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Mcdonald’S In A Church


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With a McDonald's the congregation can come to church for breakfast before the service and then go right back for dinner after the service. So convenient! After a big McDonald's breakfast some of them could prOBably slip their nap in during the church service if the music doesn't get too loud.


This is better, somewhat, than the few "churches" I've read about (seen a couple on TV) that meet in bars, drinking beer during the service.

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Yay. Because nothing says sinners need Christ and the saved need biblical growth like a Big Mac...


I can see it now.  Altar call is given; people come forward to be dealt with; personal worker "leads someone to the Lord"; asks "do you want fries with that..."

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How about a taxidermy ministry? "Can't afford to bury your loved one? Don't believe in cremation? Bring Grandma Bertha to First United Baptist on the corner of Third and Main and we'll prepare her body in such a manner that you'll be proud to carry her home again where you can continue to enjoy her company for decades..."

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