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Vatican Claims To Have Peter's Bones? Shroud Of Turin Real?

Miss Daisy

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Why do they kiss his ring?

It is their outward expression of their worship and adoration for and to him.



Yes, they kiss the pope's ring.  And, "it is an outward expression of their worship and adoration to him."  Not many Roman Catholics know much about the RCC.  It is massive confusion, in those churches, and in the Vatican.  Many people don't know what to believe.  Praise the Lord!  As Jack Chick calls it, "A Smokescreen."  I take my time to witness to those RC's who have falling away from the religion and those who are open to the gospel.  Many are so deceived.   They can't see the sinister Vatican as it has been operating since 312-313 A.D., under the pagan Roman Emperor, Constantine.  Below is a site that some Catholics go to.  It explains why the pope is called "The Vicar of Christ" or the representative of Christ on earth.  It is very sad and deceptive at the same time.



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Your welcome.
But seriously - even if it was the actual cloth, well so what?
It was just a bit of cloth then, it would still just be a bit of cloth.
If it was Peter's bones, so what? It is just a lump of calcium and bits.

The bits of cross that they reckon the have are just old bits of wood.(And if all the bits of cross were stuck back together it would make one massive cross....)

The thing is, there is nothing mystical or magical in inanimate objects.
It is the Holy Spirit of God that guides, protects, and keeps us.



Its so sad that the Catholics do not feel that way, it seem they put their trust in many things but the right thing, for them Jesus is just no enough.

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It used to be much worse than that.  I went to mass once with a friend in 1960.  The priest was dipping the crackers in the wine

and putting the soggy mass on the tongues with his bare hand, transferring saliva from one parishoner to another.


And that's sicking.

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It used to be much worse than that.  I went to mass once with a friend in 1960.  The priest was dipping the crackers in the wine

and putting the soggy mass on the tongues with his bare hand, transferring saliva from one parishoner to another.


Is that any worse than haveing one cup at communion?

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That used to be the norm. Some still do that today, but only a few. Most churches have the individual little cups that only themselves and whoever prepared them may have touched.


I am a little confused, Brother John.  "Most churches?"  Do you mean any church or the RCC?  If you are referring to the RCC, they use a gold or silver cup to administer communion.  Not all people take part in the drinking of wine, from the cup though, as the lay person or priest serving the cup, wipes off the germs with a white towel before giving it to another person.  They do take the "host" or round piece, which the RCC says is the "Body of Christ."  I will caution people, that many people in the RCC don't believe in "Transubstantiation" though.  In fact, I didn't know what it was until I came to the IFB church.  And, I was a member of the RCC until my mid thirties.  The evangelist that lead me to the Lord, is shocked that many Roman Catholics don't know what the whole "communion" thing in the RCC is.  That is why it is so very important to witness to the people of the RCC.  However, just give them the word of God, and let Jesus do the rest.  Once you start bashing the RCC, even though these people don't know what you are talking about... it is still the religion of their birth.  It sickens me when people of other faiths go about witnessing to the RCC people in such a way.  What saves a person?  The word of God.  That is it.  Let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

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I am a little confused, Brother John.  "Most churches?"  Do you mean any church or the RCC?  If you are referring to the RCC, they use a gold or silver cup to administer communion.  Not all people take part in the drinking of wine, from the cup though, as the lay person or priest serving the cup, wipes off the germs with a white towel before giving it to another person.  They do take the "host" or round piece, which the RCC says is the "Body of Christ."  I will caution people, that many people in the RCC don't believe in "Transubstantiation" though.  In fact, I didn't know what it was until I came to the IFB church.  And, I was a member of the RCC until my mid thirties.  The evangelist that lead me to the Lord, is shocked that many Roman Catholics don't know what the whole "communion" thing in the RCC is.  That is why it is so very important to witness to the people of the RCC.  However, just give them the word of God, and let Jesus do the rest.  Once you start bashing the RCC, even though these people don't know what you are talking about... it is still the religion of their birth.  It sickens me when people of other faiths go about witnessing to the RCC people in such a way.  What saves a person?  The word of God.  That is it.  Let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

I have been to several baptist churches that use one cup, both here in England and in France.


There was a baptist pastor in the next town, that believed in transubstantiation.  My wife picked it up from his sermon, although I missed it as I was thinking about an earlier remark that he made, that communion was the oldest tradition in the church.  On the way out she said "I didn't realize that you baptists believed in transubatantiation."  To which he replied "Well, you live and learn."  

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In a recent news article, the Vatican has opened viewing of an urn supposedly holding Peter's bones/ashes. Is there any validity to this? I was Catholic awhile and never heard this! Also, any validity to the Shroud of Turin?

