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Your original denomination


What denomination were you raised in?  

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  1. 1. What denomination were you raised in?

    • None
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    • Assemblies of God
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    • Episcopalian
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I think Episcopalian in North America is the same thing as Anglican (as far as terms go).

I was raised mostly as Catholic - not die hard though. A few years of Catechism in the Catholic church and a few years of confirmation in the Anglican. With a smattering of Pentecostal Sunday School and a year or two with the Salvation Army thrown in. Never got the Gospel at any of these places. Saw a lot of hypocrisy.

Later, in Nov. 92, I got saved through the Alliance Church - but have since become solid, Independent Fundamental Baptist (since July 98).

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Good point about not hearing the Gospel message. In all my years of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School at the Methodist and Christian churches, I never heard the Gospel message either.

I never knew about being "born again" or any such thing until I was on a date one night and she asked me if I believed in life after death. That started a long conversation about God, Jesus, the Bible and salvation; which led to me doing some serious praying and Bible reading and attending church with her, which led to the Holy Ghost showing my need for salvation and my being born again!

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I was raised Baptist, BMA, http://www.baptisttrumpet.com/ never really questioned it.

The BMA Churches are completely self governing, they only work together in order to do mission work and such, they have 1 meeting per year, and each church can send 3 messengers, I believe it is. In recent years some of them have gotten a bit liberal.

The Baptist Church I'm pastor of is Independent though.

But, when God started calling me, for about one year, I did some serious searching, on our Baptist teachings, as well as others. When I was satisfied in my mind that Baptist were correct and I was not a Baptist just because I was raised Baptist, them I could walk down the church aisle and surrender to the Lord to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I know way to many, who are in a church, just because that was were their parents attended.

As well as many Baptist, who don't have no idea why they are Baptist, nor even what the Baptist really teach.

You know, here a few years ago, some Baptist Churches started taking the name Baptist off their church, they claimed it was a hindrance to them. :shock:

May the Lord Bless,

"Let not your heart be troubled"
John 14:1 (KJV)

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You know, here a few years ago, some Baptist Churches started taking the name Baptist off their church, they claimed it was a hindrance to them.

We had a thread discussing this issue a while back - and we believe it is a sad thing when the compromise is due to an ecumenical stand or a desire to fit in more with the lost or the other apostate churches. We don't know the reasons for every church that changes its name, but the ones that do it to fit in or get more members, it is serious compromise and displeasing to the Lord!

I became a Baptist (especially an IFB one) when I learned what Baptist theology and disttinctives were. I was doing some indepth research on Bible versions in the fall of 97 and in 98 (by January 98 I had become KJVonly - but I still am always reading good research and info on the issue - but not as much as in that first year or two), and kept coming across the name David Cloud - unfortunately, some websites that presented the position of KJVonly were Ruckmanites or Riplingerites - and Riplinger has a section in one of her books called "O Madman" where she slanders Cloud and calls him a Bible corrector, etc. So whenever I heard his name, I just ignored it. But as time went on, I came across more and more of his articles - especially when I started doing research on Christian living and CCM music. I thought, this guy is as separated as I am - more reading... Wow, this guy's doctrine is the same as mine! - More reading... Hey, this guy is IFB - that must be what I am too then! He had a list of IFB churches in the city where I lived, and here I am today, almost 8 years later.
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I became a Baptist (especially an IFB one) when I learned what Baptist theology and disttinctives were. I was doing some indepth research on Bible versions in the fall of 97 and in 98 (by January 98 I had become KJVonly - but I still am always reading good research and info on the issue - but not as much as in that first year or two), and kept coming across the name David Cloud - unfortunately, some websites that presented the position of KJVonly were Ruckmanites or Riplingerites - and Riplinger has a section in one of her books called "O Madman" where she slanders Cloud and calls him a Bible corrector, etc. So whenever I heard his name, I just ignored it. But as time went on, I came across more and more of his articles - especially when I started doing research on Christian living and CCM music. I thought, this guy is as separated as I am - more reading... Wow, this guy's doctrine is the same as mine! - More reading... Hey, this guy is IFB - that must be what I am too then! He had a list of IFB churches in the city where I lived, and here I am today, almost 8 years later.

Wonderful testimony, Jerry. :clap::goodpost::clap:

(Highlighted part same as my testimony. :D )
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Jerry wrote

I suppose I have always been a KJO person. I have never bought any other versions of the Bible, never felt a need to, even thou these MV's have become so popular thru the years. And most Churches I have been associated with, the majority of the members have stayed with the KJO.

I bought and read one book, Things That are Different Are Not The Same by Mickey Carter, it was enough to let me know, I had no need of a MV.

May the Lord Bless,

"Let not your heart be troubled"
John 14:1 (KJV)

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We are going to a church that was on David's Cloud's list also. That's how we found it. I had been looking for a bible preaching, teaching, berean-type of church for 30 years and finally found one. The most solid teaching I've ever heard from the pulpit on a regular basis.

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I chose "Other" because for the first 7 years of my life I was raised Lutheran; then we left that church (I found out later it was because the Lutheran pastor was making passes at my mom, in our home! :mad: ) and for about 5 years didn't go to any church. We started going to an Evangelical Covenant Church (which I believe is part of the Reformed church movement, if I remember correctly) after I went to their Sunday School with a friend of mine at whose house I spent that Saturday night. I then attended that church for probably about 8 years.

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I am glad to see you did not include Mormons, I am hoping there are so few of them that they were too insignificant for you to bother.
My parents tried to make me one. :)

It didn't even occur to me to include Mormon or Seventh Day Adventist or Jehovah Witnesses or any of the other religions who use the Bible (or their version of it). I guess I was thinking in terms of "denominations" that are more mainstream.

I'm happy you are here!
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I have a half sister who is Mormon, or should say converted when she married, just met her in the early 90's for the first time since I was about 20 months of age.

Shortly after we met she sent me some Mormons stuff, along with a Mormon Bible.

I think she was trying to convert her baby brother from Baptist to a Mormon. When I balked and mailed her some information on how to really be saved, she would not answer a letter to me, would hardly talk on the phone with me.

I think she finally saw we were at a stalemate and got over it. But it sadden me to know that she was into that.

Which I appreciate the Mormon Bible, I learned quite a bit about them from it, none of it good though.

May the Lord Bless,

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