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Cowboy Churches


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There was actually an interesting discussion on this a few years back - I can't find the thread, though.  There were people that had gone to some who said that the ones they went to were too inclusive of the world, and there were others who had gone to some (in other parts of the country) that were biblical.  So, my guess would be that it would depend on each church, kinda like even IFB churches.

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What in the world is a Cowboy Church?  Sounds like a gimmicky business model to me. But I have no experience here, I've just never heard of anything like it.

They are actually pretty much what they sound like - they are churches that are set in the cowboy culture. Basically church for cowboys, with a western emphasis. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, if the Bible is taught.  I do know of folks who believe they are called specifically to work with cowboys - and this is one way to reach them.  As long as the Bible is taught rightly.

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Some Cowboy Churches are more traditional in their approach while others are more modernistic; as LuAnne pointed out.


If memory serves, these came out of the rodeo circuit and have expanded since then.


Most who attend, including the pastor, wears cowboy attire (typically blue jeans, cowboy boots, western style shirt, bolo ties, and in some cases cowboy hats).


There is a Cowboy Church service that is aired on TV around here. The pastor wears a cowboy hat the whole time, as do many in the congregation. That's not in accord with Scripture.


I've heard some cowboy preachers who preach solid Bible, and I've heard some that preach more of a watered down or even motivational style sermon.

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Hey has anyone ever been to these Cowboy churches?


There is one near my home in Madison Heights and we saw another up near Culpeper(sp?) VA.


I was wondering what they are like and what they teach.

I know Madison Heights. I go through there when I go visit my mother in Lynchburg.

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How much snow did you get?  We only got an inch...thankfully!

so far 6 inches and it is still coming down like a blanket.  They were only expecting a couple of inches.  I guess we have really messed up our earths system with global warming.


BTW Rush Limbaugh has had a countdown to the global fire that is to take place according to Al Gore he said in ten years and according to the countdown clock there is a little over a year left.

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so far 6 inches and it is still coming down like a blanket.  Ugh! They were only expecting a couple of inches.  I guess we have really messed up our earths system with global warming. Bwahaha!


BTW Rush Limbaugh has had a countdown to the global fire that is to take place according to Al Gore he said in ten years and according to the countdown clock there is a little over a year left. Well, since Gore was so badly wrong on the arctic ice being gone by 2013, I'm not too worried!  heheheheh

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