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"REPLENISH" the earth.....


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On 6/19/2023 at 6:00 PM, BrotherTony said:

I've had many college professors (secular mostly, but a few "Christian" colleges and universities) tell me that this is one of the 'contradictions' in the Bible. I don't believe that to be the case.

Sometimes I have to wrack my brain as well. But, there's got to be an answer.

The only contradictions are found in literal 6-day creationism.  Dino didn't roam the earth while humans were on it.  Dino was part of the pre-Adamite world.

Edited by Muckah
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19 minutes ago, Muckah said:

The only contradictions are found in literal 6-day creationism.  Dino didn't roam the earth while humans were on it.  Dino was part of the pre-Adamite world.

This is your OPINION. Six day creationism is Biblical, though some don't agree on the length of the days since God isn't bound by space and time.

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Not according to the Bible. Everything that was made on earth (and the whole universe) - all life - was created on those literal six days. In fact, land animals and humans were created on the same 24 hour day. The book of Job even refers to several dinosaurs existing with man on the earth.

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You guys believe the entire universe was created in 6 literal 24-hour days?  Do you also believe Noah put Dino on the Ark?  And like all the other 6 day literalist do you believe the sun is the center of the universe and God is going to destroy the entire universe at the end of the Millennium?  

8 hours ago, Jerry said:

Not according to the Bible. Everything that was made on earth (and the whole universe) - all life - was created on those literal six days. In fact, land animals and humans were created on the same 24 hour day. The book of Job even refers to several dinosaurs existing with man on the earth.

What dinosaurs?  You mean the water ox and the leviathan?

8 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

This is your OPINION. Six day creationism is Biblical, though some don't agree on the length of the days since God isn't bound by space and time.

Trees are bound by space and time.  We just cut three Maples in front of the old farm that were 150 years old.  You're telling me that God created an entire universe in 6 days when it took my maples 150 years to grow almost 4 feet across?

Edited by Muckah
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8 minutes ago, Muckah said:

You guys believe the entire universe was created in 6 literal 24-hour days?  Do you also believe Noah put Dino on the Ark?  And like all the other 6 day literalist do you believe the sun is the center of the universe and God is going to destroy the entire universe at the end of the Millennium?  

What dinosaurs?  You mean the water ox and the leviathan?

Trees are bound by space and time.  We just cut three Maples in front of the old farm that were 150 years old.  You're telling me that God created an entire universe in 6 days when it took my maples 150 years to grow almost 4 feet across?

During the creation of the Earth, trees weren't bound by space and time. God created the Garden of Eden full and complete, trees and all. If you don't believe the Genesis account you don't believe the Bible. Again, God Almighty is not bound by space or time, especially in light of the fact that he created it all. 

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10 minutes ago, Muckah said:

You guys believe the entire universe was created in 6 literal 24-hour days?  Do you also believe Noah put Dino on the Ark?  And like all the other 6 day literalist do you believe the sun is the center of the universe and God is going to destroy the entire universe at the end of the Millennium?  

What dinosaurs?  You mean the water ox and the leviathan?

Trees are bound by space and time.  We just cut three Maples in front of the old farm that were 150 years old.  You're telling me that God created an entire universe in 6 days when it took my maples 150 years to grow almost 4 feet across?

I love ? maple syrup on my pancakes. Are you over 150 years old?

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1 minute ago, BrotherTony said:

During the creation of the Earth, trees weren't bound by space and time. God created the Garden of Eden full and complete, trees and all. If you don't believe the Genesis account you don't believe the Bible. Again, God Almighty is not bound by space or time, especially in light of the fact that he created it all. 

Right - and I bet you cold quote a scripture to support that!

I believe the bible Genesis account. 


If you don't believe the Genesis account you don't believe the Bible.

I've heard that line of nonsense several times from Baptist.  

4 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

I love ? maple syrup on my pancakes. Are you over 150 years old?

I'm 666 years old and I'm coming after you!  They weren't sugar maples!

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2 minutes ago, Muckah said:

Right - and I bet you cold quote a scripture to support that!

I believe the bible Genesis account. 

I've heard that line of nonsense several times from Baptist.  

Those Baptist are sinners dude, be careful you might become one of them. Your teachers know that you are posting here?

I’m going to tell them. ?

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1 minute ago, Muckah said:

Right - and I bet you cold quote a scripture to support that!

I believe the bible Genesis account. 

I've heard that line of nonsense several times from Baptist.  

I'm 666 years old and I'm coming after you!  They weren't sugar maples!

You're only here to antagonize and disrupt. By your own admission using the "666" as your age and threatening coming after someone you're proving your inability to carry on any decent conversation. 

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1 hour ago, Muckah said:

Trees are bound by space and time.  We just cut three Maples in front of the old farm that were 150 years old.  You're telling me that God created an entire universe in 6 days when it took my maples 150 years to grow almost 4 feet across?

You are correct, trees are bound by space and time, but the creator of the trees is not.

God clearly created trees with seeds in them according to their kinds. So yeah, He could create something of age, just like He did with Adam and Eve. I mean, who would have changed their diapers? It's clearly in the Scripture and not an opinion.

Gen 1: 9 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

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There is no contradiction between science and the Bible. The real stupidity is evolution. Read the book The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific implications by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris.  You will get clear answers to every question I have heard here including dinosaurs, the age of the earth and the absolute stupidity of evolution as a theory. The authors also document the change of scientific thought through the centuries. Read it.

