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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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38 minutes ago, PastorMatt said:

Wait, you don't currently have to be vaccinated to work in the same building that our president lives in? I thought he took covid seriously. 

White House Press Secretary Confirms Vaccination ‘Not Mandated’ For Staff | Charlie Kirk

I think he's only taking it serioiusly when it's poltically expedient for himself. 

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One of many references ,  of many possible things foreign to God's Way (like vaccines),  being done to guinea pigs (chattel multitudes,  people,  babies, children).

On 8/25/2021 at 3:05 PM, Bouncing Bill said:

small it would exit a needle

"The implant developed by the Columbia Engineers breaks new ground as the world's smallest single-chip system, which is a completely functional electronic circuit with a total volume of less than 0.1 mm3."


Edited by Martyr_4_FutureJoy
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=======================  It's too late to get the possible cost down ===================


The fake pandemic has caused a financial crises larger than ever conceived of even in the world before 1700. (except the Creator Knew it was going to be foisted on the world; He Knew even before He Created the world).

How much per person is 14 trillion dollars mis-spent ?    More power to the elite ?   Common man traded, bought and sold (and killed)  like commodities,  with no concern for their well being at all.

A healthy immune system now is perhaps unreachable for those who trusted the government.  (they got the stuff in the vaccines injected into their blood stream,  where eventually if it works as directed it makes a new mrna inside all or most of the cells in the guinea pig host.   When activated by new infection,  the body's 'new' immune system attacks the foreign substances that have become part of every cell,  and thus the organs of the body shut down until death occurs).

If 'they' (whoever) would have stayed out of it,  everyone's health could have been maintained much better for about $30.00 to $300.00 per month,  with no known wide spread side effects nor harm.

Sine 'they' (whoever) did not stay out of it,  everyone's health is endangered and might not be able to be maintained,  according the the plan 'they' (whoever) have been devising for over a century.

"Health"?      Re-defined.   Fewer people know what it is than ever before.  THose who know are effectively being silenced,  sometimes forever.     With or without voting, in any country, the world is fully deceived now.

12 hours ago, Bouncing Bill said:

So you have to find ways — just like smoking and non-smoking — ways to try to get the possible cost as fair as you can to your employees to keep your rates down for health insurance,"


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9 hours ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

=======================  It's too late to get the possible cost down ===================


The fake pandemic has caused a financial crises larger than ever conceived of even in the world before 1700. (except the Creator Knew it was going to be foisted on the world; He Knew even before He Created the world).




I am curious. Do you go to a doctor if you are not well or for an annual checkup?

Do you take any prescription medications?

Have you ever had surgery?


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On 5/6/2021 at 10:48 AM, SureWord said:

I read also where the most vaccinated nation in the world, Seychelles, who also stopped all tourism, is presently having a huge outbreak.

May 6 you posted this.   Have you discovered since then that the pandemic is a world wide fraud and deceptions ?   

How many members or people have to die from the vax before people realize it is exceedingly more dangerous than doing nothing ?   Will those who trust government and trust doctors and trust pharmacy have any chance of repenting ?  The world for the most part will never repent, and not even will they turn to God for help.  They are doomed as written in Scripture.

However,  The Good News,  Salvation by Faith , Trusting Jesus,  may still be found by a few ?


@E MoralesPosted OP in another thread: How many members need to get sick or die before a church will close? I am not picking on one church, but all churches. This is a big problem, churches are letting their guards down. They were taking safety in the beginning but got tired. Many are not even using mask. Even keeping secret to the members those that are infected, no panic, no isolation period. Be safe, my brother and sisters in Christ. Sometimes money gets into the way, this should not be.   


covid at church.jpg

"Sometimes money gets into the way?"!?    Remember love of money is the root of all evil,  and is the reason for the pandemic as the ones in power seek population control and governmental/ military/ social control.

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2 minutes ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

May 6 you posted this.   Have you discovered since then that the pandemic is a world wide fraud and deceptions ?   

How many members or people have to die from the vax before people realize it is exceedingly more dangerous than doing nothing ?   Will those who trust government and trust doctors and trust pharmacy have any chance of repenting ?  The world for the most part will never repent, and not even will they turn to God for help.  They are doomed as written in Scripture.

However,  The Good News,  Salvation by Faith , Trusting Jesus,  may still be found by a few ?


@E MoralesPosted OP in another thread: How many members need to get sick or die before a church will close? I am not picking on one church, but all churches. This is a big problem, churches are letting their guards down. They were taking safety in the beginning but got tired. Many are not even using mask. Even keeping secret to the members those that are infected, no panic, no isolation period. Be safe, my brother and sisters in Christ. Sometimes money gets into the way, this should not be.   


covid at church.jpg

"Sometimes money gets into the way?"!?    Remember love of money is the root of all evil,  and is the reason for the pandemic as the ones in power seek population control and governmental/ military/ social control.

Fake news.

