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Will Christians Still Vote For Trump… ??

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I am glad we have the Bible, for it never changes and has the true Word of God, and we can see how through the ages Christian man changes, but the Word doesn’t. Just go back 50 years no Republican Christian would support all this trash, that Christians are supporting today. 😭 Sad

Edited by TheGloryLand
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On 9/3/2024 at 11:29 AM, BrotherTony said:

Again TGL posting that JD Vance is a Hindu, which is blatantly FALSE. He's been called on this before. His WIFE is Hindu. He was an atheist first and now is a Catholic. Seems like TGL is always trying to stir the pot with FALSE information or flat out prevarication. Sad, really... very sad.


1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

TGL proving his allegiance to Harris/Walz...his constant droning about Trump is wearing. The first president to support pot was Obama. He made it a habit of throwing patties in the White House peppered with marijuana and other illicit drugs. Does anyone remember the drugs found in the White House under this administration and the subsequent cover up that went on? TGL needs to realize as well that CBD and medical marijuana are legal in many states. Maybe he'll STOP with his constant negativity on this site and finally start posting something uplifting. 

The Biden White House coke scandal. Yes, hard to forget that when Commy Kamala behaves as she does.

Remember when Hillary was running for office? It was reported that the DNC which she largely controlled enlisted volunteers to Troll political discussion forums on her behalf.

I don't think that was a one-off. I think that's standard now days. TGL could be that .

Christians don't  slander people. They don't lie.




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On 9/4/2024 at 8:41 AM, TheGloryLand said:

We that are true Christian's can not be fanatics, of any man. Those who extremely supporting any Man or Women are sinful, and confused.


It is sin to  slander and bear false witness  against Donald Trump and Mr. Vance.

I'm going to ignore your sins now. You feel no contrition because you persist in them.

That's your shame.



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11 minutes ago, Danielle said:

It is sin to  slander and bear false witness  against Donald Trump and Mr. Vance.

I'm going to ignore your sins now. You feel no contrition because you persist in them.

That's your shame.



We all have free liberty to serve and follow. Choose this day whom you will serve. Hopefully we serve the Lord. Trump and Vance are professional actors. Also on the other side Democrats, they are just actors, if it wasn’t for their advisors in office, we would all be in trouble. 🇺🇸

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More FALSE allegations from TGL! Shameful! Vance is FAR from being an actor. Eddie, you may not be able to see this, but I will say it anyway. You sound more like an operative for the Democrats, Soros, Iranians, or Russia. You're intentionally here trying to stir up trouble and many of us have called you on it. Still you persist. Sad... truly sad.

5 minutes ago, Danielle said:

Commy Kamala sure can pick 'em.  What happened to vetting a candidate before bringing them into the VP slot?🫣


NY POST: Tim Walz hit with House subpoena for records on $250M Minn. COVID fraud


Wow! Another crooked MARXIST Democrat. Go figure!

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3 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

More FALSE allegations from TGL! Shameful! Vance is FAR from being an actor. Eddie, you may not be able to see this, but I will say it anyway. You sound more like an operative for the Democrats, Soros, Iranians, or Russia. You're intentionally here trying to stir up trouble and many of us have called you on it. Still you persist. Sad... truly sad.

He started a thread for that  very reason.

He thrives if we pay his sins attention and reply. 

Ephesians 5:11 "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."

3 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Wow! Another crooked MARXIST Democrat. Go figure!

Indeed. What a perfect pair.

Kamala, of Indian Scottish heritage yet scrubs those family lines to the side so to be perceived as black when she needs votes.  And she's an avowed Marxist Communist.

And hard VP pick is pro-LGBTQ and now investigated for fraud.

Can you imagine if that pair get into our White House? And after what Harris and Biden have done to this country all these years?

God forbid.


