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On 11/8/2015 at 8:45 PM, Alan said:

“The Lack of Sustaining Human Life on other Planets”

Psalm 115:16

“The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.” Psalm 115:16 God has given the earth for  mankind to dwell in and not the heavens, or, in our modern vernacular, “Outer Space.”

“Form and Void meanings

Among the many definitions of the word ‘form,’ Webster’s 1828 Dictionary gives us this meaning:


“FORM, n. The root of this word is not certainly known. The primary sense is probably to set, to fix, to fit.”


  1. Determinate shape. The earth was without form, and void. Gen. i.

  2. A mold; something to give shape, or on which things are fashioned. Encyc."


Therefore, the earth, as depicted in Genesis 1:2, was not settled, or fixed, or fit for mankind, and, the earth was without a determinate shape. The Earth in Genesis 1:2 had the makings of a habitable planet for human life but it had to be fashioned in order for human life to live.


The Earth was in the ‘mold’ stage to sustain human life. As a potter takes a lump of clay that has no human utility and molds the clay into a vessel that a man can use, so did God mold the Earth into a habitable planet for mankind. A comparison of Jeremiah 18:1-10 and Genesis 1:3-23 is recommended to the reader.


Among the many definitions of the word ‘void,’ Webster’s 1828 dictionary gives us this meaning:

“VOID, a

1. Empty; vacant, not occupied with any visible matter; as a void space or place. 1 Kings xxii.

2. Empty; without inhabitants or furniture. Gen i."


Therefore, the word ‘void’ in Genesis 1:2 simply means there was nothing occupying the Earth and it was vacant, i.e., no inhabitants or items ‘furniture’ suitable for the sustenance of the inhabitants.


In Genesis 1:3-23 we see the creative acts of God in supplying the Earth suitable for the habitation of human life. The Earth was made for Man and his descendants.



There are no other reasons why God made the other Stars, Moons, Planets, Asteroids, and Comets of the Universe.



God did not make the planetary bodies of the universe for the habitation of mankind. All of the planetary bodies of the universe are barren and desolate of life nor can they sustain human life. The planetary bodies of the universe are in the same condition that the Earth was in Genesis 1:2 before God made the Earth suitable for the support of human life. “The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.” Psalm 115:16


True scientific study and analysis always verifies that the scriptures are scientifically accurate.



One of the the common beliefs in ages past, and in our age, is that our world is not unique but, according to 'reason' there are many worlds apart from the earth that has alien life forms, alternate universes, and other theories. There is not one scientific proof that any life exists apart from the planet Earth. One of the reasons why the atheist, and many others, disbelieve the Bible is that they just simply do not believe that Adam and Eve, and the consequences of their deliberate act of disobedience, is unique to the universe.

The Plurality of Habitable Worlds

I will be adding the following quote by Thomas Paine to this study on, "The Plurality of Habitable Worlds." Thomas Paine was raised in a godly home of devout Christians parents of the Quaker religion. But, it was his disbelief in the Creation account that led to his atheist philosophy.

Thomas Paine stated, “Though it is not a direct article of the Christian system, that this world that we inhabit is the whole of the habitable creation, yet it is so worked up therewith, from what is called the Mosaic account of the Creation, the story of Eve and the apple, and the counterpart of that story, the death of the Son of God, that to believe otherwise, that is, to believe that God created a plurality of worlds, at least as numerous as what we call stars, renders the Christian system of faith at once little and ridiculous, and scatters it in the mind like feathers in the air. The two beliefs cannot be held together in the same mind, and he who thinks that he believes both, has thought but little of either.”1

1Paine, Thomas, Age of Reason, (New York: Books, Inc.) n.d., p. 60.

Edited by Alan
added the word 'habitable'
  • 2 weeks later...
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Posted (edited)

Also, in the Psalm 115:16 study on, "The Lack of Sustaining Human Life on other Planets," I will be adding an observation by Scott Huse.

