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Why Meddle?

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Those are the type of people to stay away from.


Thankfully I don't have any in our church acting like this but I have had family act in this manner over the years.

I agree, John.  My church is the same way.  My pastor has it under control, and I don't have to worry about the saints acting this way. My unsaved family is another story sometimes.  It happens in big families.  ;)  

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Half of your prOBlem solved...

I am surprised that someone 'liked' my post.

Thanks Candlelight. It is a bit worrysome to see another person here with the same sense of humor.

...Unless you didn't see it as a joke. That would be cause for even more concern. ;)
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I am surprised that someone 'liked' my post.

Thanks Candlelight. It is a bit worrysome to see another person here with the same sense of humor.

...Unless you didn't see it as a joke. That would be cause for even more concern. ;)

You're welcome, Arbo.  I can have a twisted sense of humor at times.  ;)  I saw it as a joke.  IMO, you are the funniest OB member.  You keep this place real:)  

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Sorry heartstrings.  I got  :puzzled3:.  I has been a long week.

I posted this on Facebook on 4-29-14

"Sadly, yesterday morning 4-28-14, we had to put down our 10 year old Pomeranian, Duke. He has had a history of Epileptic seizures since he was born. He was also having seizures back to back, even on medication. Our vet said that wasn't good, and in time he would have to be put to sleep. Ironically, that is not what killed him. Thursday night, he grabbed a chicken bone out of the garbage, and scarfed it down before I could get it away from him. Since our Lab/Dalmation mix has been gone for 2 1/2 years, Duke had become aggressive with food. He wasn't mean about it, though. He just took over where Dakota left off.  The chicken bone tore up his intestines. Over the weekend, and on Monday morning, we cleaned up blood from his stools all over the house. He wasn't eating and drinking only a bit of water. It was his time to go. Sadly, our 5 year old Maltese, Dusty, misses him terribly. His brother is gone. There is going to be an adjustment period in our house. Dusty went to the groomers today. They always love the groomers. That cheered him up. I also bought him an anxiety jacket, to help deal with the separation. I swaddled him like a baby. He wouldn't go outside by himself, yesterday, b/c he missed his brother. They went outside at the same time. He went outside after the groomers, but is looking around the house for Duke."

Thankfully, today was a wonderful day.  Dusty was less confused today.  I went out to lunch with my son, as we do once a week, and we took Dusty for his walk, as it was not raining.  We finally had a bit of sun today between the raindrops.  I was going to start walking both dogs this week.  Now, we have a singleton.


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Sorry for your loss there Candlelight.  The night one of dogs was killed by a drunkard, as I held his lifeless body we let the other dogs come by and smell him.  Then an hour or so later when we buried him, they were present too.  This way they knew he was dead and where he was buried, they adjusted pretty well considering how close they were to him.

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Sorry for your loss there Candlelight.  The night one of dogs was killed by a drunkard, as I held his lifeless body we let the other dogs come by and smell him.  Then an hour or so later when we buried him, they were present too.  This way they knew he was dead and where he was buried, they adjusted pretty well considering how close they were to him.


Thanks so much, swath:)  Dakota was the first dog I have ever put down.  While I grew up with dogs, my dad was always the one to go to the vet to put them to sleep along with my sister.  I never had the heart.  Putting Dakota down was difficult.  Duke's death was the same.  Dusty is doing fine, except he is still looking around the house for Duke when I let him in from outside.  His anxiety coat (Thunder Jacket) is helping him.  I swaddle him like a baby.  While at my in-laws this week, I told my family about the cool Thunder Jacket.  My single BIL asked me if they made one for humans b/c he certainly needed one for his stress.   :nuts: I wouldn't be surprised if they make one for humans soon.  The vets, groomers, etc. (animal community) know more about these kinds of things than our good doctors.

Oh, swath!  Killed by a drunkard?  How terrible.  That was a good idea.  I wanted to bury Duke in the backyard, but my hubby was concerned that Dusty might dig up his body.  He thought we would see Duke's dead carcass in the middle of the backyard one day.   :o    Dusty is a digger like Dakota was at that age.  He kills small rodents in our backyard.  We love it b/c he keeps them out of our garden.  I am confident he will adjust soon.  Thanks again for your post.        

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The last dog I remember getting upset over was our little terrier "Terry" which got run over when I was about 12. I cried my eyes out. When my wife's lab/shepherd cross needed put down, my pastor offered to do it (shoot) because I couldn't. He goes ".it won't bother me a bit" ....but when HIS dog needed it, he couldn't do it either. :) The last dog I had put down was my son's brindled "cur" which bit our pastor's little boy in the abdomen. I had my BIL 'put it down'. I do not make excuses for or take chances with aggressive dogs. Who turned this into another 'dog thread" anyway?

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Yeah, the toughest thing I ever did was put down our Peeps, a 15+ year old Chihuahua.  I'd found her skin and bones years and years before in an industrial park and brought her home and she became family.  She was a loyal friend and fierce protector of babies.


About a year after I found Peeps, Gurmin ran across six lanes of traffic in front of me.  I blocked traffic with my car and brought that little hairless (because she was so young) Chihuahua home too.  I think she died of a broken heart about a year later, I couldn't go through that again so my Mom and sister put her down.  By the time these doggies passed, I already moved out, married and had a family of my own.


I'm beyond grateful that the Lord has given us these loyal companions! 

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The last dog I remember getting upset over was our little terrier "Terry" which got run over when I was about 12. I cried my eyes out. When my wife's lab/shepherd cross needed put down, my pastor offered to do it (shoot) because I couldn't. He goes ".it won't bother me a bit" ....but when HIS dog needed it, he couldn't do it either. :) The last dog I had put down was my son's brindled "cur" which bit our pastor's little boy in the abdomen. I had my BIL 'put it down'. I do not make excuses for or take chances with aggressive dogs. Who turned this into another 'dog thread" anyway?

I can see why you are a sheep herder, heart.  I didn't know you grew up with animals.  That is usually how it goes with people who own pets and have never put one down.  Many are not compassionate until they have to put one down (shoot) their own one day.  I don't "make excuses" or "take chances" with "aggressive dogs", either.  If a dog needs to be put down for being aggressive?  Put that dog down, by all means.  Sadly, as I mentioned in another thread, just like many people shouldn't be parents, many shouldn't own a dog.  I accidently turned this into a dog thread.  Sorry about that.


Yeah, the toughest thing I ever did was put down our Peeps, a 15+ year old Chihuahua.  I'd found her skin and bones years and years before in an industrial park and brought her home and she became family.  She was a loyal friend and fierce protector of babies.


About a year after I found Peeps, Gurmin ran across six lanes of traffic in front of me.  I blocked traffic with my car and brought that little hairless (because she was so young) Chihuahua home too.  I think she died of a broken heart about a year later, I couldn't go through that again so my Mom and sister put her down.  By the time these doggies passed, I already moved out, married and had a family of my own.


I'm beyond grateful that the Lord has given us these loyal companions! 

Poor Peeps, swath.   :(  It is so heartbreaking when a person owns a dog for that long.  All three of my dogs are/were loyal friends and protector of babies.  They love/ed babies and children.  We made sure of it.  Just like people, a dog can die of a broken heart.  For example, the man that does my hair said that his parents had two dogs when he was growing up.  The older dog was a Boarder Collie and the other one was a Sheltie.  When the Boarder Collie died, the Sheltie passed on, several months later of a broken heart.

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