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On 5/6/2021 at 10:48 AM, SureWord said:

After telling us that the "spike protein" of Covid is harmless now they are saying it is harmful. The vaccine is the code that creates this spike in your body.

Doctors published that the substance (foreign to the body) injected into the body of willing guinea pigs, as it progresses

it enters basically EVERY CELL of the host body (the human being who allowed or received the vaccine).

It MIGHT lay dormant (inactive) for a year or two, 

and it MIGHT become active in an hour or two,  

at which time the host's immune system , having been pre-programmed thus,

starts attacking the foreign substance anywhere it finds it - thus destroying the organs in the human host guinea pig.

Thus,  death is almost certain,  or is certainly much more likely,  for those who get shot trusting the government or trusting the doctors.

2 minutes ago, Bouncing Bill said:

Fake news.

You keep quoting outside sources subject to the devils of the world. 

You keep trusting them and trying to deceive others into trusting them too.

So to you,  the truth is a lie,  and a lie is truth.  The truth to you is fake,  and the lie is what you have posted you trust.

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3 hours ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

Doctors published that the substance (foreign to the body) injected into the body of willing guinea pigs, as it progresses

it enters basically EVERY CELL of the host body (the human being who allowed or received the vaccine).

It MIGHT lay dormant (inactive) for a year or two, 

and it MIGHT become active in an hour or two,  

at which time the host's immune system , having been pre-programmed thus,

starts attacking the foreign substance anywhere it finds it - thus destroying the organs in the human host guinea pig.

Thus,  death is almost certain,  or is certainly much more likely,  for those who get shot trusting the government or trusting the doctors.

You keep quoting outside sources subject to the devils of the world. 

You keep trusting them and trying to deceive others into trusting them too.

So to you,  the truth is a lie,  and a lie is truth.  The truth to you is fake,  and the lie is what you have posted you trust.

Yes, I know. We'll see over the next two years how effective the vax is and if it will begin to kill off people or compromise millions of immune systems. I think a lot of it will be dependant on how many people receive the boosters causing their blood to be flooded with the spike proteins. 

1 hour ago, wretched said:

I just saw both of these articles also today. 


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14 hours ago, SureWord said:

I just saw both of these articles also today. 

For perspective perhaps,  you might find 1200 (Twlve hundred) articles exposing the dangerous toxins and no benefits in the so-called (not real) vaccines.   Even over 10,000 doctors may be found ,  maybe 100,000 doctors,  who have always known the truth about vaccines,  (all vaccines),  and have nothing to do with them - calling them ridiculous,  recognizing the deception of the enemy and the harm realized by the enemy forces.

Perspective again:  you might find 2,000,000 doctors ,  maybe 10,000,000 nurses,   totally convinced that the vaccines are 'fine' and should be useful.  (We, that is we ekklesia(disciples of Jesus), are outnumbered almost everywhere by over 100 to 1.  Good honest doctors are opposed by the system they work in, and are likewise outnumbered greatly, and the authorities are NOT on the side of the good honest doctors)  They serve the devil,  so do they count in their harmful opinions ?  Remember the world loves its own.  The world is full of dangerous perverse priests as well as doctors and nurses.  And people in general everywhere serving the deoms.   (Ephesians 2, Galatians, The Apocalypse,  "as in the days of Noah "(how many were saved out of the whole world ?!)

A perverse, dangerous generation. (society , including most of every profession including doctors and pastors/ preists) everywhere).

"40And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation. 41Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. 42And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. 43And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. "

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About any virus, germ, drug, vitamin, food, water, aire, people ,

Trust God,

not epa, not fda, not ama, not usa.

US EPA Scientist Fired For Trying To Tell The Truth .....

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The public has been trained and conditioned to believe that federal agencies like the EPA exist to watch over them and warn them of any potential dangers. This notion could not be further from the truth. Though there are honest and caring people within these agencies (like the scientist who has drafted the statement below), the institutions as a whole ...
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Well,  so far,   no shot (from ama, cdc, fda, usa, big farma)  has proven as effective as doing nothing,  so you have a null statement.

The shots the doctors give so far,  are dangerous,  and no one who knows what happens gets one.

Starting sin is with trusting the doctors - thus incurring God's Own curse upon themselves thereby.

Edited by Martyr_4_FutureJoy
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59 minutes ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

Well,  so far,   no shot (from ama, cdc, fda, usa, big farma)  has proven as effective as doing nothing,  so you have a null statement.

The shots the doctors give so far,  are dangerous,  and no one who knows what happens gets one.

Starting sin is with trusting the doctors - thus incurring God's Own curse upon themselves thereby.

Totally untrue. If it were true 99% of those hospitalized with COVID were not be the unvaccinated. But over 99% are unvaccinated. 

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6 minutes ago, Bouncing Bill said:

Totally untrue. If it were true 99% of those hospitalized with COVID were not be the unvaccinated. But over 99% are unvaccinated. 

Sorry, as usual your facts like your sources are false, deceiving , wrong, and inaccurate totally.

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