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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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4 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Have you consulted a dictionary? I think there's a clear description of what it means if you TRULY are that obtuse!

Yep. But that does not mean that your understanding is the one a dictionary would define. So, please give me your understanding of the word. Thanks. 

Just now, E Morales said:

Your getting Bro. Tony Mad... ?

Angry Season 4 GIF by The Office

Well, he should let us know what he means when he throws out words. I simply want clarity in his replies. People get angry when they realize they are boxed in or do not know how to reply with clarity. I could go not, but it is not a fruitful path to walk down. Blessing.

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Just now, Razor said:

But, I won't argue about it, not try to insult you. 

In this age of information why would a believer relegate himself to the reprobate lies of the main stream. There are God and Bible honoring news source readily available now. You claim yourself a christian so why would you pay any attention to Satan's world news and views? If the reprobates tout your sources then you must realize your sources are deception and not fact.

This is basic Sunday school 101 friend, what are you not understanding?

Facts are not insults friend so take care in your deflections. Deflection won't fool anyone here.



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1 minute ago, wretched said:

In this age of information why would a believer relegate himself to the reprobate lies of the main stream. There are God and Bible honoring news source readily available now. You claim yourself a christian so why would you pay any attention to Satan's world news and views? If the reprobates tout your sources then you must realize your sources are deception and not fact.

This is basic Sunday school 101 friend, what are you not understanding?

Facts are not insults friend so take care in your deflections. Deflection won't fool anyone here.



One person's news source is another person's source of reprobate lies straight from Satan. One man's fact is another man's lie. 

I'll overlook your insulting tone. 

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20 minutes ago, Razor said:

Yep. But that does not mean that your understanding is the one a dictionary would define. So, please give me your understanding of the word. Thanks. 

Well, he should let us know what he means when he throws out words. I simply want clarity in his replies. People get angry when they realize they are boxed in or do not know how to reply with clarity. I could go not, but it is not a fruitful path to walk down. Blessing.

I'm far from angry..I'm just surprised at how a clear word..."RECOVERY"...should be self explanatory...not that hard to understand...needs a definition to grown, allegedly EDUCATED adults. Morales...you're just trying to stir the pot...Razor, if you have to feign lack of intelligence, you're not worth conversing with.

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8 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

I'm far from angry..I'm just surprised at how a clear word..."RECOVERY"...should be self explanatory...not that hard to understand...needs a definition to grown, allegedly EDUCATED adults. Morales...you're just trying to stir the pot...Razor, if you have to feign lack of intelligence, you're not worth conversing with.

If it is so clear, then why can't you define it? 

I said in my first post on this word that if they did not die they recovered. Do you agree?

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6 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

I'm far from angry..I'm just surprised at how a clear word..."RECOVERY"...should be self explanatory...not that hard to understand...needs a definition to grown, allegedly EDUCATED adults. Morales...you're just trying to stir the pot...Razor, if you have to feign lack of intelligence, you're not worth conversing with.

I forgive you, many people have after stuff, after they had COVID. I am not a pot stirrer.

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3 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I forgive you, many people have after stuff, after they had COVID. I am not a pot stirrer.

Implying someone is angry when they're not IS stirring the pot, my friend. If the shoe fits....I'm not in need of your forgiveness...but if it makes you feel better, have at it! ?  Covid is a politicized weapon/issue the left is doing their best to exploit. 

5 minutes ago, Razor said:

If it is so clear, then why can't you define it? 

I said in my first post on this word that if they did not die they recovered. Do you agree?

So? You mentioned recovery...what are the stats on recovery? How many RECOVERED? No clear mention of the stat there...plus, the Covid deaths and infections are blown out of proportion, with many of those cases being nothing more than the common cold or the yearly influenza...

Edited by BrotherTony
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4 hours ago, Razor said:

If it is so clear, then why can't you define it? 

I said in my first post on this word that if they did not die they recovered. Do you agree?

If you don't know the definition of the word...simple as it is...I can't help you. I'm NOT doing YOUR homework for you. You're far too old (older than I am by at least 12 years) and should know the meaning of the word. I don't play semantics with people, which is what YOU are trying to do. The meaning of the word is clear...It should be self evident.

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16 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

If you don't know the definition of the word...simple as it is...I can't help you. I'm NOT doing YOUR homework for you. You're far too old (older than I am by at least 12 years) and should know the meaning of the word. I don't play semantics with people, which is what YOU are trying to do. The meaning of the word is clear...It should be self evident.

I find you most amusing. But you do play semantics. That is what you have been doing and refusing to say what your understanding of the word is in context with your first statement using the word. 

I will know better than to take you seriously in the future.

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2 hours ago, Razor said:

I find you most amusing. But you do play semantics. That is what you have been doing and refusing to say what your understanding of the word is in context with your first statement using the word. 

