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Heaven Is For Real


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I see they have made a movie based upon the book. I recall when this book first came out, and another similar book, so many Christians were all excited and talking about it. Well, I'm hearing much the same from all these Christians excited to go see this movie.


Back when the book was being talked about all over I checked it out from our library during the summer reading session. While I agree the book is well written, has some very excellent and dramatic moments, there are so many unbiblical aspects I couldn't then and don't now understand how so many Christians can believe this, speak highly of it and recommend it to others.


While it's been some time since I read the book, there were unbiblical things regarding angels, aspects of heaven and supposed conversations in heaven and/or with angels.


The ignorance of so many Christians along with the willingness of those who know better to simply ignore the unbiblical aspects and praise the book (and now the movie) and recommend it as great for Christians is astounding.

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I noticed they are doing a remake of the original "Left Behind" movie with big name Hollywood actors that's going to focus on the immediate time after millions disappear and the world is in chaos. From what I've read, the movies will be far more about sensationalism than anything else.


I agree, there seems to be no end to huge crowds of Christians ready to flock to any movie with any hint of Christianity about it.

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Pastors don't know the truth, they can't preach the truth they themselves don't know, making millions learn their quasi-Christian thinking. Anything that's mention about God or Jesus is automatically deemed Biblical and reliable to so many Christians that they don't know real truth or how to spot imitations. So many churches, people don't bring their Bibles, as long as the pastor says he's quoting from the Bible that's close enough. Never mind checking it out for themselves to make sure it matches up. So many churches are just social programs or a Sunday habit that never really inspires or challenges, but people are happy that way. Especially if they grew up that way.

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I have the pdf of the book.  I believe Todd Burpo, though he is not willing to admit it, coaxed his son Colton on some things he allegedly experienced.  Other things, I believe are the product of Colton's overactive imagination.

Rainbow horse?  PrOBably a recollection of StarBrite or some such cartoon the boy watched.  I dunno.  But the Bible says Jesus rides a white horse, so I highly doubt his favorite is rainbow colored.  LOL

Everybody has wings, except Jesus? Jesus just "goes up and down like an escalator.  hmmm.  No mention of the people John saw in Revelation having wings.  Nor of Paul's account in his second epistle to the Church at Corinth.

So many other things that are contrary to what we read in the Bible.  Looks like Burpo's Church is really into fantasy and less interested in fact.

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Too many Christians, including many pastors, are looking for the sensational. They grasp at that which evokes strong emotion and "feelings". Basing Christianity upon experiences is so dangerous because the feelings of experience don't last and this leads to a constant search for more and new experiences.


What is truly reliable, what the Word of God says, or the supposed experiences of a little boy?


If the experience this boy, or anyone else relates, doesn't agree with Scripture it should be rejected.

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From what I've heard and read, the movie is even worse than the book. While the book at least attempts to attach some Scripture to things the boy claims to have seen in heaven (though in many cases the Scripture must be greatly stretched to try and make it fit), it seems in the movie they don't bother. This leaves us with a movie that gives the impression that good people go to heaven, a profession of faith in Christ isn't necessary, and all of us who go to heaven will most likely see all our family and loved ones there; after all God is love.


Countless thousands will see this movie and believe what they see. Christians who don't bother to read their Bibles and non-Christians alike will take this movie as truth and spread the message of this movie as truth. Thus will many hearts be made all the more closed to the Gospel because they will be clinging to the false hope of being good enough to go to heaven.


While it's no wonder non-Christians would be quick to look to a movie for "truth" about heaven rather than read a Bible; why are there so many Christians who do the same?


Even as recently as this week I was speaking with some long-time Christians who still have no regular Bible reading time. Most of them rarely read their Bible outside of church and the others only do so occasionally. These are people who have been Christians for decades and yet when something is mentioned from Scripture (outside of a common Bible story) they typically react by asking, "Is that really in the Bible?".


If the opportunity comes before us, may we be prepared to share the Gospel and the biblical truth about heaven and who will be there and why.