Quote: "In spite of the scientific community, using every conceivable technological instrument made, Scott Huse, in his work, The Collapse of Evolution, brings out this scientific observation, “After spending billions of dollars, countless man-hours, and utilizing the most advanced technology known to man, all indications at the present time are that life appears to be unique to planet Earth.”1


If there is any discussion concerning the possibility of life on any other planet, or life beyond Earth, or the population of other planets by mankind, now is a good time to discuss it. I do recommend the book, The Collapse of Evolution by Scott Huse, to all of the brethren.


1Huse, M. Scott, ‘The Collapse of Evolution,’ (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books), 2001, p.106.

Edited by Alan
deleted unneccesary phrase
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I will be adding the following information on Radio Telescopes to the lesson on Psalm 115:16, Genesis 1:2 & 14.

Radio Telescopes and the Search for Alien Life in the Universe

In an effort to find life, at least intelligent life, in outer space in the distant solar systems, galaxy’s and the planets contained therein, NASA, and non-governmental SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), organizations have spent vast amounts of money, time, effort, land, in an effort to find alien life forms in outer space by the construction of huge Radio Telescopes.

Deep Space Network Radio Telescope

70- meter antenna


Photo Courtesy of NASA

It is the hope of NASA, and SETI organizations, to use these radio telescopes and find alien life in the distant solar systems of the galaxy. Thus far, in spite of the multi-million dollars spent, NASA and the SETI organizations, have come up totally empty of finding any form of alien life. In other words, the realms beyond our solar system are, ‘without form and void’ or, devoid of life. Thus far the NASA Deep Space Network Radio Telescope and the SETI system of radio telescopes, have proven the biblical accuracy of Genesis 1:2 & 14, that the other bodies of heaven were not given any creative acts to support life and Psalm 115:16, “The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.”

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I will be adding the following information on Isaac Newton in the lesson on, "Differences in Stars," 1 Corinthians 15:41

As usual, if there are any questions, comments, suggestions, on this material, or any other material in this thread, please feel free to discuss it.


“... for one star differeth from another.”

Isaac Newton (1642-1727), in his discoveries in optics, mathematics, physics, and the theory of gravity, has helped the understanding of our universe in many profound ways. His contributions to scientific research is inestimable. Newton’s book on his discoveries on the laws of motion and gravity changed the course of the history of astronomical research. The World Book Encyclopedia states, “Newton’s discoveries on the laws of motion and theories of gravitation were published in 1687 in Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy). This work, usually called, Principia or Principia Mathematica, is considered one of the greatest single contributions in the history of science. It includes Newton’s laws of motion and the theory of gravitation. It was the first book to contain a unified system of scientific principles explaining what happens on earth and in the heavens.”1

In 1666, Isaac Newton observed the Sun’s light through a prism and showed that the Sun in our Solar System has many different colors.

A Prism Separating Light


Diagram Courtesy of NASA2

Newton’s work on the prism led to his invention of a new type of telescope; the reflecting, or Newtonian, telescope. The reflecting telescope changed the course of astronomy. Newton’s discoveries with optics laid the foundation of the science of spectrum analysis. which is used for the classification of the different types of stars. The World Book Encyclopedia states, “Newton’s discoveries explained why bodies appear to be colored. They laid the foundation for the science of spectrum analysis. This science allows us to determine the chemical composition, temperature, and even the speed of such hot, glowing bodies as a distant star or an object heated in a laboratory.”3 The science of spectrum analysis allows the scientific community to classify stars according to their various attitudes or glory.

1World Book Encyclopedia, 1977 ed. s. v., “Isaac Newton.”

2NASA, Why is the Sky Blue? April 21, 2020, <https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/blue-sky/en/> Accessed on May 14, 2020.

3World Book Encyclopedia, 1977 ed. s. v., “Isaac Newton.”


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Newton’s ‘Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica,’ or ‘Principia,’ was originally written in Latin. In 1846 an English translation, by Andrew Motte, was published in England by Benjamin Motte (Andrew Motte’s brother), and an American edition was printed in 1848. The 1848 American edition is available on the ‘Internet Archive’ website:


I will be adding the above information, and website, to the PDF copy in my, "Introduction."


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Posted (edited)


I will be adding the following quotation to my study on, "Chapter 1 The Ordinances of Heaven."