If you believe this I have some prime real estate I want to sell to you.  Beachfront property in Ohio. :D

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I am a little confused, Brother John.  "Most churches?"  Do you mean any church or the RCC?  If you are referring to the RCC, they use a gold or silver cup to administer communion.  Not all people take part in the drinking of wine, from the cup though, as the lay person or priest serving the cup, wipes off the germs with a white towel before giving it to another person.  They do take the "host" or round piece, which the RCC says is the "Body of Christ."  I will caution people, that many people in the RCC don't believe in "Transubstantiation" though.  In fact, I didn't know what it was until I came to the IFB church.  And, I was a member of the RCC until my mid thirties.  The evangelist that lead me to the Lord, is shocked that many Roman Catholics don't know what the whole "communion" thing in the RCC is.  That is why it is so very important to witness to the people of the RCC.  However, just give them the word of God, and let Jesus do the rest.  Once you start bashing the RCC, even though these people don't know what you are talking about... it is still the religion of their birth.  It sickens me when people of other faiths go about witnessing to the RCC people in such a way.  What saves a person?  The word of God.  That is it.  Let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

I have been to several baptist churches that use one cup, both here in England and in France.


There was a baptist pastor in the next town, that believed in transubstantiation.  My wife picked it up from his sermon, although I missed it as I was thinking about an earlier remark that he made, that communion was the oldest tradition in the church.  On the way out she said "I didn't realize that you baptists believed in transubatantiation."  To which he replied "Well, you live and learn."  



Oy!  That's certainly very different than the States, Invicta.  A Baptist pastor who believed in "transubstantiation"?  Maybe he was a RC priest in disguise.  Nothing surprises me with the Vatican.  Near the founding of America, the Vatican sent in Jesuits, to the USA to completely take over Christianity.  They wanted Catholicism to flourish in America, as it had in Europe.  Control was the goal.  They sent secret Vatican spies to big cities like New York, Boston, Cleveland, Chicago, and Los Angeles, to name only a few.  They were quite successful, as well.  These large cities in the USA are filled with Roman Catholic churches.  

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Oy!  That's certainly very different than the States, Invicta.  A Baptist pastor who believes in "transubstantiation"?  Maybe he was a RC priest in disguise.  Nothing surprises me with the Vatican.  Near the founding of America, the Vatican sent in Jesuits, to the USA to completely take over Christianity.  They wanted Catholicism to flourish in America, as it had in Europe.  Control was the goal.  They sent secret Vatican spies to big cities like New York, Boston, Cleveland, Chicago, and Los Angeles, to name only a few.  They were quite successful, as well.  These large cities in the USA are filled with Roman Catholic churches.  

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I am a little confused, Brother John.  "Most churches?"  Do you mean any church or the RCC?  If you are referring to the RCC, they use a gold or silver cup to administer communion.  Not all people take part in the drinking of wine, from the cup though, as the lay person or priest serving the cup, wipes off the germs with a white towel before giving it to another person.  They do take the "host" or round piece, which the RCC says is the "Body of Christ."  I will caution people, that many people in the RCC don't believe in "Transubstantiation" though.  In fact, I didn't know what it was until I came to the IFB church.  And, I was a member of the RCC until my mid thirties.  The evangelist that lead me to the Lord, is shocked that many Roman Catholics don't know what the whole "communion" thing in the RCC is.  That is why it is so very important to witness to the people of the RCC.  However, just give them the word of God, and let Jesus do the rest.  Once you start bashing the RCC, even though these people don't know what you are talking about... it is still the religion of their birth.  It sickens me when people of other faiths go about witnessing to the RCC people in such a way.  What saves a person?  The word of God.  That is it.  Let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

I have been to several baptist churches that use one cup, both here in England and in France.


There was a baptist pastor in the next town, that believed in transubstantiation.  My wife picked it up from his sermon, although I missed it as I was thinking about an earlier remark that he made, that communion was the oldest tradition in the church.  On the way out she said "I didn't realize that you baptists believed in transubatantiation."  To which he replied "Well, you live and learn."  



Never seen such a thing in a Baptist teaching Baptist Church.


And as for the false teachers, no telling what they may do, no matter what name they may go by.

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Never seen such a thing in a Baptist teaching Baptist Church.


And as for the false teachers, no telling what they may do, no matter what name they may go by.


I haven't either, Jerry.  I am just as surprised as you are.  Jesuit spies?  I put nothing past the unholy Vatican.  With the Vatican?  Anything is possible.  :runforhills:   I must say, that when I witness to the RCC people, I don't hold back the sinister role the Vatican has played and will play in the history of the world.  I have found that many in the RCC could care less about the Vatican, anyway.  I have talked with many in the RCC that didn't like the last pope or this one.  God gives a chance to witness to them, with this open door.

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