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Am I the only one that support getting vaccinated here…


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I know many members here don’t support getting vaccinated, which I support, it should not be enforced on anyone, am I the only one here that believe this. That the vaccine works it is not 100% that you’re are not in danger by taking it and this vaccine does not have anything to do with the mark of the beast, or control of the government over us. I know this is a touchy subject but you do not have to be ashamed of getting it. Many theories out there. I’m posting this now, because some believe I should not be posting this on the Covid post. That is my opinion, yes it is.



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27 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I know many members here don’t support getting vaccinated, which I support, it should not be enforced on anyone, am I the only one here that believe this. That the vaccine works it is not 100% that you’re are not in danger by taking it and this vaccine does not have anything to do with the mark of the beast, or control of the government over us. I know this is a touchy subject but you do not have to be ashamed of getting it. Many theories out there. I’m posting this now, because some believe I should not be posting this on the Covid post. That is my opinion, yes it is.

You are 100% dead wrong on the highlighted part of the quote above. The government refusing health services, in some places of the world putting scanners in supermarkets so you cannot buy groceries if you do not have multiple vaccines, restricting travel, barring you from restaurants and stores, etc., causing people to lose their jobs if they refuse to comply with their everchanging enforcements are all aspects of (iron) Government control, which goes far beyond any legitimate health concerns.

We are seeing the iron control of this government before our very eyes:

Daniel 2:40-41 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

No, we are not in the rule of the 10 toes world government yet (the last form of this empire will rule the seven years of the Tribulation period), Revelation 17:10), but we certainly are in the legs and feet part of this statue, representing the world empires/governments that remain until Christ's return.

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2 hours ago, E Morales said:

I know many members here don’t support getting vaccinated, which I support, it should not be enforced on anyone, am I the only one here that believe this. That the vaccine works it is not 100% that you’re are not in danger by taking it and this vaccine does not have anything to do with the mark of the beast, or control of the government over us. I know this is a touchy subject but you do not have to be ashamed of getting it. Many theories out there. I’m posting this now, because some believe I should not be posting this on the Covid post. That is my opinion, yes it is.



GloryLand, it's your choice to get it or not - but please don't think that 'you're not in danger by taking it.' You absolutely are. Consider this:
- For most everyone under 60, you are statistically in no risk at all from Covid (remember that zero deaths is an impossible focus - you have to consider whether any deaths are statistically important).
- This begs the question whether a vaccine is necessary for an illness with such (statistically low) change of death.
- VAERS shows hundreds of thousands of severe side effects - including death - from taking a vaccine that (according to the information above) you don't need. Why risk any side effect to take a cure for a disease you are statistically unlikely to die from? Blood clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, miscarriage, paralysis... these are only a few of the common side effects being reported. 
- VAERS is significantly underreported - meaning there are likely hundreds of thousands - if not millions - more side effects from these vaccines. This is supported by first-hand stories by every health care worker I speak to - at least the Christian ones. I am not suggesting this vaccine is the mark of the beast - I don't think it is - but there is strong delusion in this area.
- The mRNA is a completely new kind of vaccine that has never been used on humans before. Notwithstanding, none of these vaccines have been tested long-term to find out their long-term effects. Especially in the area of fertility. 
- These so-called vaccines cannot prevent you from catching or transmitting Covid at the same rate as the unvaccinated (see the CDC Director's note on Delta), and appear to have no effect on the impact of Omicron. Again, why get a vaccine that doesn't work, and has serious possible side effects, to 'protect' from a disease that really won't kill you if you're not already seriously ill, old, or dying? 

Think what you will about it, but do not be deceived into thinking it is harmless. And seriously - go check out VAERS.

{Puts on moderator hat}
Oh, and as Covid vaccination is a Covid topic, please do not post on it outside the designated Covid thread. 

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5 hours ago, Salyan said:

GloryLand, it's your choice to get it or not - but please don't think that 'you're not in danger by taking it.' You absolutely are. Consider this:
- For most everyone under 60, you are statistically in no risk at all from Covid (remember that zero deaths is an impossible focus - you have to consider whether any deaths are statistically important).
- This begs the question whether a vaccine is necessary for an illness with such (statistically low) change of death.
- VAERS shows hundreds of thousands of severe side effects - including death - from taking a vaccine that (according to the information above) you don't need. Why risk any side effect to take a cure for a disease you are statistically unlikely to die from? Blood clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, miscarriage, paralysis... these are only a few of the common side effects being reported. 
- VAERS is significantly underreported - meaning there are likely hundreds of thousands - if not millions - more side effects from these vaccines. This is supported by first-hand stories by every health care worker I speak to - at least the Christian ones. I am not suggesting this vaccine is the mark of the beast - I don't think it is - but there is strong delusion in this area.
- The mRNA is a completely new kind of vaccine that has never been used on humans before. Notwithstanding, none of these vaccines have been tested long-term to find out their long-term effects. Especially in the area of fertility. 
- These so-called vaccines cannot prevent you from catching or transmitting Covid at the same rate as the unvaccinated (see the CDC Director's note on Delta), and appear to have no effect on the impact of Omicron. Again, why get a vaccine that doesn't work, and has serious possible side effects, to 'protect' from a disease that really won't kill you if you're not already seriously ill, old, or dying? 

Think what you will about it, but do not be deceived into thinking it is harmless. And seriously - go check out VAERS.

{Puts on moderator hat}
Oh, and as Covid vaccination is a Covid topic, please do not post on it outside the designated Covid thread. 

You can merge it over thanks.

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