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Why can't people do what they say they'll do?

No Nicolaitans

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Guy said he was coming to get 4 ewe lambs and we both agreed to a quantity price of $150 each(the single price was advertised @ $175. So we penned up the lambs, who hollered all night for their mamas and the next morning he shows up. We it comes time to pay he claimed $300 was all he had with him but if I let him have two now, he would come back for the other two. After the lambs are loaded and the money changed hands he changed his mind saying he WASN'T coming back for the other two AND I couldn't help but notice he had another wad of cash in his hand besides the already counted out wad of $300. ;) He calls back later saying he's coming the next morning for 5 more. You pretty much have to pen up the whole herd, like we did the first time, (about 230 animals) to capture and separate out what you're selling. So we agreed and my wife had the lambs caught before I got home. Then this weasel calls and says he won't be able to make it because his "well pump" quit.. Just then I sent him a text saying to check the points first (an easy fix with a part from Lowes or Home Depot) and asked him did he want us to keep his lambs penned until the next day. They're out there hollering for their mama's as we speak and I haven't heard back from him.

Edited by heartstrings
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I'm sorry to hear that heartstrings. I can imagine the work that you described just to keep up your end. People are so selfish these days and don't care a thing about respect for others...which shows me that they have no concern with how they come across to others...as long as they get what they want, that's all that matters. 

I'm still trying to figure out how to "confront" this contractor in a forceful/no-nonsense way but still do it in a way that won't dishonor Christ. Sad thing is, he is a fellow Christian.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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After almost three months, the work is finished. Well...the work was finished three months ago. What wasn't finished were a few odds-and-ends that were supposed to be taken care of later in the same week that he finished the work.

I can't tell you how many times he said he would come finish...but then he wouldn't show up...he wouldn't call...and he didn't even take the easy way out and send a text saying he wouldn't show. He just wouldn't show.

My wife talked me down out of threatening him. :laugh:  So...after letting another week pass (to cool myself down), I finally told him that I had already taken care of one of his work's problems myself...that if he would just either mail or email me an official receipt, that I would finish all of his other responsibilities.

He then showed up. Don't ask me why...

One thing I've learned from all of this...

There have been only two times; in which, I told someone that I wanted to use them because I wanted someone I could trust. Both times, they were fellow Christians. The first one was the Realtor who we used to buy our house through. The second one was this man. Both showed me that they couldn't be trusted.

From now on, I'll use people that I don't think I can trust...at least then, I won't be let down. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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I have learned, from experience, to be suspicious of anyone who brings up their "Christianity" at the beginning of a business deal. They are just trying to win your CONfidence so they can take advantage of you. The way one actually treats people in business, will make the real "light shine".

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52 minutes ago, heartstrings said:

I have learned, from experience, to be suspicious of anyone who brings up their "Christianity" at the beginning of a business deal. They are just trying to win your CONfidence so they can take advantage of you. The way one actually treats people in business, will make the real "light shine".

I agree.

Unfortunately, neither of those two situations were like that. Still...live and learn.

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It is a terrible thing that "Christian businessmen" cannot be relied upon to have basic integrity.

I have seen it on several occasions. Unfortunately.

I know unsaved men who have greater integrity in business than SOME Christian businessmen I have known.

Thankfully there are also many Christians who are businessmen or contractors who have a fine work testimony, which reflects glory to the Lord.

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Not everyone who CLAIMS to be a Christian actually IS a believer. (Matt.7:22-23). There will be some who claimed to believe on Christ for salvation, who actually were trusting in their OWN 'good works' to save them. 
Then again, even though we (true believers) have trusted in Christ's finished work alone for salvation, we are still in corruptible bodies. Romans 7 deals with this... even though we would desire to do good always, "evil is present" with us (v.21). 

I would suggest to bring this up to the brother in private... but in all honesty, pride generally gets in the way of them HEARING what you are saying, and many become rather defensive about their sins. They see us as "enemies" because we tell them the truth (Gal.4:16), even when worded in the most tactful love of Christ...

I instead suggest PRAYER for the fellow. The Lord can work on his heart much more than we could. Only the Lord can soften a prideful/defensive heart.

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  • 4 years later...
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On 5/10/2017 at 11:28 PM, Ronda said:

Not everyone who CLAIMS to be a Christian actually IS a believer. (Matt.7:22-23). There will be some who claimed to believe on Christ for salvation, who actually were trusting in their OWN 'good works' to save them. 
Then again, even though we (true believers) have trusted in Christ's finished work alone for salvation, we are still in corruptible bodies. Romans 7 deals with this... even though we would desire to do good always, "evil is present" with us (v.21). 

I would suggest to bring this up to the brother in private... but in all honesty, pride generally gets in the way of them HEARING what you are saying, and many become rather defensive about their sins. They see us as "enemies" because we tell them the truth (Gal.4:16), even when worded in the most tactful love of Christ...

I instead suggest PRAYER for the fellow. The Lord can work on his heart much more than we could. Only the Lord can soften a prideful/defensive heart.

If a contractor publicly repeatedly robs his customers (of time, money or material, or with shoddy work), 

they should be publicly exposed, I think.  If congregations/ assemblies did this,  and also let others know 

who the HONEST contractors are,  this would go a long way to helping everyone in the assemblies.

So many are robbed daily by the same companies/ contractors, and yes, even by churches (the most abundant and common worldwide robber and desroyer being from rome) ,   that if the members 

in the assemblies faithful to Jesus would talk with one another frequently about the Father in heaven first, always,   

but also ,  laying down our lives for one another,   discussing medical issues,  food and water problems,  transportation difficulties,  roofing or sinks or toilets that need repair,    ie. SHARING OUR LIVES with one another daily ,  like used to be (at least some),  and even is often found MORE in UNbelievers communities!!

So much expense would never be incurred/ lost.   If people believed the truth and not the lie,  theirs would never have given any money to liars and thieves , would they ? 


Jesus still says to BLESS those who curse us, and pray for those who take advantage of us.  Even to take the STEALING of our possessions with all joyousness as we abide in Jesus,  nothing disturbing the PEACE He gives, that the world cannot take away.

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