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Trump will be debating soon the women he fears. I hope Trump doesn't lose control. If he remains calm and sticks to the subject, and not attacking her personality he might win. Who cares what she did in school or in third grade? Maybe some do care here😅

Edited by TheGloryLand
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On 9/3/2024 at 7:24 AM, TheGloryLand said:

Maybe Trump said I’m half Christian, this way he doesn’t offend anyone. What the other half?  Vance, his buddy is Hindu god now, he was a Catholics then atheists, could this be the other half.

I listened to the video. I do not know the status of his soul, but he didn't say "half." He said "a."  I have my personal doubts as to whether or not he's truly saved, but I'm not going to categorically state that he is not. He says he is - and, again, he did NOT say "half" in this video. He supposedly accepted Christ a few years back. It could have been  politically expedient (wouldn't be the first pol who used Christianity to garner votes...as far back as Abe Lincoln have done it, probably even further back), but it could also have been genuine. Which would mean he is still somewhat of a babe in Christ. Mayhap instead of questioning whether or not he's speaking truth we should pray for him to grow in Christ if he's truly saved? Might be a better use of our time, yes? A more biblical use as well.

Vance is not Hindu. He is Catholic. His WIFE is Hindu. He was not Catholic and then atheist.  He grew up with some religion - protestant and pentecostal - and as a teen became atheistic. He actually credits his wife, then girlfriend, with encouraging him to become Catholic. He is actually more vocal about his faith than most Christians I know. That doesn't make his faith correctly placed.

Being Catholic is not being a Christian. Something most folks in the world today don't understand. But let's not present falsehoods. Get our facts straight before we use them, else we are no better than the half-fact mostly bologna media.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't care for DT. But at present, he is the closest to supporting the Constitution that we have before us. And so he will receive our votes...which will be protest votes against KH/TW and her aspirations to completely communize this country.

That said, let's not attack each other. No good ever comes from that. I realize that some have issues with TGL's postings because they seem to be negative. But in this he does have a point: Christians are defending a man vociferously today whom they would have never voted for 50 years ago. Reagan was a darling of the Christian right, but remember he was also a Democrat who was pro-abortion before he moved to GOP and an anti-abortion stance (DT is not anti-abortion, but I do agree with his stance that it is not a federal issue but a state issue...IMO, not even that, but it's closer lol). Am I comparing the two? In a way, but not really. I liked Reagan, although I am still unhappy that he did not undo the Dept. of Ed. that Carter started. 'Twould have been much easier then than it is today, and our schools would be SO much different. But hindsight and all that.

I believe TGL's posts are from a concern over the direction this country has taken. In criticizing DT, he is touching a sore spot amongst people who do not wish to see any clay in DT's feet. Howsomever, we must ALL remember that DT is human, whether or not he is saved. He is not perfect, never will be. He has his warts just as do we all. Sadly, the state of our elections is that we need to choose one who is closest (even if they aren't THAT close) to the Constitution in the hopes that we can retain at least some of our liberties. DT believes in religious liberty. That is something we should all be happy about, at least. KH believes she is going to be "in charge" of everything. And she has some really horrid plans for this country. We all know bad times are coming. But there is nothing wrong with hoping to forestall that by choosing DT, warts and all.


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Sadly, the ones that are going to confront all these bad decisions of these World leaders are, our children and grandchildren. They will not have a peaceful life like we had. We could have been poorer then, but we were happy and our family lived a moral life. Sin had always been here, but the faith was much stronger. Depression is here today, let's see how long it last? 🇺🇸

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7 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

I listened to the video. I do not know the status of his soul, but he didn't say "half." He said "a."  I have my personal doubts as to whether or not he's truly saved, but I'm not going to categorically state that he is not. He says he is - and, again, he did NOT say "half" in this video. He supposedly accepted Christ a few years back. It could have been  politically expedient (wouldn't be the first pol who used Christianity to garner votes...as far back as Abe Lincoln have done it, probably even further back), but it could also have been genuine. Which would mean he is still somewhat of a babe in Christ. Mayhap instead of questioning whether or not he's speaking truth we should pray for him to grow in Christ if he's truly saved? Might be a better use of our time, yes? A more biblical use as well.