I will know better than to take you seriously in the future.

That's funny...at least I KNOW what the word "recovered" means and don't have to have someone explain it to me. You continuously, whether with me, with Jerry, or with others, seem to keep trying to divert attention from your inability to communicate what you want. Sad, really...

Back to Covid....why is it that nobody seems to be willing to post the statistics of the number of recoveries along with the numbers of ALLEGED infected, intubated, or mortality rates? 

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I've recovered from a severe case. Bad enough the hospital asked me if I wanted to be ventilated and/or received CPR if needed.

I have two morbidities: Type 2 diabetes and asthma although my asthma never bothered me throughout.

From my personal experience by my treatment from the medical industry the death rates from Covid are as high as they are because of hospitals and doctors refusal to treat patients until it's too late. They have taken the "vax or die" stance. I had to make three trips to the emergency room as well as a trip to receive monoclonals. The first time the hospital sent me home after basically doing nothing for me. The emergency room doctor said I qualifed for monoclonal antibodies but her hands were tied. She gave me no other information on how to receive the treatment other than talk to my doctor. Of course, he was off for Thanksgiving and then even he stonewalled me claiming he never heard of such a treatment. If it wasn't for his nurse in training who said she knew about it and got the paperwork together I would never have received the treatment. That being said, a week had passed since the emergency room doctor told me I qualified and the treatment most likely came too late when I received it. The nurse at the hospital who treated me with monoclonals didn't understand why I couldn't receive it admittedly. I told her "talk to the top floor". So by this time I developed full blown pneumonia and this is when most Covid patients die. And not just that. Why did I have to run around sick for a week trying to set this treatment up? There was no attempt between the hospital and my doctor (who is my doctor no more) to communicate. I had to seek the treatment out myself and sign for release of my records to my doctor as well as receiving the OK from my insurance company to the doctor who gave me the treatment at the hospital. I was extremely sick running around outside in the cold weather. Remember, when doctors actually would come to your home when you were sick? I still do.

The second time I went to the hospital it was the stonewalling. By this time my O2 levels were below 90. No attempt at any treatment other than a course of steroids which I already took and they didn't do much.

The third time they finally admitted me for a day and were going to treat me with Remdesivir but never did. Just stronger steroids. They at least set me up with an oxygen compressor at home which I had to lug inside the house myself really suffering with full blown pneumonia (it was spread throughout my lungs not just one spot in my lungs how it usually is).

My point here is many people have died from Covid because of hospitals and doctors refusal to treat patients with any therapeutics until it is too late and we all know why this is happening. They did the same thing to my mother with the intention on letting her die and would of if my brother did go in there and "turn over some money changers tables".

The medical industry is receiving more federal money from having a higher death rate from Covid as well as pushing the failed vaccine. It always comes back to money. They refused to treat me early on with anything that might help including Ivermectin because they would lose money over this.

Edited by SureWord
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2 hours ago, Jim_Alaska said:

Thanks for posting this; it is good to hear this from someone who has experienced it first hand and is not "hearsay".

I hope you make a full recovery and will pray to that affect.

My experience has been somewhat like SureWord's. I had to drive myself to the ER the day after my diagnosis was confirmed. The ER got me into an ER room pretty quickly (It's an extension of Vanderbilt, so they had better) and they x-rayed my lungs, took my vitals, drew blood, and rans tests. I had passed out from lack of oxygen, and woke up on the floor in my kitchen. My wife was at work and I was alone, so I had to drive myself to the ER...No ambulance! The nurse, who was against the Covid vaxxines because of the evidence of problematic events, came in to see me several times, but had been told NOT to "do much" because I hadn't been vaccinated. They were like this with several other unvaxxed people in the ER at that time. Those who WERE vaccinated got treatment to varying degrees. I, like SureWord, have the co-morbidities of asthma, and diabetes, but, I also have bilateral Menieres disease, COPD, and a few other  challenges. 

I was advised by the ER physician to let my family physician know of my diagnosis, and I did. My own doctor refused to treat me because of my vax status. As of this past week, he lost me as a patient, and my wife's doctor, who is in the same practice, lost my wife for the same reason. TriStar systems are some of the WORST in Tennessee. My now former doctor has refused to refill my diabetes medication, but refilled the nano pins for injections, refused to refill my asthma meds, and has refused to check my diabetes stats/bloodwork for my A1C's, etc. His lack of "care" is unprofessional and more than disappointing. I've lodged a complaint with the medical board here in Tennessee though I don't expect much to be done about it. I attached a copy of the "Oath" that doctors take when they get their licenses, and have shown where he should lose his license for not following his oath. I hated doing it, but unprofessionalism deserves to be notated on his record!

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A top cardiologist discusses the study about the jab vs. natural immunity! If natural immunity is no good, it would be the first time in history that this was the case! 



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