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Australia votes on derestricting marriage


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Currently marriage in Australia is defined as between a man and a woman.

There is about to be a "Postal Plebiscite" to decide if ti stays that way.

This is going to happen basically because the current ruling party wanted a compulsory attendance plebiscite (referendum basically), but couldn't get enough votes in the parliament to do so.

The main opposition parties want a vote in parliament by the representatives. Remember that I am not talking about the US, but Australia, and a true plebiscite vote is not only legal, but the highest expression of democracy available in Australia, where each and every eligible person can vote on a particular issue.

As a result, the government will do a postal vote on the matter.


Now then - the reason the opposition parties wanted a parliamentary vote only is that it is easier to convince, bribe, bully, otherwise influence, a small number of politicians than it is to get the whole of the Australian public to follow their line.

In a full vote, the majority of Australians will probably vote against the change.

In fact, the majority of Australians don't really care either way whether there is "marriage equality" as they put it, but if you tell them they have to vote one way or the other, the likelihood is that that indifferent majority will vote against - simply because Australians don't like being told what to do.........

But in a postal vote, that indifferent majority will "forget" to vote - this makes it almost as bad as a parliamentary vote, because you can be sure that those wanting the change will be out in force, and making sure that everyone on their side votes at least once....... (One vote is all that's allowed by the way, but we all know...)

I would like to ask that people pray for Australia over the next month or so about this issue.

I believe that the postal vote material will begin to arrive around the middle of September, but I am not sure when the votes have to be returned by.


To put a little perspective, there are already civil unions available to ANY couple, which give full legal recognition to those couples which is recognised at all levels of government and law, so all that is really being sought is the right to call them "Marriages".

I have done some research, and even the world does not have a recognised beginning to marriage, and cannot therefore trace it back to any secular beginning.

The Bible however states that God is the author of marriage, and as such God should be able to define what marriage is - and has:

Matthew 19:4-6
(4)  And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
(5)  And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
(6)  Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Please pray that this change does not come in - it will gain nothing for those couples, but will open the door to the total destruction of the biblical family, and in fact, may very possible destroy free speech in Australia, and take away the freedom to preach the Bible.

It has become plain to me that this is not about marriage and rights, but it is an attack on God's Word, and on the freedom to proclaim the Gospel.

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there are already civil unions available to ANY couple, which give full legal recognition to those couples which is recognised at all levels of government and law, so all that is really being sought is the right to call them "Marriages".


Or, in other words, the "right" to be viewed as "normal" seems to be the issue.

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