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Uk: 92% of Covid Deaths were fully vaccinated

Pastor Matt

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Well, who did not already know this? Where are all the people telling how cruel I was to others for not getting the jab?

If you got the vaccine because you felt it was the right thing to do... awesome. This topic is for those telling others they must get the jab. 


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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

I believe that mask works to protect. Mask has been used for years for surgeries and for not spreading colds or flue’s to others. The next time you have surgery, tell the doctor he doesn’t need to wear a mask ? 

The CDC said that it wasn't effective in the Coronavirus except in stopping the spread of droplets when someone coughed or sneezed. Masks are used in surgery (N95) to keep the doctors from spreading any potential germs into the OPEN BODY of their patient. Let's not try to distort the facts here. You're always welcome to your opinion, but, you need to back it up with fact if you expect people to accept it. 

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2 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I believe that mask works to protect. Mask has been used for years for surgeries and for not spreading colds or flue’s to others. The next time you have surgery, tell the doctor he doesn’t need to wear a mask ? 

lol, not comparable. I'm not walking around my grocery store with an open stomach. ?

Doctors never/rarely used to use them on just regular visits because it was not needed. If they work so well, why do I see my doctor without a mask in the store, or pictures in his house?

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Acknowledgement that governments knew the vaccine didn't work, and they still required it. The level of coercion and control was unbelievable.

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