Every tired moron knows all the questions used to confuse Christians;

Where did Cain get his wife? ,What about dinosaurs?, Six literal days?, What about radio isotope dating? etc etc ad nauseum. You don't need to defend God. Instead question the ridiculous claims of evolutionists. They cannot explain coal. The geologic column is fake and exists nowhere but textbooks. The missing links are proven hoaxes. Organisms found in the deepest layers, supposedly the oldest layers, have been found alive today.

Edited by Joe Chandler
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On 8/14/2023 at 6:31 PM, TheGloryLand said:

I love ? maple syrup on my pancakes. Are you over 150 years old?

Camino a seguir. Lo único que puedes hacer con un tipo así es burlarte de él. ?

Full disclosure, I used a translator app. How good is the Spanish here?

Edited by Joe Chandler
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I think this is a good case for Occam's Razor to be applied. Go with the more likely and simplest explanation.

Replenish= Keep having babies.

Interestingly,  Occam was a Catholic theologian but one who opposed the infallibility of the Pope, was pro separation of Church and State and a proponent of sola scriptura.

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On 11/30/2021 at 5:28 PM, BrotherTony said:

Genesis 1:28 KJV: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

I have been asked by a Ruckmanite about this verse. I know that my father and i went round and round about this verse and the one word "replenish" in particular. If the "Gap Theory" isn't correct, then what is the resoning behind this particular word being used in the English (KJVO) translation?

Hey bro, I know this is an old topic but I may have a couple of fresh observations that may give some clarification. The Ruckmanites are hard-core "Gap Theorists" referring to it as the "Gap Fact" and for them, this is a matter which would literally start a brawl out in the church parking lot and I'm probably not even using hyperbole here!🤣 My Ruckman commentaries have long found their way into the circular file where they belong but I still have my "Dispensational Truth" book within arms reach in my study. As you are likely already aware, the "Gap Theory" preceded Ruckman by about 100 years in an attempt to reconcile the Bible with the Science of their time. Both Scofield and Larkin held to and promoted the Gap Theory. I came to reject the Gap Theory during my Bible Institute training but never was completely satisfied with explanations of how there was "Iight" on the first day and measuring (supposed) 24-hour days before the Sun was created on the fourth day! Gap theorists have a reasonable answer for this.

I disagree with Hugh Ross's "Old-Earth Creation" position but he brings up some fascinating points from an astronomical perspective regarding how the universe is specifically and intricately ordered and designed for life to exist as we know it on Planet Earth. Of course he believes the universe is several billions of years old and holds to a "Day-Age" position (not the gap theory). I believe many of his scientific observations hold merit but I would assert that God is more than able to create the expanse of the universe as we know it in an single instant and of course, we can understand principles of physics and so forth understanding mass, gravity, speed of light, and so forth as it pertains to how God keeps everything in motion.

What I did come to realize though is that the account of creation may either be understood from the "God View" or it could be understood from the perspective of one who is actually on "Planet Earth."

Therefore, think of the account of creation as follows. sort of how  someone like James Cameron would write and direct the account:

Verse 1 - The movie screen is pitch black then fades in with the expanse of the universe filling the screen in wide-angle cinemascope - or perhaps IMAX with 3-D would be really cool. As the fade-in  completes, the narrator declares "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." Should we use Morgan Freeman or William Shatner as the narrator?😎

Verse 2 - The camera pans over and zooms in on a planet with an extremely thick cloud cover in which the cameraman descends. As the cameraman descends to the surface of his planet, one observes that the cloud covering is so dense that no light is able to penetrate and the narrator continues - "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." I guess for dramatic effect, we could leave just enough light to see the water and hear a rushing wind or perhaps a dramatic score by Hans Zimmer done in THX "Surround Sound?"

Verse 3 - The darkness abates revealing an endless seascape under a cloudy sky. It is clearly daylight but it is a very cloudy and dreary day and the narrator declares "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." The cloud cover lightens up some revealing light from the sun and stars but does not yet reveal them. The narrator continues (vs 4) "And God saw the light, that it was good:" and as he speaks, the sky dims to twilight and evening as he declares "and God divided the light from the darkness. (5) And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

OK, I won't go further than this! It would make for a great screenplay but no Baptist would see it anyway because the movie house is of the devil!😎

Of course the writer of Genesis (Moses) is assumed to be observing God's work of creation from the perspective of one being on the Earth. The sun, moon, and stars are already in existence but not yet visible to one who is on Planet Earth. In verse 16, it says God made the two lights (sun and moon) but I believe the case can be made that God had already made them in Gen 1:1 but did not allow them to appear to the observer on Planet Earth until day 4. I am satisfied with such an explanation and it is similar to what the gap theorists believe but I reject the notion that the earth became "without form and void" due to God's judgment on some "Pre-Adamite" civilization. It was simply where God started with his creation of the earth making it inhabitable for man.

The Hebrew word translated "Replenish" is male or mala which is translated elsewhere as  fill, refill, fulfil, accomplish, satisfy, or complete. Others have given the English definition of replenish in the 1828 dictionary which leads to the same conclusion. The main reason I reject the Gap Theory is because God declared everything to be GOOD and everything was GOOD until Adam fell into sin and the world was cursed as a result (Rom 5:12). Prior to Adam's fall, there was no death.

And of course, the sycamore tree created on the third day would of varying sizes with some having the semblance of growing for over a thousand years. Adam created on the sixth day is a fully mature adult male, and the light from stars and galaxies which appear on the fourth day are visible from distances of millions of light-years away.

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