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Higher Ed


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Just a little reminder to those of you who might have children and are considering sending them to college.

Considering the costs and the odds it might be best to instruct them not to go into debt.  It could haunt them the rest of their lives.




God bless,


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Good article. I have to pay a minimum of $538 a month in student loans, and I am paying above that to get rid of them faster. With my income, I am able to comfortable pay them since I am single, but if I had a family, it would be a challenge. I feel for Chefs who are making minimum wage and have a lot of student loan debt.

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My wife was a registered nurse when we got married and brought in somewhere over $500/mo in student loan bills. They weren't that big of a deal when we were both working, but now that she's a stay-at-home wife/mom it's somewhat constrictive. Luckily I went to school on scholarships, but I can only imagine what kind of mess we'd be in if I took on student loans too. It's definitely best to avoid them if at all possible.

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The best "higher ed" is rereading your KJV Bible and having the Holy Ghost teach you something new every time!


That being said, my eldest is about to start school soon and is going to PCC where the plan is for her to graduate in 5 years debt free.  


Modern public education is getting more and more expensive because of government intervention and all one gets from it is further away from God and cheated out of his money, being left behind by those taught things the old way through the prism of God and his Creation.

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That's bad.

There are options for some, depending on the subject studied and whether you're willing to be creative! I took a technical school diploma without any debt or presavings by living at home (Mom & Dad's contribution), working part-time (to pay for classes) and doing it all online (my college was a brick-and-mortar school in Ontario).

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