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NOW what do I do...


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Sigh...My fiance' just had a wedding shower thrown (co-workers not church family) and we got $200 in Target Gift cards...No way I am setting foot in a Target store but I sure can't afford to throw $200 away.  I suppose I could compromise and buy online, but it still supports them (though I guess the support is already done).  Maybe the Lord will forgive me since it wasn't me who actually gave them the money but the kind people who gifted us the cards.  At least we didn't get something like an expensive bottle of booze that absolutely would have gone down the drain. 

I really hate this stupid bathroom issue...It just cost my respect for one of my all time favorite musicians.  Absolutely love Itzhak Perlman's work..but now that he has canceled all NC concerts...grrrr


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I'm glad these are the types of problems we face here rather than those faced in some countries where it's often matters of life and death.

Perhaps you could sell, trade or give them to someone who is going to shop there anyway. As you said, you didn't pay for them and Target already has the money.

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You might lose some of the money on the exchange, but there are "gift card exchangers" that give you money for the card.

Here's one for an example...I don't know anything about it or any others. I'd just heard about gift card exchangers and thought it MIGHT be something for you to check into.



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They've already received the money for it, as you noted. You're just redeeming them. If you don't, they make out with free money given to them. I say redeem them - online, so you don't have to step foot into the actual store. Or, if the exchange works out, exchange them (but then you are just passing the cards along to someone else to go to the store with, so...).

It won't be long before life and death issues will be a reality here. Things like this bathroom junk are paving the way.

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Well, that's what Miss Carpenter ended up doing.  Ordering online and having it shipped to me.  I had to laugh though on what she bought as I was struck by the irony of it.  She bought new shower curtains and liner, bathroom rug set, over-the-door towel rack, shower caddie, and other stuff to turn my bachelor bathroom into a single room for a man or woman...

Bro. Garry

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