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This is going to be the official thread for discussion of the KJV, it's inspiration and whether the translators were inspired.

This discussion is open to all members!

Edit by Admin: This thread was started by PastorJ to stop every Bible thread from turning into a KJVO discussion. Other threads that turn into a KJVO debate will be removed.

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Oh boy, Vince is sure going to enjoy this.

I'll start some fun here.
-The Bible was given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16) and is therefore inspired. Inspired means something that was given by inspiration of God. Duh. :wink:
-The King James Bible is no more inspired than the source documents it was translated from (i.e., God did not "breathe again" in 1611).
-Inspired means "breathed" (a dictionary could tell you that). This agrees with the Greek, because the KJB is an accurate translation from the original languages (with the former translations diligently compared and revised). This does not contradict Job 32:8.
-The King James Bible is the verbally and plenarily inspired word of God, through providential preservation.
-The King James Bible is not Jesus Christ. "Word" is similar, yet distinct from "word."

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Oh boy, Vince is sure going to enjoy this.

I'll start some fun here.
-The Bible was given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16) and is therefore inspired. Inspired means something that was given by inspiration of God. Duh. :wink:
-The King James Bible is no more inspired than the source documents it was translated from (i.e., God did not "breathe again" in 1611).
-Inspired means "breathed" (a dictionary could tell you that). This agrees with the Greek, because the KJB is an accurate translation from the original languages (with the former translations diligently compared and revised). This does not contradict Job 32:8.
-The King James Bible is the verbally and plenarily inspired word of God, through providential preservation.
-The King James Bible is not Jesus Christ. "Word" is similar, yet distinct from "word."

I think I agree with all of that. :)
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I guess I should post exactly what my beliefs are concerning the KJV and Scripture.

-I believe the KJV is inspired through preservation.
-I believe that the KJV is the best translation available to the English-speaking world but is still a translation and does not replace or improve upon the Hebrew and Greek.
-I believe that any Bible version that is faithful to the Greek and Hebrew is inspired through preservation.

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I heard Ray Comfort has a version that is supposed to be accurate but I haven't done any research on it to say one way or the other.

I have a copy that I bought recently but I haven't had much time to really get deep into it.
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