Any  questions? Comments?

God bless all of you!


Concerning the ordinances of heaven and the dominion of the earth, God asks Job this question, “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?” Job 38:33.

The American Heritage Dictionary’s primary and secondary definition of the word ‘set’ is: “1. To put in a specified position or arrangement. 2. To put in a specified state.” 1

Obviously, Job did not either know the ‘ordinances,’ or, ‘laws,’ governing the heavens nor set these laws. Job did not, ‘put in a specified position or arrangement’ nor ‘put in a specified state’ the ordinances of heaven nor ‘set’ the ordinances concerning the arrangement of the earth, the scientific laws concerning the earth nor the scientific laws governing the earth. The ‘dominion,’ of these ordinances in the earth and all of the ordinances of the heavens, and the earth, and the dominion, the ownership thereof, of the heavens and the earth, are ‘set,’ or, ‘put in a specified position or arrangement’ and ‘put in a specified state’ by God Himself.

The greatest scientist that has every lived, Isaac Newton, wrote, “And from his true dominion it follows that the true God is a living, intelligent, and powerful Being; and, from his other perfections, that he is supreme, or most perfect. He is eternal and infinite, omnipotent and omniscient; that is, his duration reaches from eternity to eternity; his presence from infinity to infinity; he governs all things, and knows all things, that are or can be done.”2 The Psalmist stated, “Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul.” Psalm 103:22

1 The American Heritage Language Dictionary, 5th ed., s. v. Set, (New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). 2012.

2Newton, Isaac, Newton’s Principia. The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, trans. Andrew Motte (New York: Daniel Adee, 1846), 505.

Edited by Alan
added 'these laws' in the first sentence.
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I will be adding the following quote by Charles Darwin, 'The Origin of Species," in the lesson on, "The Desolation of Life on Other Planets."


The Odd Theological (Incorrect) Belief of Darwin

In Genesis 1:20-22 and 24-25 it is very obvious that the species of plants, trees, aquatic animals, the fowls of the air, and the insects and animal species were spoken by God (audibly), into existence. God did not use any form of matter, including the dust of the ground, to create the aquatic, animal, insect, fowl, and animal species. The only species of life on the face of the earth made by the dust of the ground was man: Adam. “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7

Besides his biological scientific errors concerning the cell division of plants, insects, animals and humans, in his book, “The Origin of Species,” Charles Darwin makes an odd theological error in the Genesis account of the creation of the species of the world. In his rambling discourse railing against those who believe in the biblical account of a separate creation of the species of the world, Darwin states, “Under a scientific point of view, and as leading to further investigation, but little advantage is gained by believing that new forms are suddenly developed in an inexplicable manner from old and widely different forms, over the old belief in the creation of species from the dust of the earth.”1 God clearly spoke the plant, aquatic creatures, fowl, and animal, species by audible voice, into existence and man, Adam by the dust of the earth.


1 Darwin, Charles, The Origin of Species, (New York, NY: Penguin Group, 2003), p. 454.



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Natural Selection & Cell Division

The Theory of Evolution depends on the theory of ‘Natural Selection,’ or, ‘The Survival of the Fittest,’ as theorized by Charles Darwin in his book, ‘The Origin of Species.’ ‘Natural Selection,’ or, ‘The Survival of the Fittest,’ is where all species (whether man or animal), adapt to its surroundings, to evolve to a higher form of life and the weakest is destroyed.

We need to explain Darwin's word of ‘segments’ in his theory. ‘Segments’ to Darwin are the segment so a plant, and the internal and external organs, the eyes, the ears, the jaws, the arms and feet, of insects and animals. Thus, in the process of ‘Natural Selection,’ or the evolutionary process: the development of the internal and external organs, arms, legs, of an animal to a person.

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Radiometric dating methods



The official “science” calls the age of the Earth 4,600,000,000 years. It is determined by radiometric dating. Indeed, the age of any item can be determined if it contains radioactive decay products. To do this, conduct a study on the content of a particular isotope with a known half-life. The method is based on comparing two values. It is relatively accurate and reliable for radiocarbon dating, provided:

First, we know what the initial amount of the isotope was in the subject. Its initial amount is determined by indirect methods.

