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Publicity stunt.

Do you really think the Ruskies don't regularly photograph wherever they like in the US (and other places) whenever they like?

I used to be in the civilian side of this sort of thing, and I can tell you for a certainty that reconnaissance is done by many parties and all parties know about it.

This is a political stunt for your leaders to try to calm down the "tensions" between them and Putin.

They already do it, just without "permission" - sort of like when Dad "doesn't notice" when the kids lick the bowl out........

Sorry - meant to add a couple of smileys.

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I don't care how "tense" things are with Putin; it's the principle of the thing. If they want to make him happy, send him a Christmas card or something. Reminds me of President Bush holding hands with that Muslim sheik, or whoever he was, because it was "their custom"...Well, it ain't ours. . I fully supported Pres. Bush I didn't agree with him holding his nasty hand. :verymad:

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I don't care how "tense" things are with Putin; it's the principle of the thing. If they want to make him happy, send him a Christmas card or something. Reminds me of President Bush holding hands with that Muslim sheik, or whoever he was, because it was "their custom"...Well, it ain't ours. . I fully supported Pres. Bush I didn't agree with him holding his nasty hand. :verymad:


According to the article, it sounds more like this has been prompted by the USA carrying out their own surveillance of Russia under the treaty a month ago. USA exercised their right under the treaty to have a good look at Russian stuff a month ago, so now the Russians are doing it back. If anything, the USA are the users here: I guess they genuinely wanted to check something out a month ago and did, whereas Russia's request could just be tit-for-tat.

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But they have been doing exactly that and more for years.

They and you have had reconnaissance aircraft since the 60's that can fly over without you knowing, and fast enough and high enough that your respective air forces can not intercept them without prior warning - and they can tell from the photos what brand and model of car you drive, what kind of fencing you have around your house, and whether swim in trunks or speeds (if you were in your pool at the time).

And tech has moved on since the 60's......

For an example of the detail available to them, the cameras in the Lockheed SR71 Blackbird were often referred to as capable of seeing a golf ball on a putting green from 12 km up.

And for some of you guys, remember that it is not only the Ruskies that you should be wary of: your own govt has no concerns about being shot down when spying on you............

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Yes, Dave, we know about the "SR71's", "U2's", satellites, drones, "google earth" and all that stuff. I just don't like the idea of any socio/communist/totalitarians in my government, buddying up with the Russkies, the Chinese or whoever.

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