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Christians That Are Falling Easy Into This World Traps...

The Glory Land

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10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.

No, I think they blew through all the wine and we're running out
And if you think that is not the character of your Lord, you have to decide who you are following. Because if you create a god in your own image, the Jesus of the Bible can be downright scandalous!

Your position on this passage appears to be that they were all drunk and that the Lord provided them more booze - now even you are not arguing that drunkenness is OK - but they were all drunk and Jesus gave them more booze to compound their sin........... then Yes that most definitely IS AGAINST the character of Jesus.
That Jesus is promoting sinfulness.
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Your position on this passage appears to be that they were all drunk and that the Lord provided them more booze - now even you are not arguing that drunkenness is OK - but they were all drunk and Jesus gave them more booze to compound their sin........... then Yes that most definitely IS AGAINST the character of Jesus.
That Jesus is promoting sinfulness.

'Well Drunk" Strongs #3184  methyo= to be drunken

What does Scripture say? do you believe the Bible? or is that what your pastor taught you?

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Let's not get snide...my earlier admonition includes jibes like this.


Let's not get snide...my earlier admonition includes jibes like this.

I wasnt being snide Luanne, too many Christians look to pastor to explain everything to them instead of reading and praying for themselves. My attitude is not to insult but to encourage brothers and sisters to look for themselves

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You agree that to be drunk is sinful?

You indicate that the people at the wedding were all drunk?

You further suggest that the wine Jesus made was alcoholic?

If all these are what you are suggesting then the only conclusion that one can come to is that Jesus not only approved of drunkenness, but assisted in the continuation of that sin, and in fact encouraged it.

Now since Jesus Christ did no sin, the above understanding of the situation is absolutely at odds with the sinless character of my Lord.

That is not even an argument against drinking of alcohol, but to suggest the above understanding makes Jesus a party and encouragement to the sin of drunkenness.

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You agree that to be drunk is sinful?

You indicate that the people at the wedding were all drunk?

You further suggest that the wine Jesus made was alcoholic?

If all these are what you are suggesting then the only conclusion that one can come to is that Jesus not only approved of drunkenness, but assisted in the continuation of that sin, and in fact encouraged it.

Now since Jesus Christ did no sin, the above understanding of the situation is absolutely at odds with the sinless character of my Lord.

That is not even an argument against drinking of alcohol, but to suggest the above understanding makes Jesus a party and encouragement to the sin of drunkenness.

What does the Scripture say? can you answer that please?

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1 Pet 2
 21  For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: note

 22  Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:

Now apply that to your passage and see how Jesus encouraging drunkeness fits in.

Scripture sheds light on your incorrect understanding - Jesus would not, could not encourage and promote sinfulness, and drunkenness is sin.

If you can not understand this then I will leave you to it.

I would though like to know why my earlier definition of liberty was unacceptable?

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1 Pet 2
 21  For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: note

 22  Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:

Now apply that to your passage and see how Jesus encouraging drunkeness fits in.

Then if Jesus made alcoholic wine, then alcohol must be Ok




If you can not understand this then I will leave you to it.

I would though like to know why my earlier definition of liberty was unacceptable?

I looked for it and I couldnt find it copy me in again, Im sorry Dave

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Jesus did not make alcoholic wine. If He had made alcoholic wine, He would have disqualified Himself from being the sinless and spotless Lamb needed to atone for our sins.

Your right SFIC, He is perfect,...so If He is perfect and He made wine(oinos)Strongs 3631, then you have to assume, alcohol is ok, 

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You are assuming the wine was alcoholic... it was not. To make alcohol, that which the Word of God states has the propensity to deceive man, that which God says not even to look upon, would disqualify Christ as your needed sin sacrifice.

Seems to me you'd rather look to a sinful man than a sinless Savior.

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Is there any real point to this thread or is it stuck on replay?


The thread goes from "Jesus made alcoholic wine" to "Jesus did not make alcoholic wine" to "it's okay for Christians to drink alcoholic wine" to "it's not okay for Christians to drink alcoholic wine".

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You are assuming the wine was alcoholic..it was, look at my other posts

. it was not. To make alcohol, that which the Word of God states has the propensity to deceive man, that which God says not even to look uponSolomon wrote it in Proverbs, not a thus saith the Lord,

would disqualify Christ as your needed sin sacrifice. It does not

Seems to me you'd rather look to a sinful man than a sinless Savior. It seems to me that you are more influenced not by Scripture or church history, but rather teaching of men

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