Secondly, the system must always be closed.

Thirdly, the age of the item should not exceed the number of years that have passed since the Flood, because we do not know the decay rate of this isotope before the flood, and the number of isotopes in the environment at that time is unknown. In other words, during the Flood, the “clock” was replaced and a different time was set on it.

Common radiometry methods are:

·         potassium argon (K, Ar)

·         thorium-lead-uranium (U, Th, Pb)

·         carbon-14 (C-14)

For the first time, a carbon isotope was used as a “clock”; it is carbon-14. Any living organism always contains a certain amount of radioactive carbon-14, and it ceases to accumulate with the death of the organism. Thus, radiocarbon dating determines the time of death of the body. The half-life of carbon-14 is 5700 years; and after another 5700 years, half of the remaining atoms of the isotope will decay.

Carbon 14 is formed high in the atmosphere when cosmic rays collide with nitrogen nuclei. But before the flood, the “water” shell protected the Earth from this collision. But when this protection did become unavailable, the amount of carbon isotopes 14 in the environment increased sharply. And this global change in the amount of carbon 14 is not taken into account when dating age. So there is a huge mistake in dating the age. For example, if an object does not contain carbon 14, then it will be determined the age of about a million years, since there is always background radiation; it will be measured. By the way, coal and oil have a very low carbon content of 14.

Can you imagine what fantastic results can be obtained if an isotope with a very long half-life is used in radiometric dating? Potassium 40 has a half-life of 1 billion 238 million years! And it is used in potassium-argon dating. Given that this method is used to date the age of rocks, and is able to give out a fantastic age, it is a convenient tool that helps evolutionists to tailor their data to the desired result. But scientific evidence of evolutionary theory, of course, is not.

The uranium thorium-lead method is based on the conversion of isotopes of uranium 235, uranium 238 and thorium 232 into lead isotopes.

The half-life of uranium-235 is 704 million years.

The half-life of uranium-238 is 4 billion 468 million years.

The half-life of thorium-232 is 14 billion 10 million years.

As you can see, isotopes with unacceptable half-lives are used, which also puts an end to this method, as well as to the previous one. No wonder this method is considered “the gold standard” of geochronology. The half-lives of isotopes in this method fully meet all the requirements of evolutionists. By the way, using this method, a geologist from the University of Chicago, Claire Cameron Patterson, for the first time “accurately determined” the age of the Earth in 1953.

Evolutionists believe that lead is solely a product of the decay of uranium. While, this element received an independent existence simultaneously with uranium. The whole amount of lead in nature is not a decay product at all, as they think. Therefore, they measure the time that was set on the “clock” initially. And in order to see the movement of the hands on such a “clock”, a couple of hundreds of millions of years must pass.



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Life in in the Blood


In order for the cells of mankind to live, to reproduce, to have energy, to carry away waste cells, they must have blood. As the blood circulates throughout the body it provides the cells of the body food, oxygen, and carries away waste. The World Book Encyclopedia states, “BLOOD is the life stream of the human body. This red fluid performs many tasks, and no part of the body can live without it. Blood supplies the cells of the body with the food and oxygen they need for work and growth. It carries waste products to special organs that remove them from the body or break them down into harmless substances. Blood also fights disease germs that enter the body.”[1]  


Thus, the statement made in Leviticus 17:11, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” is a scientifically accurate statement that is repeatable, and observable through modern scientific instruments. From when the statement was first made in 1492 B. C. to 1953 A. D. is 3,445 years. When Moses made the statement that life was in the blood he obtained that information by revelation from God Himself and recorded exactly what God told him. 


Therefore, Moses’ statement concerning that was life was in the blood was scientifically accurate, verifiable, and, through modern scientific interments, observable. And, that Charles Darwin and his theory of,  “Natural Selection,’ and the theory of , ‘adaptation, and cell division, is not scientific and in serious error.



[1] World Book Encyclopedia, 1977 ed. s. v., “Blood.”

