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What Happened To Sunday Night Church???

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I'm going to put a caveat on this thread. I'm not a huge fan of Dr. Bob Gray, Sr. The issues many have with him are well documented. But, as my grandfather used to say, even a broken clock is right twice a day. With that being said I, too, beg the question and ask several more. How many of you grew up going to Sunday evening services in the church? How many of you still have a Sunday evening service in the church where you attend? If you no longer have one, what is going on in it's place? Are there any other churches in your geographical location having Sunday evening services?  Below is Dr. Bob Gray, Sr's article.


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29 minutes ago, HappyChristian said:

We did, we do. Most churches around here only have Sun am service.

The church we're members of didn't have evening service, rather they had several small groups. Since the Wuhan Flu the church has stopped all small groups. On most Sunday evenings they have choir practice for a choir we NEVER use. It's been a royal mess since 2020. 

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Our church has Sunday evening services.

I did go to a church some time ago that did not. In its place it was highly encouraged that people have one or more families over for Sunday fellowship. I actually enjoyed this while it lasted. I learned a great deal during this fellowship with the saints and the spiritual growth of our family during that time was profound. Unfortunately, after about five years or so, the practice dwindled significantly, and nothing replaced it. The church, as far as I know is still Sunday mornings only.

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27 minutes ago, Napsterdad said:

Our church has Sunday evening services.

I did go to a church some time ago that did not. In its place it was highly encouraged that people have one or more families over for Sunday fellowship. I actually enjoyed this while it lasted. I learned a great deal during this fellowship with the saints and the spiritual growth of our family during that time was profound. Unfortunately, after about five years or so, the practice dwindled significantly, and nothing replaced it. The church, as far as I know is still Sunday mornings only.

I'm finding this to be all to common an occurrence. The adversary seems to be gaining ground all around.


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I grew up in "three to thrive" IFB churches, plus as an mk, often attended multiple missions conferences a year. I was in church throughout the week all throughout my childhood and well into my adulthood. 

The church I attend now does not have Sunday evening services. They have a Bible study before the morning service and recently have started a Wednesday night Bible study service. It's a small church that has multiple ministries serving the community. The lack of a Sunday evening service doesn't mean they are serving God less, ministering less, or fellowshipping less. 

I read the article, which is just an opinion piece that doesn't Biblically explain why Sunday evening services are important. It seems to be a nostalgia-filled article on why Sunday evenings are special to him. I added my thoughts to his main arguments: 

"It was special because we were able to hear the preacher again. " "He spoke directly to us. He challenged us more. He exhorted a bit more."

Why preach differently?  Sunday morning services shouldn't be different than Sunday evening services. 

"It was a family meeting where he could be more candid with the members of the family."

No, again, Sunday morning shouldn't be any different. Why should visitors cause someone to respond less, listen less, or fellowship less in the morning service? It's almost like once the visitors are gone, you can breathe after holding your breath. Are visitors really that much of an 'outsider' presence that it changes the atmosphere of the church service? 

"It was another chance to become closer to one another."  "After all there was no one there that we were trying to impress." 

Impress? Really?  Church services shouldn't be about impressing anyone. 

"It puts sports, football in particular, in its place." 

With streaming, this is a moot point. Any sports fanatic will find a way to watch their team in between services and stay up to date on that oh-so-very vital information, that's not putting sports 'in its place'. 

"It gave us another chance to do something for the Lord." 

 This is probably the only point I agree with. For those in larger churches space for special music, or other in-church ministries is limited, so another service will give someone who desires to serve God in a church service an opportunity to do so. People who work or otherwise can't come in the morning have a chance to do so in the evening. However, these are not Biblical reasons for Sunday evening services, it's just a good point. 

Edited by Rebecca
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