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Voting for one the of two less evils biblical?

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

You're crazy. You're sounding more and more like the crazies that see conspiracies around every corner. We all know that there's no god of visas, just as there's no living god in Baal. You really need to learn to put more faith in God and his control in ALL things even when it looks bleak to human eyes. You're an alarmist to the inth degree. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

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11 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I'm not thrilled with their individual religious beliefs - any more than I am Trump's. But Vance respects and supports the Constitution (I know he's not perfect) more than many Christians I know.ย 

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15 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Trump picks non-believer for Vice Presidentโ€ฆ were doomed.

Nice job Trump ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Okay TGL... You need to tell us when the last time was that America had a TRULY Christian ticket.

Based on your insinuation made here we should have been doomed a LONG time ago.ย 

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Posted (edited)

We are opening our doors to many Gods here in America and quickly turning into a liberal Country like Europe. Christians excepting what ever comes their way. Weak minded hiding a blind eye to the true faith. That person is very friendly and cares? Right, good luck for many that believe in luck, and not in faith only. I am surprise to see this happening even here in this forum. ย ๐Ÿ˜ž many not all need to go back to basic training .

Edited by TheGloryLand
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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

We are opening our doors to many Gods here in America and quickly turning into a liberal Country like Europe. Christians excepting what ever comes their way. Weak minded hiding a blind eye to the true faith. That person is very friendly and cares? Right, good luck for many that believe in luck, and not in faith only. I am surprise to see this happening even here in this forum. ย ๐Ÿ˜ž many not all need to go back to basic training .

You need to point out where all of this is allegedly happening on this forum. Eddie, you're getting to be a hit-and-run poster here, constantly making vague accusations, NEVER posting proof of anything you post, and posting your warped opinions as truth. TBH, some of us here believe YOU are the one who needs to "go back to basic training," because it's clear many of your positions are lacking substance.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

We are opening our doors to many Gods here in America and quickly turning into a liberal Country like Europe. Christians excepting what ever comes their way. Weak minded hiding a blind eye to the true faith. That person is very friendly and cares? Right, good luck for many that believe in luck, and not in faith only. I am surprise to see this happening even here in this forum. ย ๐Ÿ˜ž many not all need to go back to basic training .

"We"? (You do realize when you use the word "we" you are including yourself?) You and who else here are opening the doors to many gods?

Who here is "accepting" (not excepting) whatever comes our way? I and my wife are involved in various ministries that help educate others in solid biblical principles. I take a stand against those that would dilute or sidestep Christian conduct where it is in my power to do so. I raise my childrenย up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And I vote for the candidate that most closely associates himself to the Christian principles found in the Bible.

What do you do TGL (aside from cast your negative commentary and aspersions on this forum)?

You don't like Trump and Vance? Well, they certainly are not my ideal choice for a presidential ticket either. So, what are you going to do TGL. Vote for Biden (or whoever replaces him as the Democrat candidate)? That will do nothing but accelerate this nation's fall away from God. Are you not going to vote at all? Well by doing that you are still casting a vote because that is one less vote that the candidate that is most conservative would have received. He is one vote closer to losing.

What do you propose TGL. Instead of just coming on this forum and spouting negativity, why don't you share with us what you are doing to move this country in the right direction. Why don't you offer us some positive solutions to the negative bile and accusations you keep spewing? Not once can I recall you doing either of these things. It seems all you can do is point your finger. Just remember, when you are pointing your finger at someone else there are three other fingers pointing back at you.




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3 hours ago, Napsterdad said:

"We"? (You do realize when you use the word "we" you are including yourself?) You and who else here are opening the doors to many gods?

Who here is "accepting" (not excepting) whatever comes our way? I and my wife are involved in various ministries that help educate others in solid biblical principles. I take a stand against those that would dilute or sidestep Christian conduct where it is in my power to do so. I raise my childrenย up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And I vote for the candidate that most closely associates himself to the Christian principles found in the Bible.

What do you do TGL (aside from cast your negative commentary and aspersions on this forum)?

You don't like Trump and Vance? Well, they certainly are not my ideal choice for a presidential ticket either. So, what are you going to do TGL. Vote for Biden (or whoever replaces him as the Democrat candidate)? That will do nothing but accelerate this nation's fall away from God. Are you not going to vote at all? Well by doing that you are still casting a vote because that is one less vote that the candidate that is most conservative would have received. He is one vote closer to losing.

What do you propose TGL. Instead of just coming on this forum and spouting negativity, why don't you share with us what you are doing to move this country in the right direction. Why don't you offer us some positive solutions to the negative bile and accusations you keep spewing? Not once can I recall you doing either of these things. It seems all you can do is point your finger. Just remember, when you are pointing your finger at someone else there are three other fingers pointing back at you.




We Americans, America, I said it clearly above Iโ€™m not talking about you. Thatโ€™s why I put confused. I put a block on BT, so I donโ€™t have any idea what heโ€™s talking about, for I havenโ€™t read it.

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58 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

We Americans, America, I said it clearly above Iโ€™m not talking about you. Thatโ€™s why I put confused. I put a block on BT, so I donโ€™t have any idea what heโ€™s talking about, for I havenโ€™t read it.

I'm so thankful that you have blocked me. I don't make it a practice of blocking people. At any rate, have a nice life in your delusional alternate universe.ย X Files Art GIF by Lily Padula

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

We Americans, America, I said it clearly above Iโ€™m not talking about you. Thatโ€™s why I put confused. I put a block on BT, so I donโ€™t have any idea what heโ€™s talking about, for I havenโ€™t read it.

Later in the same post you stated: "I am surprise to see this happening even here in this forum." You 'said it clearly above' "even here on this forum". This focuses the earlier "we" in your post on those of us in this forum. To that I took exception.ย 

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19 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Yes and true, some need to go back to basic training regarding trusting in God and not in man. ๐Ÿ‘จ

Yet, when he refernces "this forum" he refuses to say whom he thinks it is. Sad commentary on his false accusations and strange ramblings. โ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธ

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16 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Yes and true, some need to go back to basic training regarding trusting in God and not in man. ๐Ÿ‘จ

Who here needs to go back to basic training and why? Be specific. What are you doing that some of us are missing? Give some positive feedback, not just negative accusations.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Napsterdad said:

Who here needs to go back to basic training and why? Be specific. What are you doing that some of us are missing? Give some positive feedback, not just negative accusations.

I'm not holding my breath...over the past few years this has been a common practice. TBH, a lot of the time it's hard to make heads or tales of his garbled presentation. He's probably a nice enough brother, but he seems to have a lot of frustration and anger with certain aspects of Christianity and Christians.ย 

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On 7/18/2024 at 2:08 PM, TheGloryLand said:

I forgot to mention there will Christians? That will be blind to other believers' faiths and non-living ways.ย 

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