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Posted (edited)


On my lesson, "The Earth is Round," based on Isaiah 40:22, posted on October 30, 2015, found on page 1 of this thread, I neglected to mention the first person, Ferdinand Magellan,  whose voyage around the world, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the world is round and thus confirmed the words of the prophet Isaiah. Here is the information on Magellan I will be adding.


Ferdinand Magellan


Ferdinand Magellan, 1480?-1521), was a Portuguese navigator who commanded of the first expedition that sailed around the world. Due to the deterioation of his relationship with the King of Portugal, King Manual 1, Magellan offered his services to the King of Spain, King Charles 1, and thus the expedition was Spanish in nature and not Portuguese. The Magellan expedition of five ships and 240 men set sail from Spain on September 20, 1519. During the round the world expedition Magellan was killed on April 27, 1521 in the island of Mactan, in the Southern Philippines. After his death, the expedition lost four of the five ships for various reason and the fifth ship, the Victoria,  returned to Spain after the around the world expedition on September 6, 1522, commanded by Juan Sebastian del Cano, with only 17 men.


As Magellan was the chief architect of the expedition, and through his skills as a navigator and leader of men, the World Book encyclopedia states, “He was considered by many to be the greatest navigator who ever lived. His voyage provided the first positive proof that the earth was round.”[1] 


True, Observable & Repeatable Science, Proves the Bible


The two-year expedition of Ferdinand Magellan conclusively proved by an observable and repeatable fact, and not by mathematics or theory, that the Earth was round and not flat. Therefore, by scientific observation, and repeatability, science proves the validity of the scriptures as recorded by the prophet Isaiah. The prophet Isaiah could not have stated, “It is he [God] that sitteth upon the circle of the earth ...” unless he had a revelation from God Himself and afterwards that the scriptures were preserved by God as penned by the prophet Isaiah.


[1]World Book Encyclopedia, 1977 ed., s. v. “Ferdinand Magellan.”


Edited by Alan
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“the same day, were al the fountaines of the great deepe broken vp”



The beginning of the Flood of the waters, like the tip of the iceberg, was only the visible part of the global destruction. The invisible part was: destruction of the bowels of the Earth (Earth density change and its volume expansion), weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field, increase in the Earth’s atmosphere and, as a result, pressure reduction, destruction of the Earth’s crust, destruction of the Earth’s outer “water” shell, slowing down of the Earth’s rotation around its axis and its displacement, change of the periods of revolution of the moon around the earth and the Earth around the Sun. But this is far from all; changes have occurred at the atomic level on the scale of the entire Universe.

Water Flood is a prototype of those changes in man that occurred during his fall in the Garden of Eden. Scripture prophetically says: “the same day, were al the fountaines of the great deepe broken vp” (Gen. 7:11). Lucifer and his angels were like a sea that went beyond its borders this day. But the Lord affirmed his determination to him, “set barres and doores, And said, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and heere shall thy proud waues be stayed.” (Job 38: 10,11).

Through this type, Scripture enables us to experience and understand the full extent of this fall. Since then, everything living and nonliving in this world has lost its perfection and degrades, collapses and dies, because death and hell began to reign on Earth. Since then, every person in his life makes a choice: to be saved in the ark in order to have eternal life or perish in the waters of the Flood.

Noah’s ark is a prototype of a heavenly tabernacle that has not yet been built, and also a prototype of God’s protection for every person who loves the truth and understands the fear of the LORD, because “he that doth these things, shall neuer be moued.” (Ps. 14:5).

The waters of the Flood are also a prototype of several events. It shows us the scale of the disaster and the degree of destruction at the time of the fall of man. And also, it is a prototype of the “tempest” during the harvest period, lasting 49 years. Thirdly, it shows us the last day of the Millennium.

Volumetric Expansion of the Earth began with a break in the earth's crust. Its fault occurred due to the onset of physicochemical processes in the bowels of the Earth, which were accompanied by the release of a huge amount of water.

