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Where Were You?


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Do you remember where you were the moment you first found out about the tragedy of 9-11-2001?

I was in my Grandma's living room finishing up some homeschool work. My uncle called me and said, "Turn on the tv! They just bombed the twin towers!" I thought he was joking, but then realized he was serious. I'll never forget watching in horror as the tv newscaster was reporting in front of the twin towers as they were on fire and then they collapsed right behind the newscaster. I remember watching stunned and scared for days as the families were searching for their missing loved ones. I was afraid because my pastor and his family were in Somerset, PA when the plane crashed there. Remember how it seemed everyone was turning to the Lord for help and comfort. How soon we all forget.

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I was at work. My boss came in to say she just heard that one of the towers had been hit. We turned on the radio to listen to what was being said. While my boss and a co-worker were back in the kitchen, I heard the announcement of the second tower. I ran back and told them, and I commented then that we were under attack. My boss went home and got a little tv so we could watch it. Then the pentagon and PA...As we were watching, they switched over to Seattle, to Boeing Field. And I was pretty scared for a while - my brother's office is at Boeing Field, and I was worried that the Field might be hit next.

I will never forget the horror I felt. And the overwhelming grief for the families who lost loved ones. For weeks every time I thought about it or read something about it, I would weep. I still do at times. Such a devastating thing to happen.

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I was driving to work in my car (we were a late school) when the first tower got hit. The Christian radio station announced the news...and, I thought, is this a joke? Then, reality set in. When I arrived at work (the school building) everything was so quiet. Usually, teachers are buzzing about this and that. I heard a faint TV down in the teacher's longue. The early arrivals (teachers and staff) were watching in shock...and, no one moved. Since the school is very near Cleveland Hopkins Airport...we had to notify parents to pick up their children if they could. The one plane was routed for Cleveland Hopkins.

I knew I had 2 cousins that worked in the towers. Praise God that my 1st cousin was let-go from his job a month earlier. Whew! My 2nd cousin had stayed with his parents in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. He was going in late to work. He was on the subway...and, he heard everything from below. Needless to say, he said it was the most eerie thing he had ever experienced in his life.

My second-oldest brother lost 1 friend from college. He was such a great guy. What was strange about that...is that his dad died while pulling him from a burning car when he was about 4 or so. The other college friend was the man that carried the pregnant woman down all the flights of stairs. They recorded a song about that...but, he didn't want to be recognized. I remember President Bush would play that video every year after that on the radio.

My husband's cousins live near Somerset, PA. His one cousin drives that way to work. She missed the whole thing.

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I was online on a message board posting about my son's milestone (one of those pregnancy site). I don't think my pregnancy group is around anymore.

Everyone kept telling me to turn on the news. So I did and I was shocked to see what I was seeing.

I began to read a muslim group on the same message board after it happened. They shut down that group too.

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We were doing school at home when my grandmother called us and told us to turn on the news. We were watching live as the second plane flew into the twin tower. It was definitely a scary and sad time. It's still emotional to read about it or listen to a song singing about it that brings back the visuals from that day.

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I was at work-nowhere near a radio or tv and the computer that I sat at had very bad internet service. One of my coworkers came out and said they bombed one of the World Trade Centers. He said it so nonchalantly that I thought he was talking about the bombing in the 90s. Then more people came out and were telling me things. When I found out that the Pentagon had been hit, I got really scared. I guess just because it's the face of our military. I just remember being scared and wanting to be with my boyfriend (who is now my husband). He kept trying to call me at work (I was a receptionist), but all the phone lines were down. He was worried because he couldn't get through. We never did get to see each other that day.
I still get goose bumps and cry sometimes when I think about 9-11. For more reasons than just those we lost that day...so many of my friends from high school (including Jonathan's brother) joined the armed forces because of 9-11. This country has lost some brave young men in these past 7 years fighting for our freedoms and to keep us safe from more attacks.

I've thought since I found out how close my due date was to 9-11 that maybe Asa would be born today (his due date was yesterday). I guess there's still time left in the day.

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I still get goose bumps and cry sometimes when I think about 9-11. For more reasons than just those we lost that day...so many of my friends from high school (including Jonathan's brother) joined the armed forces because of 9-11. This country has lost some brave young men in these past 7 years fighting for our freedoms and to keep us safe from more attacks.
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Aaah, LuAnne. Thanks for posting that picture. I have goosebumps right now...and, I am in tears. I will NEVER, EVER, forget that horrible day. What an extreme, unbelievable, and unbearable tragedy...9-11 was.


Red, white, and blue..."These Colors Don't Run".

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I was feeding my then 4month old and watching Little house on the prarie(an episode I hadn't seen yet no less). Matt called me and told me to put the news on. I couldn't believe it as I saw the second plane hit. I was just at ground zero this summer and it looks like an excavation pit. Like uncovering an ancient ruin city site. We toured the churches that were used as refuges and wow the pictures and things are still up.

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I had just got out of the shower and I was still in the bathroom fixing my hair or something when overheard my parents talking in the living room about some national tragedy, and they had the tv on watching the news. That was pretty weird, since it was a Tuesday morning and my dad was supposed to have a dentist appointment (which got cancelled, because the dentist's daughter was in NYC that day... so the receptionist called my parents to tell them the appt. was cancelled and to turn on the news).

Anyhow, I hurried up and got out of the bathroom because I was pretty anxious to find out what was going on... I was only 13, and I was guessing that maybe the President got shot or something crazy like that. I'm glad THAT didn't happen, but I was shocked when the first thing I saw on the news was people jumping out of the WTC to their death.

We went out to go shopping later that day, and people all over the place were buying American flags and holding up patriotic signs and everything. I've never seen so much patriotism in America before or since that day. It was amazing.

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I was not a Christian yet well a Bible Believer. I was living with my fiance now my husband at the time. We were leaving to go to my Job training place. Then We heard about some planes being Hijacked. Well, we thought it was just a regular hijacked plane that been in the news. Then he dropped me off at Job training. At break time I asked the lunch person if she knew of anything. She said they went to two towers didn't go into details. Then went my husband picked me up he said that the WTC Twin Towers are no more. We went to my doctors appointment and I heard on thier radio the frantic info on there about the towers.
Then we went to Walmart and it was my first glimpse of the videos on the news. They had the recap on at Walmart and I almost went down to my knees. After that I decided to get closer to God.

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About a week after the towers came down I went into the city to pass out tract and witness. I'll never forget seeing the smoke rise and people crying everywhere. I saw fire hoses all over the place (even in abandon cars), and dust was inches deep blocks away. I remember seeing the parking garage with cars from the WTC still sitting in there covered in dust. I have passed out tracts and street preached in NYC many times for a few years now, and that was the only time that people were willing to take multiple tracts to bring home for family members. They were willing to listen to the gospel.
NYC has lost that soft heart. So sad now that they want nothing to do with the gospel. I should have done more back when the hearts were soft.

It makes me mad the memorial has taken so long. :mad:
Anyways if you head into Battery Park in Lower Manhattan, you can see the globe that was at the WTC.

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