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The Amazing Cell


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Darwin once said that if anything was found that could not possibly be formed by gradual change and evolving, it would destroy the theory of evolution. Of course, that's not a direct quote, but the spirit of it is there. 

Well, in Darwin's time, the cell was a locked box, a black box that could be discerned, but not clearly viewed, so it was considered a simple structure; the term, "Simple, singe-celled organism' came to refer to the least complicated form of life known.

Of course, since then, the cell has been quite well investigated, and what has been found is not only NOT simple, it is amazingly complex and organized, with multiple activities occurring simultaneously and continually, and each activity works with the others to produce energy, and more cells.It is so organized and precise, that it is irreducibly complex, and it defies the possibility of evolution. '

I have attached an amazing video if you have never seen it, called the Inner Life of the Cell. Its about 7 minutes long, but it is an amazing piece of animation showing what takes place in the cell all the time.


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I thought Samsung just came out with a new one...these things are changing almost minute by minute. :laugh:   I really thought I would find a salute to the cell phone in your post. :laugh: But really, the thought never crossed my mind before how the complexity of the cell and it's functions never change.


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Samsung keep coming out with new ones.  I don't know why?  I don't suppose most people use a fraction of the features.  I don't.  I am trying to find an unsmart phone for my wife.who only wants it to call me if she is out.  She has an old Nokia which I dropped ad it is now held together by tape. 

As regards Mikes original post on cells.   The thing that I find makes me think what a nonsense is evolution is when I look at my cat's eyes and I can't imagine how they evolved.  

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What I thought was amazing was how the scientists and biologists can explain, more or less,the mechanics of how everything happens, but can't begin to say WHY or HOW they do, how there can be such perfect...synchronicity, for lack of a better work, how everything can know exactly it's job, how everything can be so completely ordered and in place, like a city, with power plants, (the mitochondria) and a capitol (the nucleus), roadways (tubules), Factories to process DNA to usable proteins (Ribosomes), and so forth. If everything doesn't do exactly it's job, each time, in the exact place and way, the cell will cease to function, and mitosis can't occur.

As well, no part of a cell exists anywhere outside the cell-so where did they come from to assemble into a cell? How could they assemble and automatically know how to perform each precise function immediately and perfectly from the very first cell? That would be like hiring 1,000 or so people off the street, throwing them into a car factory with no training or knowledge of what they were supposed to do, yet each one goes automatically to the station they need to be at and begin to do their job exactly as needed, and immediately begin to produce perfect cars. And honestly, THAT would be easier than a cell being evolved, because at least the humans have brains and can think-the parts of a cell have their jobs pre-programmed to do exactly what they must.

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A couple of years ago there as a TV programme which featured a number of evolutionists giving their view on how the universe began.

One said he believed that it has always existed.. another said there was a big bang from a primeval  atom.yet another said the big bang was from a cloud of space dust.  None of these said how they thought the original atom or dust came from.  

Then there was one who said that the big bang came from nothing or a vacuum , "A vacuum is not empty it is full of energy." he said. Seems that is like creation from nothing.

No genuine creationists on there though.

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On ‎7‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 2:40 PM, Invicta said:

A couple of years ago there as a TV programme which featured a number of evolutionists giving their view on how the universe began.

One said he believed that it has always existed.. another said there was a big bang from a primeval  atom.yet another said the big bang was from a cloud of space dust.  None of these said how they thought the original atom or dust came from.  

Then there was one who said that the big bang came from nothing or a vacuum , "A vacuum is not empty it is full of energy." he said. Seems that is like creation from nothing.

No genuine creationists on there though.

Yes I remember, I think Micio Kaku talking about how a Big Bang is a zero-energy event, that it takes no energy for something to expand at multiple-times the speed of light and expand to create the univers-zero energy, of course, trying to overcome the laws of Thermodynamics. The theoretical physicists sometimes crack me up, if they didn't take themelves so seriously, and people didn't take them as experts in actual physics. They just literally make stuff up and call it science. And of course, since science considers a theory the same as a fact, (why they don't just call it is fact is beyond me), well, that just gives them more reputability.

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22 hours ago, Ukulelemike said:

Yes I remember, I think Micio Kaku talking about how a Big Bang is a zero-energy event, that it takes no energy for something to expand at multiple-times the speed of light and expand to create the univers-zero energy, of course, trying to overcome the laws of Thermodynamics. The theoretical physicists sometimes crack me up, if they didn't take themelves so seriously, and people didn't take them as experts in actual physics. They just literally make stuff up and call it science. And of course, since science considers a theory the same as a fact, (why they don't just call it is fact is beyond me), well, that just gives them more reputability.

I believe this is the video on creation being an energy free event:


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10 hours ago, Ukulelemike said:

I believe this is the video on creation being an energy free event:




I'm trying to digest the lack of common sense this man exemplified in the video.

He likens the universe to a bubble in a bubble bath?!

This is what the Bible calls "science, falsely so-called".  These guys are not practicing science, they are showing their faith in their own humanistic, self-centered arrogance so they can praise their own selfish egos, deny the very Creator & usurp the glory of God so they can exalt their wicked hearts above Him. 

I think these Satanists/scientists have studied the earth's formation enough that they actually must KNOW it was created by God (meaning, THE God of the Bible), but they will NEVER admit it or give Him the proper credit because, I believe, they actually hate Him & want nothing more than to steal His credit for Creation. 


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7 hours ago, BabeinChrist said:



I'm trying to digest the lack of common sense this man exemplified in the video.

He likens the universe to a bubble in a bubble bath?!

This is what the Bible calls "science, falsely so-called".  These guys are not practicing science, they are showing their faith in their own humanistic, self-centered arrogance so they can praise their own selfish egos, deny the very Creator & usurp the glory of God so they can exalt their wicked hearts above Him. 

I think these Satanists/scientists have studied the earth's formation enough that they actually must KNOW it was created by God (meaning, THE God of the Bible), but they will NEVER admit it or give Him the proper credit because, I believe, they actually hate Him & want nothing more than to steal His credit for Creation. 


Oddly, he later did a video saying that mathematics prove the existence of God. Haven't watched that one yet. Accepting the truth of God, and trusting Him as Saviour are two different things.

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16 hours ago, Ukulelemike said:

Oddly, he later did a video saying that mathematics prove the existence of God. Haven't watched that one yet. Accepting the truth of God, and trusting Him as Saviour are two different things.


Another one that pushes nonsensical "something from nothing" ideas is Lawrence Krauss.

He takes it a step further & ridicules Christianity, which is not surprising.

I wish one of these scientists would get saved, and admit the truth of the Bible, although I can't help but wonder if many are reprobates.

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