“Scientists have modeled the conditions that are characteristic of the bowels of the Earth, in particular, a temperature of about 1.4 thousand degrees Celsius and a pressure 20 thousand times greater than at the surface of the planet. With these parameters, silicon dioxide contained in the mantle undergoes a chemical reaction with hydrogen, which leads to the formation of water and silicon hydride.” [14]

“ the heauens were of olde, and the earth standing out of the water, and in the water,

Whereby the world that then was, being ouerflowed with water, perished” (2Pet.3:5-6)

The pressure of the water inside broke the crust, its parts are the current continents, islands and continental shelves. Since that time they have been in constant motion, this phenomenon has received the name: continental drift. [15]

Fracture sites of the earth’s crust are preserved as scars on the body. They are clearly visible on the relief map of the bottom of the oceans.




Fountains of red-hot lava interspersed with superheated water vapor were erupting from the cracks of the earth’s crust. Transverse lines of discontinuities indicate that the middle and final stages of the active phase of the Earth’s volume expansion were already finishing under water. Fountains of red-hot lava interspersed with superheated water vapor - these are “the fountaines of the great deepe” (Gen.7:11).




The radius of the Earth before the flood was 3700 km, the radius of the Earth is currently 6371 km. [16]

The processes associated with the expansion of the Earth, decrease slowly, they cannot be completed. We can only talk about the speed of these processes. After the flood, the active phase continued for another three hundred years, and ended only in the days of Peleg’s life (Gen. 10:25). And this means that all this time the water continued to arrive, but already weaker, the mountains continued to grow, but already weaker, and all these processes inside the earth's crust were accompanied by natural disasters - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hail, drought, floods. All these processes, as residual phenomena, continue in our time, but already weakly. They fade for a while, then renew with renewed vigor. The Earth continues to expand. From the faults of the earth's crust, water still continues to flow. But not this factor is the root cause of natural disasters. The root cause is the wickedness of man on Earth. Soon, during the harvest period, these phenomena will resume with renewed vigor. It is noted that, compared with the past, the gap between the tectonic plates of America and Europe is increasing rapidly. [17]

All these processes will be completely stopped only in the future Millennium. And they will resume again, when “Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdome against kingdome” again; Then “great earthquakes shall be in diuers places, and famines, and pestilences: and fearefull sights and great signes shall there be from heauen” (Luke.21:10,11).

The atmosphere of the Earth before the Flood consisted of two shells: the air one and the outer “water” one, because heavens were, like “the earth standing out of the water, and in the water” (2Pet.3:5). The “waters, which were aboue the firmament”, like the glass dome of a greenhouse, created a greenhouse effect, ensuring uniform heating of the Earth. It is only unknown in what physico-chemical state the water was, and by what force this dome was held above the Earth. The “water” shell that collapsed during the Flood was pouring rain “vpon the earth, fortie dayes, and forty nights” (Gen.7:4). By analogy with “the waters, which were vnder the firmament” (Gen. 1:7), one could occur a chemical reaction with the formation of water.

Currently, glass domes are a popular element of modern architecture. To save heat, energy and create a space with a special microclimate, greenhouses, conservatories, gyms and even residential buildings are built under glass domes.

The entire planet had the same subtropical climate, so in all the architectural structures built at that time and preserved to this day, there is no hint of any elements of the heating system. No furnaces were originally planned; all of them were made later by the first settlers after the Flood.

Living conditions before the Flood contributed to human longevity. Judging by the biblical chronology, after the Flood, the life expectancy of people slowly decreased, as can be seen from the years lived. Peleg lived 239 years. The headlight is 205 years old. Abraham is 175 years old. Jacob is 147 years old. What is the reason for a smooth decrease in human life expectancy? After all, the living conditions on earth after the Flood have changed dramatically. The fact is that we estimate the life expectancy of people in the years lived, but we must also take into account the length of the day. So, before the Flood the day was much shorter. And therefore, the main reason for the decrease in years lived was a gradual increase in the length of the day. Substance density reduction of the Earth and its volume expansion during the first centuries after the Flood, was the reason for the slowdown of its rotation around its axis.

So, after the Flood, the living conditions on Earth really worsened, but all these factors had a lesser effect on the human lifespan, expressed in years, than a smooth increase in the length of the day.

The residual effects of this process are still being observed. Earth's rotation speed is still decreasing. Since 1972, 24 seconds have been added.


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