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Merry Christmas


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Not a merry Christmas for everyone.  After 2 days of severe gales and torrential rain, falling on ground that was waterlogged from the previous few weeks of heavy rain, over 50,000 across Southern England are without electricity, and in Leatherhead, some are not only without electricity, their homes are flooded by the River Mole which overflowed its banks.  We only suffered minor damage with several fence panels down and ½ doz panes in my greenhouse broken and the door blown off.  


We had fine weather this morning with sunshine, but just after I returned from our service at midday, we had heavy rain for about an hour or so, then bright sun.


We were planning to go to our daughter's for lunch, but my wife has had a stomach bug for the since Monday so we stayed at home.  I had to think of something quick, so I had stir fried vegetables with some chopped turkey from the freezer.  I made some crème brûlée , not genuine ones, but from a packet.  Made in New Zealand, not France. Will have one later, with some fruit.  


So it is not all bad.


PS.  They say we will have more storms by the weekend.

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