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Leaving NIFB: I need help with some doctrine

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Not to go too deep into this, but I've been a NIFB for a long time now.  But slowly God has been showing me how much pure hatred and anger this sect is.  Granted, in my flesh, I loved it.  I loved being RIGHT and angry and even "Godly Hateful".   That screaming bold preaching made my flesh feel so good. 

But it made my soul and heart lose sight of Christ and his love and mercy.  

Anyways. I'm stubborn, but im willing to learn.   There are 3 doctrines the NIFB held, which i still do, but 95% of IFB do not.  So please send me any links, videos etc.  Because I need to UNbrainwash myself from a decade of possibly wrong teachings.  Which are:

1. Dispensationalism.  After watching the documentary " Dispensation of Heresy ", i just can't accept this IFB doctrine.  Replacement theology is what I've always known.  But i want to learn from people outside of the NIFB on this topic.

2. Pretrib Rapture: to be honest, I haven't looked too much into this outside of the NIFB documentary " after the tribulation ". This one.I'm not fully sold on or against.  

3.Reprobates: it is heavily taught that homosexuals can't be saved.  And even that our government should be killing them off according to Scripture. Or they should end their own lives..  This has caused nothing but pure hatred from me as well towards this group.  But now I'm starting to think the reprobate doctrine maybe wrong.. As in, I don't see why a homosexual couldn't be saved.  I'm starting to see that, the sin is evil, but Christ can save even them if he saved someone like me.  

These are just 3 BIG topics that I'm.finally willing to learn about, and to put away my NIFB biases. 

Pray for me, and all of the NIFB movement. It really is a religion of hate and can really suck you in.   

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These are great questions you ask and we all (like you are) should be seeking the truth. I'm currently at work, but if I have time this evening I'll see if I can reply back to you.

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1 hour ago, Pastor Matt said:


Like PastorMatt, I'm currently involved with something. I'm also on my phone which makes it hard to reply in any detail. I'll try to get on my computer later today and reply. 

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2 hours ago, Pastor Matt said:

These are great questions you ask and we all (like you are) should be seeking the truth. I'm currently at work, but if I have time this evening I'll see if I can reply back to you.

Absolutely will.Have time tonight. Thank you.  

1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

Like PastorMatt, I'm currently involved with something. I'm also on my phone which makes it hard to reply in any detail. I'll try to get on my computer later today and reply. 

That would be wonderful.  Thank you.  

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I believe that #3 can be answered pretty easily with the Word of God:


3.Reprobates: it is heavily taught that homosexuals can't be saved.  And even that our government should be killing them off according to Scripture. Or they should end their own lives..  This has caused nothing but pure hatred from me as well towards this group.  But now I'm starting to think the reprobate doctrine maybe wrong.. As in, I don't see why a homosexual couldn't be saved.  I'm starting to see that, the sin is evil, but Christ can save even them if he saved someone like me.  

1 Corinthians 3:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.


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Absolutely, all sins can be wash by the blood.🩸By the Lamb of God, the Man Christ Jesus. We must repent and change our evil ways with the help of the Holy Spirit that is now in us. Those that are born again and Saved. Those that don’t change, are simply not Saved. For they look back in what pleases the flesh. 

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18 hours ago, bro. Mark said:

Not to go too deep into this, but I've been a NIFB for a long time now.  But slowly God has been showing me how much pure hatred and anger this sect is. 

First I would say the best thing to do is get into a loving IFB church with a caring pastor that you and your family can minister in with a good conscience before God and go to every service the best you can while being an encouragement to the pastor and other members and be willing to learn from them with a humble heart at all times. Second, have a dedicated prayer and bible reading time for yourself and also for your family and don't use topical study as a substitute for your devotions. These two things will help the most as God will use them to answer your doctrinal question as you read and will grow your heart as you pray. I have an artical on devotions here: 



As for the other three questions

18 hours ago, bro. Mark said:

1. Dispensationalism.  After watching the documentary " Dispensation of Heresy ", i just can't accept this IFB doctrine.  Replacement theology is what I've always known.  But i want to learn from people outside of the NIFB on this topic.

So what most of "Dispensation of Heresy" does is use extreme views of dispensationalism such as hyper dispensational theology and Rachmanism. Most IFB are against some to those things too. Particularly the Mutiple salvation stuff. Most Baptist also do not hold to the version that document exposes.  Also, you'll have to check with your local church because while IFB holds to some form of dispensationalism (such as simply considering its divisions of time as helpful) it is not as crucial as the NIFB seem to make it. Here is a few videos showing my view on it as not necessarily one of time but one of stewardship: 


18 hours ago, bro. Mark said:

2. Pretrib Rapture: to be honest, I haven't looked too much into this outside of the NIFB documentary " after the tribulation ". This one.I'm not fully sold on or against.