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From what I've heard and read, the movie is even worse than the book. While the book at least attempts to attach some Scripture to things the boy claims to have seen in heaven (though in many cases the Scripture must be greatly stretched to try and make it fit), it seems in the movie they don't bother. This leaves us with a movie that gives the impression that good people go to heaven, a profession of faith in Christ isn't necessary, and all of us who go to heaven will most likely see all our family and loved ones there; after all God is love.


Countless thousands will see this movie and believe what they see. Christians who don't bother to read their Bibles and non-Christians alike will take this movie as truth and spread the message of this movie as truth. Thus will many hearts be made all the more closed to the Gospel because they will be clinging to the false hope of being good enough to go to heaven.


While it's no wonder non-Christians would be quick to look to a movie for "truth" about heaven rather than read a Bible; why are there so many Christians who do the same?


Even as recently as this week I was speaking with some long-time Christians who still have no regular Bible reading time. Most of them rarely read their Bible outside of church and the others only do so occasionally. These are people who have been Christians for decades and yet when something is mentioned from Scripture (outside of a common Bible story) they typically react by asking, "Is that really in the Bible?".


If the opportunity comes before us, may we be prepared to share the Gospel and the biblical truth about heaven and who will be there and why.

This reminds me of the movie End of the Spear which was based on the missionary work and deaths of Nate Saint, Jim Eliot and three other missionaries while trying to get the gospel to a tribe in South America. The movie not one time mentioned the name of Jesus Christ and had a homosexual playing the lead role of Nate Saint (the pilot) while making Jim Eliot (the leader of the group) look like a crazy bible thumper who played a minor role in the mission. 

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Good point ASOD. Hollywood and even supposed "Christian" film makers have a bad habit of taking a Christian story and turning it into simplistic, even worldly entertainment.


On top of this travesty, is the great tragedy of so many Christian pastors and "leaders" who heavily endorse these movies and either ignore the bad points or gloss them over.


Somehow many Christians have reached the point where they believe any movie with even the remotest connection to Christianity is the greatest of things going. Anyone remember how Hollywood promoted the new Superman movie to Christians and how many Christian pastors and leaders took the bait and endorsed the movie and Superman as being "symbolically Christian"?

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Pastors don't know the truth, they can't preach the truth they themselves don't know, making millions learn their quasi-Christian thinking. Anything that's mention about God or Jesus is automatically deemed Biblical and reliable to so many Christians that they don't know real truth or how to spot imitations. So many churches, people don't bring their Bibles, as long as the pastor says he's quoting from the Bible that's close enough. Never mind checking it out for themselves to make sure it matches up. So many churches are just social programs or a Sunday habit that never really inspires or challenges, but people are happy that way. Especially if they grew up that way.

Amen Miss Daisy, most of these folks don't carry a bible to church so how they gonna know if what the pastor says is true or not 'if they don't read scripture with him.

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A friend invited me to watch the passion with him, after it was over I ask him how could so many Christians be raving that its such a great movie and how could it be that so many are getting because of the movie ?  but what do you expect out of Mel Gibson a devoted catholic.    

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Anyone remember this boy? Marjoe Gortner.


I am afraid how they are using this other boy, he's going to turn out like Marjoe, (Named for Mary and Joseph), who is a Christ rejecter and a mocker today. All his impressions of the Lord were from his being raised by parents who were conmen, and raised him to be so. So to him, there was no Jesus, just a convenient way to make money of the foolish masses of 'believers'. Little Colton Burpo will prOBably grow up much the same way.


Millstone, folks...millstone.

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A local church is taking a bus load of jr. high youth, and perhaps the high school youth also, to see this movie. The only thing I can see coming from such a trip is confusion for the youth or instilling in them false teachings.


Where is the discernment in church leadership these days?

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Where is the discernment in church leadership these days?


How does one have discernment when they love the world more than they love God?  Rejecting separation, worldly rock-n-roll churches, MVs, etc. there's just more and more foolishness, no discernment.

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