Vance is not Hindu. He is Catholic. His WIFE is Hindu. He was not Catholic and then atheist.  He grew up with some religion - protestant and pentecostal - and as a teen became atheistic. He actually credits his wife, then girlfriend, with encouraging him to become Catholic. He is actually more vocal about his faith than most Christians I know. That doesn't make his faith correctly placed.

Being Catholic is not being a Christian. Something most folks in the world today don't understand. But let's not present falsehoods. Get our facts straight before we use them, else we are no better than the half-fact mostly bologna media.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't care for DT. But at present, he is the closest to supporting the Constitution that we have before us. And so he will receive our votes...which will be protest votes against KH/TW and her aspirations to completely communize this country.

That said, let's not attack each other. No good ever comes from that. I realize that some have issues with TGL's postings because they seem to be negative. But in this he does have a point: Christians are defending a man vociferously today whom they would have never voted for 50 years ago. Reagan was a darling of the Christian right, but remember he was also a Democrat who was pro-abortion before he moved to GOP and an anti-abortion stance (DT is not anti-abortion, but I do agree with his stance that it is not a federal issue but a state issue...IMO, not even that, but it's closer lol). Am I comparing the two? In a way, but not really. I liked Reagan, although I am still unhappy that he did not undo the Dept. of Ed. that Carter started. 'Twould have been much easier then than it is today, and our schools would be SO much different. But hindsight and all that.

I believe TGL's posts are from a concern over the direction this country has taken. In criticizing DT, he is touching a sore spot amongst people who do not wish to see any clay in DT's feet. Howsomever, we must ALL remember that DT is human, whether or not he is saved. He is not perfect, never will be. He has his warts just as do we all. Sadly, the state of our elections is that we need to choose one who is closest (even if they aren't THAT close) to the Constitution in the hopes that we can retain at least some of our liberties. DT believes in religious liberty. That is something we should all be happy about, at least. KH believes she is going to be "in charge" of everything. And she has some really horrid plans for this country. We all know bad times are coming. But there is nothing wrong with hoping to forestall that by choosing DT, warts and all.


I've said that I consider Donald to be a brother in Christ.  God knows those who are his.

I think we expect fellow believers to fit a certain image to qualify as what we would judge to be a Christian. 

However,we too would then and are then able to be judged  by the same criteria we hold out for others.

As regards TGL, I do not agree with your perspective.  

Democrats in office lie and have led this nation deep into the darkness of open borders,  an impossible economy and inflation, and more.  

That isn't the responsibility of the electorate. That is the shameful responsibility of the elected. They are at fault.

While TGL is but one amid the electorate who manufactures lies regarding party candidates, Donald Trump and Vance. And I do not think this provides an example of concern for the direction this country is taking.

  Rather, their behavior is an example of why we are falling  further into the direction of darkness.  Immorality has become a feature to be proud of and pursue as if there is integrity in that.

I think TGL putting words into Donald Trump's mouth after posting a video where we may witness that Donald never said those words is something we must pay attention to.

We can hear that DT never said what TGL stated. And the same goes as regards his false accusations against Mr. Vance. What he states is not true!

Stating Donald and Vance are not Christians is a lie.

Continuing to pursue and defend that falsehood leads one to consider it is the liar that is not the Christian. Because,quite frankly,  that's not how we are to behave. 

I think he should be ashamed. Yet, he appears proud,defiant,and defensive when his sins are pointed out.

That's not right.

And yes,I'm new. However, it doesn't mean I am unable to recognize proud unrepentant sin filled hubris and hatred for Trump and Vance. 

It is hatred,in my view. Because love doesn't manufacture a web of lies as TGL has so to smear our Republican presidential candidates.

I feel TGL is a shame. Sadly, he is not ashamed.






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