is in the oven baking.

I think dinner will warm him up tonight - it's raining and cool out right now.

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4 hours ago, Jim_Alaska said:

That sounds good HC. Can it also be done with just the cassava flour?  I ask because my diet has also been changed to not allow carbs., but I do not like coconut at all.

I'm sure cassava flour would be enough, although there is no coconut flavor in the dredge.  The coconut flour does smell a bit coconutty, but it doesn't taste. The recipe I started with uses more cassava anyway. I like coconut, but definitely would not like it with my fish, nor would Randy.

This dredge actually is for chicken, but really does work great for fish. Nice thing about it is you can add any spices you might particularly like. For the chicken, I usually add paprika to the dredge. 


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I fixed Randy salad and hamburgers. The bread I make him is broken down into a roll recipe, which I was able to cut in half again (the bread only lasts 3 days, so I don't want to make too many rolls at once). I used two large jar rings to bake the rolls in. They don't get real thick, but they rise enough to make smaller burgers. He's very happy to have an actual burger again. ?

Basically the only carbs he had were in the veggies in the salad. So, not too much when you factor in the fiber. 

Salad dressing was an issue at first. I bought a couple of bottles of paleo dressing (so, no sugar, grain, or dairy). But he wasn't crazy about them. So I tried to make paleo ranch dressing. It was ok, but nothing spectacular. So now, what he loves on his salad is a type of green goddess dressing. I smash up a ripe avocado (sometimes I do the whole thing, sometimes I eat half, like tonight  hehe), add garlic and onion powders, salt, and sometimes paprika, a few drops of lemon juice, a spoon of homemade mayo. If it's too thick I add just a bit of water.  Sounds like a lot of work, but it only takes a couple of minutes. I purposely leave the avocado a bit lumpy. Both he and our son like it a lot.

I also have a hamburger waiting for me, but my stomach isn't feeling great so I'm waiting on eating it.


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We are into our Northern California rainy season and true to form it has been and is still raining. But.....I have some Bratwurst Sausages that I really like, so in spite of the rain I grilled them outside while dodging raindrops. These sausages are wonderful, they are not just plain Bratwurst, but they also contain cheese and bacon. Just grill to a dark golden brown and serve on an Artisan French Roll. Quick, easy and delicious. Tomorrow will be my own "Yummy Pork Chop" recipe.

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