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I’m glad I did not go to a Christian College

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First, I am not against Christian colleges. There are many good ones out there. Next, if I go to a Christian College that confuse me more, on the things of the Lord, then what shall I profit?

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I'm glad I did go. To several. lol

When one is considering college of any kind (secular/Christian, university/community/..) if one is a Christian prayer and counsel is necessary. This is where knowledge of the doctrines and practices of colleges comes in handy. It is actually very easy to find out if a Christian college teaches something that would draw one away from the Lord. Graduates many times are a clue, although there are times graduates of mediocre colleges go on to shine brightly.

I would agree that care needs to be taken. But the same would be said - and more so in this day and age - of attending secular college. 

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1 hour ago, HappyChristian said:

I'm glad I did go. To several. lol

When one is considering college of any kind (secular/Christian, university/community/..) if one is a Christian prayer and counsel is necessary. This is where knowledge of the doctrines and practices of colleges comes in handy. It is actually very easy to find out if a Christian college teaches something that would draw one away from the Lord. Graduates many times are a clue, although there are times graduates of mediocre colleges go on to shine brightly.

I would agree that care needs to be taken. But the same would be said - and more so in this day and age - of attending secular college. 

I regretted going to the first Bible college I went to. There was a lot of political wrangling going on because of the pastors, (also the president of the college and fellowship they formed), and the pastor and his wife separated and divorced during my first semester there. I was thankful for Maranatha, though.

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15 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

I regretted going to the first Bible college I went to. There was a lot of political wrangling going on because of the pastors, (also the president of the college and fellowship they formed), and the pastor and his wife separated and divorced during my first semester there. I was thankful for Maranatha, though.

Yes, sadly sin doesn't pick and choose who it slays. ?

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24 minutes ago, PastorMatt said:

I remember in Highschool that Maranatha and Pillsbury was the popular Bible colleges.  

Yes, sir, they were! I had just about given up on Bible colleges after my experiences with Fellowship Baptist College, but, my the youth pastor at the church I grew up in was a Maranatha grad...and he saw that I was in despair because of the events surrounding my college education and recommended MBBC...he even took me up there that summer to look for work and to get situated in the dorms. 

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I've never been to a bible college but I think it could be good in the area training for how to build and pastor a church, work the mission field or other areas you need hands on training under the tutelage of someone with experience. Kind of like lab work in a medical college. A friend of mine at his bible school it was required that you had to evangelize. He would help bus migrant workers to church/tent meetings in South Florida. 

As far as learning about the bible, church history or even the "original languages" there is so much material out there now a person can learn that on his own, IMO. Just a little direction in the right areas would be helpful.

The ideal situation is learning from your own church by going soul winning, helping the pastor, attending any bible institute in your church, etc. Unfortunately, most churches I've been too don't do these things any more. One IFB church I attended the pastor (a graduate of Hyles l-Anderson) refused to go soul-winning or preach other than Sunday mornings because his salary wasn't large enough.

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