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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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21 minutes ago, Razor said:

But the claim badly mangles the facts.

The CDC's PCR test will be removed from the list of tests under emergency use authorization because the demand for it has decreased with the authorization of other diagnostic tests – not because it confuses viruses. Experts say the test would not show false positives for COVID-19 if the person only had the flu.


I'm beginning to think you're a government advocate. You'll find a majority here don't agree with your position and don't believe it's scientifically feasible...and that's because it isn't.

23 minutes ago, Razor said:

But the claim badly mangles the facts.

Please, feel free to back this up with proof!

23 minutes ago, Razor said:

The CDC's PCR test will be removed from the list of tests under emergency use authorization because the demand for it has decreased with the authorization of other diagnostic tests – not because it confuses viruses. Experts say the test would not show false positives for COVID-19 if the person only had the flu.

So far that hasn't been the case....and it never will be.

23 minutes ago, Razor said:

USA today...Really? The dishonesty in that "paper" is astounding!

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

I'm beginning to think you're a government advocate. You'll find a majority here don't agree with your position and don't believe it's scientifically feasible...and that's because it isn't.

Please, feel free to back this up with proof!

So far that hasn't been the case....and it never will be.

USA today...Really? The dishonesty in that "paper" is astounding!

Hey, Brother Tony, in my life I have found the majority wrong in morals, manners, and politics. Why should I be surprised here that the majority is wrong on this issue? 

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Razor, you are on a Christian message board - and you are pushing your personal opinion on the vaccine. I find it funny that you declare most people here wrong, when it is your personal choice and people are making their own personal choices based on their consciences and their personal convictions from the Bible. Unless they contradict the Bible, you are in no position to declare them wrong.

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12 minutes ago, Jerry said:

Razor, you are on a Christian message board - and you are pushing your personal opinion on the vaccine. I find it funny that you declare most people here wrong, when it is your personal choice and people are making their own personal choices based on their consciences and their personal convictions from the Bible. Unless they contradict the Bible, you are in no position to declare them wrong.

No, but my opinion is based on experience and credible scientific results. If it were not for modern medicine I would not be here. I expect that is true for a number of us on the board. 

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12 minutes ago, Razor said:

No, but my opinion is based on experience and credible scientific results. If it were not for modern medicine I would not be here. I expect that is true for a number of us on the board. 

I have spoken to many of my Baptist friends and they support the vaccine, but not on this website for some reason. Only time will show the correct decision, and all fake news will come to the light or the truth, regarding getting the vaccine.

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The science is not all on the side of the vaccine - there are scientific reasons for not getting a vaccine that messes with your DNA, scientific reasons for not getting vaccines with heavy metals in it or microchips in it. So forget the idea that science is all on your side and we are just unscientific.

And again, this is a fundamental Baptist website that attempts to focus on the Bible. You are coming in here and trying to force unbiblical (or nonbiblical) views. If you came in for any other reason than fellowshipping over the Word of God, then you are in the wrong place.

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9 minutes ago, Jerry said:

The science is not all on the side of the vaccine - there are scientific reasons for not getting a vaccine that messes with your DNA, scientific reasons for not getting vaccines with heavy metals in it or microchips in it. So forget the idea that science is all on your side and we are just unscientific.

And again, this is a fundamental Baptist website that attempts to focus on the Bible. You are coming in here and trying to force unbiblical (or nonbiblical) views. If you came in for any other reason than fellowshipping over the Word of God, then you are in the wrong place.

Yes, and I try to live the Bible. In my personal dealings with people I try to live the Golden Rule. Also, in my dealings with others I try to live as Christ taught. 


Science is never all one way or the other. There are always gray areas. But the heavy weight of evidence, IMHO, is that vaccinations are effective. Statistics are heavily in favor of the stance I hold on this. 

Also, concerning microchips, that is completely false. 

https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/covid-queries-altered-dna-and-microchips/#:~:text=A%3A No%2C those,on a person."


There are no microchips. This is a totally false report. Microchips cannot be made that small. Even if they could they would be very simple and useless.



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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

I have spoken to many of my Baptist friends and they support the vaccine, but not on this website for some reason. Only time will show the correct decision, and all fake news will come to the light or the truth, regarding getting the vaccine.

And if you went to many other Baptist forums, you would find that many there don't support the vaccines either. Those against it here aren't in the minority. You and a few others seem to be, yet you continue to try to "shame" others....don't whine about getting flack over it. 

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

And if you went to many other Baptist forums, you would find that many there don't support the vaccines either. Those against it here aren't in the minority. You and a few others seem to be, yet you continue to try to "shame" others....don't whine about getting flack over it. 

I can understand those not wanting it, but to call it of the devil is a totally other route. 

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50 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I can understand those not wanting it, but to call it of the devil is a totally other route. 

It certainly isn't God messing with our dna, enforcing government control worldwide, causing people to lose jobs and their source of income (like employment insurance or pension), or attempting to force them to go against their conscience to take a questionable cure that is overall causing more problems than it is solving.

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1 hour ago, Razor said:

Saw this on a report...and quite a few doctors say it's hogwash...I tend to agree, especially when they won't post all statistics honestly.

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17 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Saw this on a report...and quite a few doctors say it's hogwash...I tend to agree, especially when they won't post all statistics honestly.

Do you mean when statistics do nor agree with your opinion?

Statistics are hard to argue against. Look at the number of deaths of the unvaccinated vs. the vaccinated. 

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16 minutes ago, Razor said:

Do you mean when statistics do nor agree with your opinion?

Statistics are hard to argue against. Look at the number of deaths of the unvaccinated vs. the vaccinated. 

Incorrect...the ALLEGED number of deaths. It's been proven over and over that many of the deaths being reported as covid ARE NOT! This seems to be something that you want to overlook or hide away. Let me add...statistics aren't hard to argue against when they're incorrect/FALSE! This ISN'T my opinion...but fact.

Edited by BrotherTony
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