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When Did the Church Begin

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Baptists are one sect - IFBs are another, Methodists are another, Presbyterians are another, Free Presbyterians are another, Anglican/Episcopalians are another, Lutherans are another, "Bible Churches" are another, "Bible Chapels" are another. You can play the non-denominational game all you want, but you are just fooling yourself.

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When did the church begin? There are two schools of thought on this one. One says during the ministry of Jesus while others say at Pentecost. I don?t wish to enter into this argument. My problem is Ac 7:38 This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:

Many are opposed to any criticism of how a word in the KJV is translated. Without commenting on the translation of ekklesia. How do we reconcile Acts 7:38 with the above positions. ekklesia however can be translated assembly. Had it been there would be no seeming conflict.

I am solidly a KJV preacher and will preach and teach from nothing else.

It started in 33 AD at the Pentecost.
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