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Baptist here don’t talk about what’s going on in Jerusalem or Israel

Go to solution Solved by Joe Chandler,

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On 10/17/2023 at 3:37 PM, Salyan said:

Since this thread is discussing Israel, the title is incorrect. TGL, could you please change it (and try to create more positive titles in future - thanks!).

Look how many replies this guy gets with his provocative titles. Sometimes I just have to check them out just to see.

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8 minutes ago, Joe Chandler said:

Look how many replies this guy gets with his provocative titles. Sometimes I just have to check them out just to see.

These types of non issues posted by the brother have started to weary many of us. We've encouraged him to post more positive, productive things to no avail.

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I know the Jews are sinners, I know they're spiritually bankrupt and lost, as a nation. They've been that way for hundreds, thousands of years; just read your Bible. God allowed them to be judged many times and He allowed other nations to judge them like the Philistines, the Amorites, Edomites, Canaanites, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Nazis etc. But each and every nation He allowed to persecute and judge the Jews, He then judged that nation for doing it. I, for one, do not wish to be counted in that number. God said He will bless those who bless them and curse those who curse them. I do believe the Hamas and the Palestinians who support them are reaping some of that judgment right now. God bless the Jews and their nation Israel.

Edited by heartstrings
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On 10/19/2023 at 8:56 AM, TheGloryLand said:

We ought not to close our eyes to negative things happening all around us. We must stand firm with our beliefs and faith. Those that listen to Joel Austin, have no negative things to worry about. Listen to him, all love. ❤️ 

I love Joel Austin! Who is he again?

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39 minutes ago, Joe Chandler said:

I love Joel Austin! Who is he again?

Joel Osteen. TGL is having a hard time at times with his English. But, I expect that from most Hispanics if they're first or second generation Americans. My wife and I have worked with many, legal and illegal alike, and some catch on quite quickly while others don't. TGL, this isn't a slam on you. I can't remember if you told me you were first or second generation. Would you refresh my memory, please? 

Edited by BrotherTony
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On 10/21/2023 at 5:31 PM, BrotherTony said:

Joel Osteen. TGL is having a hard time at times with his English. But, I expect that from most Hispanics if they're first or second generation Americans. My wife and I have worked with many, legal and illegal alike, and some catch on quite quickly while others don't. TGL, this isn't a slam on you. I can't remember if you told me you were first or second generation. Would you refresh my memory, please? 

I know. I was just trying to be funny. It won't happen again.

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On 10/17/2023 at 11:24 PM, SureWord said:

So a Baptist hospital has been blown up in Gaza supposedly killing 500 many being children. Gaza is 40% population under age 18 so that could be possible. No doubt many were killed but who launched the missle? It not uncommon for terrorist organizations or dictators to attack their own to send out a false flag but I've seen two videos comparing the missle that hit the hospital and one being used by American troops during training. The missle appears to be a American made "JDAM" which is actually a retro fitted "dumb bomb" that essentially turns it into a missle.  The Palestinians have no such weaponry nor the ability to use it even if they did. So I'm leaning towards Israel leveling that hospital with an American made bomb or perhaps another country like Iran or some other ME country but this does not look good for Israel.

In my opinion if cooler heads don't prevail we are entering WW3.

I seen something the news was reporting the day before yesterday that seemed off to me. They were claiming claiming that the US Navy shot down missiles and drones supposedly fired from the Houthis in Yemen 

It just seemed hard to believe the Houthis would try to fire missiles from Yemen all the way to Israel. I mean just looking at a map it's ridiculous to think they have precision missiles that could travel the entire length of Saudi Arabia with any kind of precision or stealth to Israel. Unless Iran has the large reaper drones like our military and they tried to fly them the distance. 

I haven't seen any footage or heard specific details about the incident so I dont know. It just seems like they would've launched one of those kinds of attacks from Lebanon or Syria.

The Houthis in general might get support from Iran but they are very different from groups like Hezbollah. As far as I know they have never attacked or threatened Israel in the past...they are far too busy fighting the Saudi backed Sunnis in a never ending homeland war to be thinking about attempting to have a long distance war with Israel too.

The Houthis are also a completely different sect of Shia Muslims than the Twelvers in Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran. It seems like Iran supports them mainly to have a proxy war with Salafis and Wahhabi Saudis.


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9 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

The Houthis seem to have the Qud 4 and  Qud ZO missiles that they could fire at such a range. In the past they have threatened to fire missiles into Tel Aviv and Eilat. 

Thank you Tony.

I guess I need to look more into that. Maybe I've somewhat assumed because of it's proximity from Israel they hadn't been as aggressive towards them.

It seems like the Yemen war keeps them so busy that they don't have time for much else.

I do know that the Houthis have fired missiles into Saudi Arabia several times and it felt like to me that at the very least the Saudi military would knock out any missiles heading towards Israel assuming it was for them.

On a side note...I heard Trump say something I didn't expect the other night. He was talking about how much Benjamin Netanyahu let him/us down during the Qasem Soleimani assassination. He was saying we along with Israeli intelligence were tracking him and the plane he was on but apparently Natanyahu got cold feet or backed out of his role in the actual killing somehow. I assume this because Trump was talking about how despite the let down we carried out the assassination flawlessly. It hard to imagine Bibi backing out of wanting to kill the head of the Quds force so I wonder what happened that made Trump repeat that in public?

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11 minutes ago, Disciple.Luke said:

Thank you Tony.

I guess I need to look more into that. Maybe I've somewhat assumed because of it's proximity from Israel they hadn't been as aggressive towards them.

It seems like the Yemen war keeps them so busy that they don't have time for much else.

I do know that the Houthis have fired missiles into Saudi Arabia several times and it felt like to me that at the very least the Saudi military would knock out any missiles heading towards Israel assuming it was for them.

On a side note...I heard Trump say something I didn't expect the other night. He was talking about how much Benjamin Netanyahu let him/us down during the Qasem Soleimani assassination. He was saying we along with Israeli intelligence were tracking him and the plane he was on but apparently Natanyahu got cold feet or backed out of his role in the actual killing somehow. I assume this because Trump was talking about how despite the let down we carried out the assassination flawlessly. It hard to imagine Bibi backing out of wanting to kill the head of the Quds force so I wonder what happened that made Trump repeat that in public?

Mr. Trump has a motor mouth. Let's be honest, he loves to hear himself talk, and he often says too much. If he got the nomination I would vote for him, but I would definitely be holding my nose and limiting what I listened to from him. There's been far too many times he's been wrong about people, including Bibi. 

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6 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

What is Israel's next step? Is this the calm before the storm? 

I think the storm has already begun. According to the Netanyahu administration, the next step is the destruction of Hamas so that they can never do this again.

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Amazing how Israel is the evil victim of what is happening. The lost world telling them what they need to do. Nobody is telling Hamas what they need to do. Has your church been quiet about what is going on in Israel? Your leader should be informing you of biblical events that are happening in Israel and how the world will someday try to destroy them. This will happen before the rapture of the Saints. If he says, that there have always been wars as his only final answer. Time to find a new church, in my humble opinion. 😇

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