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KJB Princess,
That response helped me alot. It gave me more of a perspective of what I am really up against.

The Bible says for a man to:
"leave his father and mother AND shall cleave unto his wife" NOT leave and cleave sometime later
"better for a man not to TOUCH a woman" Touch means touch
"to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife"

My dad left home at age 18 because his mom forced unfair rules on him. Either he had to give her his whole paycheck every week to provide for the family (because his dad divorced his mom), or leave the house (because if you don't obey, you leave). My dad moved out on his own and even though it was rough, it taught him how to be independent so that he could provide for a wife and family someday. He got married to my mom when he was 24.

According to you, my dad did the wrong thing. I would rather marry a guy that can provide for himself and live on his own, then a guy that has to stay at home and rely on his parents.

*edit* Also, look at the Bible. Moses left home before getting married. (he wasn't with his real parents, he was adopted...but still, it's the same) You don't see Paul living with his parents, yet he never marries.

The point is, lots of that set Biblical examples for us didn't stay at home with their parents forever. They moved out and while they were on their own, they served God. A man shouldn't always live with his parents until marriage. That is an unbiblical rule.
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Yeah and in the situation I mentioned, the girls weren't married and they needed to get away from their PERVERT of a father, whether YOU think so or not. You must be awfully heartless to believe they should have stayed their till marriage so their perverted father could continue gawking at them. Those were his "rules" and according to you the girls had to obey them AND had to stay living at home. John the Baptist didn't live at home and he wasn't married...Jesus didn't always live at home and he wasn't married. Paul didn't live at home and he wasn't married.


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Yeah and in the situation I mentioned, the girls weren't married and they needed to get away from their PERVERT of a father, whether YOU think so or not. You must be awfully heartless to believe they should have stayed their till marriage so their perverted father could continue gawking at them. Those were his "rules" and according to you the girls had to obey them AND had to stay living at home. John the Baptist didn't live at home and he wasn't married...Jesus didn't always live at home and he wasn't married. Paul didn't live at home and he wasn't married.


Sister Katy-Anne, are you even READING any of the posts on this thread other than your own? I do not see where anyone is saying anything that would support or condone perverted sexual pleasure? If there was such a post it must have been removed. :loco
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Yeah and in the situation I mentioned, the girls weren't married and they needed to get away from their PERVERT of a father, whether YOU think so or not. You must be awfully heartless to believe they should have stayed their till marriage so their perverted father could continue gawking at them. Those were his "rules" and according to you the girls had to obey them AND had to stay living at home. John the Baptist didn't live at home and he wasn't married...Jesus didn't always live at home and he wasn't married. Paul didn't live at home and he wasn't married.


Good post, Katy-Anne.

Great minds think alike...I was posting the same thing at the same time :wink
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I wasn't responding to that part of her post, IM4Given. I didn't see anyone say that father was right in enforcing his rules...he's dead wrong, and I think everyone here agrees that those girls need to leave.

I was talking about the Biblical characters who left home before marriage.

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All you have to do is read one of my latest post Janet where I said the girls left their Christian homes at age 16 because their father made them use the bathroom and take showers with the door open, and they were only allowed two minutes a day with their bedroom door shut to get changed, so too bad if they had to change twice that day. His rules were too strict, and he told the church his daughters left in rebellion...he didn't count on them going to social services to get the rest of the kids out of that perverted household. And yes, stuff like this DOES happen in "Christian" families.

According to heartstrings the girls HAVE to stay there until they are married.

Oh and heartstrings, what does a child do if their parents TELL them to leave home?


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Preacher Ben posted a great illustration on the subject of submission to authority in this thread - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17245&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=wives&start=12

and I think that biblical submission of children sumitting to their parents could fall into this same "umbrella" diagram as well - if the parents are following the scriptures, then the children are under submission of the parents.

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Preacher Ben posted a great illustration on the subject of submission to authority in this thread - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17245&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=wives&start=12

and I think that biblical submission of children sumitting to their parents could fall into this same "umbrella" diagram as well - if the parents are following the scriptures, then the children are under submission of the parents.

Right, I believe children should obey their parents.

I have a question though. Even if the parents are Christians that are following the Bible, do the children have to live at home till they get married? What happens when a man/woman is in their 30's and still not married? Do they STILL have to live at home?
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You did not even read my post Sister Katy-Anne your heart is hardened I fear.


The pervert was not doing the will of God, and therefore his children were not under biblilcal authority to obey that nonsense of bathing with door open etc. God does not support such sick perversions and abuse of authority.

If you would actually read my posts and heartstrings and the others and stop leaping to such ridiculous conclusions you would know that.

Right, I believe children should obey their parents.

I have a question though. Even if the parents are Christians that are following the Bible, do the children have to live at home till they get married? What happens when a man/woman is in their 30's and still not married? Do they STILL have to live at home?

If a child is in their 30s and their parents are in their 60s then it is up to the child to make sure their parents are cared for and looked after - what is wrong with that? If we followed the scriptures like we are supposed to , there would be less need for nursing homes and ALFs - but that is just my opinion.
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What about kids that move out to go to Bible college? I think I said it before, but I'm going to be moving out eventually to go to a Bible Institute. There is no dorms there, so I will be roommating with a Christian lady from the church who is single and in her late twenties. I'm not going to be under the authority of my parents even though I'll still call them and ask them for advice about stuff. I believe it is God's will for me to do this and He has opened so many doors already....are you saying that would be wrong for me to do?

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I dont' think anyone can say that staying at home until marriage is unbiblical. And how do you know that John the Baptist wasn't living at home? He was in the desert, but how do you know that his mom and dad didn't move there? Just a stupid question, but the fact remains that the Bible is silent on that, so it's not a good comparison point. As for Paul, there are many Bible scholars that believe that he was married, because he was a member of the Sanhedrin, and marriage was required for membership. Maybe later he was widowed.

If a parent teaches a child that they want them to stay at home until the child is married, what is it to you? If it isn't taught in your home, it isn't any of your business!!!

And as for accusing people of accepting perversion, Katy-Anne, you have a rotten attitude! You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Didn't you read where he agreed that it was wrong? What is with you? You're the only one that is right about anything? Come on, get a grip and grow up!

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