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Can someone be saved by reading the NIV?

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No answers yet? C'mon guys. You are looking at me like I'm an enemy. I asked some questions- I honestly want answers. There is no subliminal cultic strategy here. I'm playing fair. I'm a born again, blood bought saint of God just like you- and I have questions.

You can bring this to a quick end by doing one of these options:

1) You can ban me. That will positively get rid of me and my questions real quick. But that wouldn't be nice and I will still be stuck with these pesky questions.

2) You can answer the questions, as many as you can, however you wish, to the best of your ability. I'll be satisfied whether or not they pursuade me. I ask these questions to get answers so I can decide.

3) You can say you don't want or can't answer the questions, and I will be satisfied.

Really, I know there are trolls that ask these questions. I won't bite back. I promise! Are you convinced now?

Now you are playing the "I am going to get banned game" when you are the only one who said anything about being banned. :? Awwwwww [img]http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/4636/musicmusik251vk.gif[/img]

Breaking News: Your questions are not original and have been asked here before. :shock: That is why I told you to do a search.
Why are you ignoring me when I tell you these question have already been answered?

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Me again. :D

Whilst you are on your face before God (in that mental image), go back and re-read everything that BroMatt, BBB, Jerry, and many other KJV-onlys here have said b/c the answers to your questions have been said time and time and time again. It's just as BroMatt said, we've re-hashed these things for abut five years now. The answers you ask for are all there to read and re-read.

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Please, all of you that think I'm wrong, tell me.

Here is what I've been taught:::::::::::
The question is why did God choose to have His precious preserved Word written in English????[/b]

The answer is quite simple, really.

God in His ultimate and unfathomable foreknowledge, and Who knows everything before the beginning even begins, knew that,

[b]1. [/b]England would rise to a national power of such magnitude that it would actually be said that,

[b]"The sun never sets on the English Empire."[/b]

[b]2. [/b]The English language would reach its peak of power and expressiveness at the end of the 16th century (1500s) and the beginning of the 17th century (1600s). It was at this point that God chose to have His preserved Words in their copied manuscripts translated into that language.

Why English, you say???? The English Empire was busy all around the world and sending missionaries to the far reaches of the earth. Great Britain had occupations that circled the globe.

During my growing up years the English language was The Language to learn all over the world. Nowadays there is a great falling away, and you can't even buy a tool of any kind without the instruction book being printed in several languages. It was not always so. Way back in the 50s, 60s and 70s children in foreign countries were being taught English as well as their native language. God knew this was going to happen.

Sorry I didn't actknowledge your post before. That wasn't one of the questions I had posted, but it was one question on my mind and had a lot to do with the other questions. That is a perfectly reasonable answer and it makes sense.

Thanks :).

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Sorry I didn't actknowledge your post before. That wasn't one of the questions I had posted, but it was one question on my mind and had a lot to do with the other questions. That is a perfectly reasonable answer and it makes sense.

See, I told you. Just a little research here and you will find your answers, even if it is in the same thread. Now you got the hint. :wink:

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Me again. :D

Whilst you are on your face before God (in that mental image), go back and re-read everything that BroMatt, BBB, Jerry, and many other KJV-onlys here have said b/c the answers to your questions have been said time and time and time again. It's just as BroMatt said, we've re-hashed these things for abut five years now. The answers you ask for are all there to read and re-read.

Hi pneu-engine, again. :D

I tried narrowing down my search to relevant keywords, and got some 400 results. Since these questions are asked and answered all the time, maybe I can recommend they be answered in a sticky? That would benefit the members by providing good answers to the questions, would benefit those that come here to make trouble, and would benefit me as I'm still searching. That way people that come here in the future don't have to make posts like mine. Just a suggestion

And BroMatt,

I didn't mean to make it sound like I'm being oppressed or treated unfairly or anything. I was just making a list of options since you guys seemed so hesitent on helping me out directly.

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You are most welcome, Kubel. :D

Now did you do the experiment that I suggested? Trust me, it works wonders. It did for me. Before I came to this board I was not completely KJV-O, but on the edge, but when I started reading many threads on it, the Light of God's Countenance shone upon me and I accepted His teachings in faith believng. You will be so joyfully enlightened when you do the same. :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

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An idea for you::::::::::

To narrow down your search, try this one.

Go look up profiles on the following members here:::::::::::::::

Jerry, Bro Matt, BaptistBibleBeliever, Brandplucked (Will Kinney), just to name a few.

Read every one of their posts for about six to eight hundred or so of each person that I listed.

I guarantee that you'll gain an enlightening if you are truly sincere. :D

Please don't fall into the trap of wanting to be handed everything on a silver platter. We have to dig deep with genuine sincere effort to find many rich gems.

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I do not agree with all of the KJVO points made in these post but here are some sample discussions I found doing a search for you.



I found these by copy and pasting your first question into the search function and selecting "seach all terms".

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The point that I have been trying to make is that I do not believe that there can be any one good definitive statement of fact to answer many questions - including such as "What did man do before 1611?"

I say it isn't important to me because I have to deal with what I have today. If I had lived back then, perhaps it would be a relevant issue.

But remember, the world in 1611 was still coming out of the period known as the Dark Ages where satanic forces made private ownership of a Bible a capital offense and what few Bibles they had were chained to a pulpit with only a few individuals able to touch it.

Yet, the world still had GOD's Word - for it was hid in the hearts of His people. And they faithfully gave it to those that would listen. Did they have it all? No - but they had enough. They had what they needed for the time. They knew that JESUS saves.

They were not so concerned then with prophecy - it would be 400 years from then that the world was ready for the LORD's return.

But people were still dying and going to hell - and they still needed to hear John 3:16.

I don't know about all the concern to have answers to questions that really don't matter now, and certainly will not matter a million years from now - the important thing is:

Use the Word of GOD that you have and use it to win the lost to CHRIST!

That's why I'm not a theologian, I suppose. I just don't care how many angels can fit on the head of a pin. But I do care that I can, by faith, trust GOD not only for eternity - but to know that He has entrusted us with His Word.

Now that that word is in the KJB, for me, is simply a matter of settled faith.

Just like my salvation.

But it seems that such thinking is being scorned.

And that, in my opinion, is what leads to rationalism and modernistic unbelief at the end of the trail.

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Thank you, Kubel. I know that we have had some good exchanges between us on other subjects. Unfortunately, some issues are pretty divisive - and certainly this is one of them. It is pretty obvious that there is no verse in any Bible which tells us what Bible is the best one - for me, the proof is in the pudding (as they say).

I know which one GOD has most blessed for four centuries. I know which Bible is the easist for me to memorize (and by His grace I've memorized LOTS of verses - including whole epistles). I know which one best speaks to my heart.

It all pretty much boils down to our personal relationship.

I am not going to "condemn" someone for using an NIV - but knowing what I do of they way these versions corrupt absolute doctrinal truth does cause me to wonder what these folks are thinking.

The "other" versions don't use italicized words, but that does not mean they are better (just dishonest, in my opinion). Words and their meanings do change - but not the doctrines they described.

Even the changes between the 1611 and the later versions were only word spellings and punctuation.

But what do the other versions do? They remove crucial verses such as 1 John 5:7 and whole passages such as the John 8 account of the woman taken in adultery.

And what do they base it on? Better manuscripts!

Manuscripts found in a storage bin taken from St. Catherine's monastery by Tischendorff! Pages that were disposed by the monks because they DID HAVE clerical errors and were imperfect.

Hey, that's why I prefer to just be a simple child believing that I really do have GOD's Word.

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