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Lost a Facebook friend yesterday. Nice lady I've known for years. I had posted this photo of a bear which was killed on the highway about three miles from our house. This lady, who claims to be a Christian, posted this statement : " I hope it hurt their car really good and they don't have insurance lol!!!!!" and "we keep encroaching on their living spaces".  I thought I replied respectfully enough and a local pastor did as well but she is serious about this. She posts stuff about animal welfare all the time. But her particular posts are actually very mild compared to some of the similar statements I've seen on the internet.  People are posting about wishing people dead who mistreat animals, like leaving dogs in hot cars, that sort of thing, which I think one shouldn't do, of course, It seems that, today, the more people love animals the more they hate their fellow man.  I heard the man who hit the bear is suffering a broken leg in addition to his damaged vehicle.. I'm not joyous that the poor bear met it's demise but then, I'm not grieving over it either. I feel sorry, rather, for the poor man whose leg is in a cast now. Is the animal worship we have in American society, today, similar to the depravity of animal worship of the Egyptians and others mentioned in the Bible? 

Edited by heartstrings
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3 hours ago, heartstrings said:


Lost a Facebook friend yesterday. Nice lady I've known for years. I had posted this photo of a bear which was killed on the highway about three miles from our house. This lady, who claims to be a Christian, posted this statement : " I hope it hurt their car really good and they don't have insurance lol!!!!!" and "we keep encroaching on their living spaces".  I thought I replied respectfully enough and a local pastor did as well but she is serious about this. She posts stuff about animal welfare all the time. But her particular posts are actually very mild compared to some of the similar statements I've seen on the internet.  People are posting about wishing people dead who mistreat animals, like leaving dogs in hot cars, that sort of thing, which I think one shouldn't do, of course, It seems that, today, the more people love animals the more they hate their fellow man.  I heard the man who hit the bear is suffering a broken leg in addition to his damaged vehicle.. I'm not joyous that the poor bear met it's demise but then, I'm not grieving over it either. I feel sorry, rather, for the poor man whose leg is in a cast now. Is the animal worship we have in American society, today, similar to the depravity of animal worship of the Egyptians and others mentioned in the Bible? 

I've found that there are many people moving into the mindset you described. My wife and I have lost friends over this same issue. These people seem to elevate animals to human, and even godlike status. They don't like the fact that WE worship the Lord God and do our best to protect pets and wildlife second. 

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Sad. The Bible teaches the righteous are to care for their animals (ie. not mistreat them) - but it is horrible when people (especially professing Christians) elevate the welfare of animals ABOVE that of humans.

it’s okay to abort human babies, but don’t eat an owl’s egg or harm a dolphin.

Proverbs 12:10
A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast:
but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

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I will swerve to miss a deer, dog, turtle, or any other animal on the road, but only if I can do it without wrecking my car or someone else's vehicle. Do any of you remember the bumper sticker "WARNING I break for animals"? That is was a stupid reaction to laws passed to prevent traffic accidents caused by people swerving to avoid hitting animals. Like all bleeding heart policies, it was vacuous and emotional, but ultimately illogical. I also saw a bumper sticker that said, "WARNING I don't break for liberals".

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I remember in Fiji seeing a car that had accidentally hit a cow. The whole bonnet was collapsed in on itself. The share weight of the cow! 

A weird thing we had here is we had the sailing gp in Lyttleton Harbour here in Christchurch, NZ.  It went ahead, complete,  but apparently the environmentalists thought the boats were harming the dolphins. 

They won out and we aren't getting the gp back for now.

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