So post-trib-pre-wrath of the NIFB needs to have the Church and the State of Israel to be the same for their view to work. They also have to divide up the book of Revelation to make their view fit. However, Acts 15, 16 and 28 makes it clear the two are separate continuing covenants. This division of church and state are so clear that when the NIFB preachers teach on Acts 15 they have to say the apostles and the church elders were "wrong" in what they decreed for the Jews and Gentils. I have a transcript and videos on that as well. John Young's Blog: Why The Church Is Not Israel (Acts 15) (johnyoungblogs.blogspot.com)


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19 hours ago, bro. Mark said:

3.Reprobates: it is heavily taught that homosexuals can't be saved.  And even that our government should be killing them off according to Scripture. Or they should end their own lives..  This has caused nothing but pure hatred from me as well towards this group.  But now I'm starting to think the reprobate doctrine maybe wrong.. As in, I don't see why a homosexual couldn't be saved.  I'm starting to see that, the sin is evil, but Christ can save even them if he saved someone like me.  

So with this, "homosexual" is not a bible term and that is where this doctrine breaks down. True reprobates can be of all persuasions and not only don't want to be saved, but they will also be actively fighting against the Christian to prevent them from preaching the gospel. Yet we see that even Paul the Apostle was outwardly doing this he obtained mercy because he did it in ignorance and unbelief. So the true reprobate holds the truth but in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 1 Timothy 1:13 who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.).

Yet the term homosexual is intentionally an all-encompassing term to include the victim as well as the abuser. Many "homosexuals" are not reprobates but are in being groomed by their abusers to hate and appear as they are. While outwardly they could appear as reprobate or "homosexual" they may still be rescued as Paul was from his wicked actions.

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19 hours ago, bro. Mark said:

Pray for me, and all of the NIFB movement. It really is a religion of hate and can really suck you in.   

Much of the online only followers of any movement can fixate on the hating and that is why if you are going to work for the Lord it is so important to reduce the online following and focus on the local church fellowshipping and attendance. Just like road rage can ruin a nice drive, "Christan" internet trolls can really wreak a good soulwinning movement. 

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3 hours ago, Pastor Matt said:

@bro. Mark you still with us? I was going to reply, but was waiting for you to reply to John to see what you were thinking. 

I am! I loved the replies.   It was so helpful as I transition from the NIFB "movement" to just IFB.  

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On 8/18/2024 at 7:18 PM, bro. Mark said:

Reprobates: it is heavily taught that homosexuals can't be saved.  And even that our government should be killing them off according to Scripture. Or they should end their own lives..  This has caused nothing but pure hatred from me as well towards this group.  But now I'm starting to think the reprobate doctrine maybe wrong.. As in, I don't see why a homosexual couldn't be saved.  I'm starting to see that, the sin is evil, but Christ can save even them if he saved someone like me.  


There are two “types” of homosexuals in the Scriptures:

1. Those who are lost and give into that sin, like any other sin. Heartstrings showed the passage that showed they can be forgiven if they turn to Christ and repent of their sins (1 Corinthians 6:9-11), including that one.

2. Those who reject God because of a love for their sins and a suppression of the truth/the true God, and then are given over to a reprobate mind, as Romans 1 teaches. Those kind are blinded by their sin and as a judgement by God. I do not believe those people can be saved, as they are what we would typically state are apostate (ie. knowing the truth then rejecting it). While they cannot be saved, we generally** really do not know who fits that view - because the actions of a rebellious lost homosexual would seem the same as an apostate homosexual from outward appearances - so we need to get the Gospel to both groups.

**Maybe I am wrong here, but I think someone who goes further than most and gets a sex change would fit the apostate category. I personally think that is taking a moral and spiritual step that they cannot come back from.

What does NIFB stand for?

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While there are different views of dispensationalism, the concept is Biblical - ie. God has different rules for each time of man’s history. We are not in the age of the Law, but the church age. We are not forbidden to eat fruit from a certain tree now, we are not building an ark or fleeing from the Antichrist now.

Replacement theology is not Biblical in any sense. God still has a plan for the nation of Israel, as we see in Romans 9-11. The church is not the new Israel or a replacement for Israel - but something God is creating and working through in this dispensation, and once the church is raptured, the Lord will complete His plan with Israel:

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5 minutes ago, Jerry said:

Maybe I am wrong here, but I think someone who goes further than most and gets a sex change would fit the apostate category.

I doubt that is a determiner as many manipulators can get their victims to doing many unspeakable things, including bodily mutilation and brainwashing. For me I think it falls along the line of those who feel they need to change themselves to align with a false sense of self that they are lacking (up to even self-mutilation and lashing out at others) verse those who are past feeling for others and want to change others and derive joy from their manipulation. For example, we can see many children who removed body parts and committed suicide afterwards and older persons who de-transitioned from the "sex change" and warn others of the false change they were tricked in to thinking they could obtain.

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Not to argue, but how would someone who had a sex change repent of that (and their sexual sin) in a practical manner? I have heard of people reversing some of the transgender hormones, etc. - but I have never heard of someone getting a sex change and then repenting of that.

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