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Does The Path To Unity Lead To Rome?


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Unity of professing Christians? You're joking!


Every church leader is head of his own domain, whatever size it is. All the different charismatic groupings have their leaders, apostles, prophets, etc. They recognise each other to sell their books & CDs & sermons, but they are not going to put themselves under another leader. MY healings are genuine - if you can't see that, it's YOUR lack of faith.


They may all believe the same lies, but they will not unite - I want to make disciples from YOUR members - & collect THEIR tithes. MY name is too important for it to be under yours.


Is there a Gospel church in the area? Set up a rival church - it's easier to collect potential members by entertaining them than by faithful preaching. That IFB church is small & insignificant - let's hit the town!


The way forward is independency of churches linked by Gospel fellowship & cooperation.

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Our local Baptist church joins with inter-church processions of witness - with RCs & others. We don't.


You can meet with others & seemingly find a measure of Gospel agreement, but then they meet with RCs, & presumably find a measure of agreement with them also.

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I have no intention of starting a thread on "Replacement Theology", Covenanter.  I don't like John Calvin and will never subscribe to his theories.  I have said this before, but when my son lived with his dad in North Carolina, a Calvinist teenager asked him to go to his church.  He went.  Afterwards, my son called crying, "saying John Calvin is a mean man."  My SIL's brother is also a Calvinist.  He is a real piece of work.  I had to unfriend him on Facebook, for what he was saying to the Jews on my Timeline.  I want no "unity" with Calvinists.  Unity with a Calvinist is like unity with Rome.

I am also a Jew by birth.  My mom and I did the geneology on her mom's family, years ago.  Preterism really bothers me.  Your posts make me cringe.  You believe God is done with the Jews.  Growing up in the RCC was nauseating for me.  Whether you know it or not, you are yoking with the RCC with your preterist views, as the Romans took down the temple in 70 A.D.    


I have been to the Calvin museum in Noyon, France, where Calvin was born. It was very interesting.  It is in what is called Calvin's house, which of course it is not because the papists razed it to the ground.  It was the Germans in WW1 who said they discovered the spot where he was born and built the current house.  While there I bought a very interesting book about the wars of religion in France.  It is heartbreaking to read what Christians suffered in for several hundred years..  

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I have been to the Calvin museum in Noyon, France, where Calvin was born. It was very interesting.  It is in what is called Calvin's house, which of course it is not because the papists razed it to the ground.  It was the Germans in WW1 who said they discovered the spot where he was born and built the current house.  While there I bought a very interesting book about the wars of religion in France.  It is heartbreaking to read what Christians suffered in for several hundred years..  


I don't care to know anything else about John Calvin, Invicta.  Thanks, anyway.

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